Chapter 113 Volunteering

Hearing Xu Ling's words, Chen Yun glanced at her. This little girl is not simple. She can know so much just by taking her pulse. If she hadn't known about it in advance, and seeing that the person in front of her was full of gray aura, she really wouldn't have been able to. Judgment.

Shen Yun didn't know if other cultivators could see the qi on some people's bodies. Anyway, according to observation, the few people nearby who said they were practicing qi on the first and second levels didn't seem to see it.

Shen Yun was speechless.

"The follow-up treatment issues will be left to the police first. Let's go check on the next one first. Put the stone statue into an isolation box to see if it can ease the isolation between him and the person behind him. We will handle it together when we get out." Zhang Qing'an Said quickly.

This time they brought a lot of things, and Shen Yun saw them take out a small black box directly from the backpack and carefully put the palm-sized stone statue into it. It seemed that he had been prepared before coming here.

Before going out, Chen Yun looked at the pale woman with slanted eyes and a slanted face in front of him. With a move of his hand, her mouth opened a crack. Shen Yun swept his palm and five drops of spiritual spring water dripped down.

I can only help so much. For a seriously ill person, it's not that I don't want to give up the spiritual spring water, but that her body can't bear more water.

  He followed everyone and walked directly out of the door.

"The patient inside needs you to make arrangements." When Shen Yun came out, he heard Zhang Qing'an explaining the matter.

“Okay, don’t worry, we will contact the family and send the person to the hospital.” Huang Bin nodded.

Seeing them turning around and about to continue working, Shen Yun quickly stopped them, "Officer Huang, this is the list we recorded. Could you please call all these people over and gather them together, and bring the stone statues they enshrine together?" "Based on the current situation, it's probably too late for us to run away one by one." Shen Yun didn't know whether the stone statue was absorbing essence quickly or slowly, but now the first connection line was broken by himself. If someone can really control this, they must have alerted the enemy.

Huang Bin took the list and looked at it, his brows furrowed unconsciously. There were many mountainous areas near their place. Although the people on Shen Yun's list didn't live too far away, almost most of them lived in the mountains. .

It is not easy to gather these people together quickly. Moreover, if there is a situation like the person in the house, it is even more difficult to take people out of the mountain.

"We'll try our best, but I can't guarantee that we can complete this task today, but it will definitely be possible tomorrow." Huang Bin said with assurance. They are a small public security bureau with only ten people including civilians. They want to complete this matter quickly. He had to go down quickly and borrow people from other places.

"I remember that there are troops stationed nearby. I can ask them for help. Let's talk about special department emergencies." Zhang Qing'an said at the side, "Yuen Long, you and the public security comrades go to handle this matter. You must gather all the people here this afternoon. A deserted place under the mountain.

 After we finish running through these two villages, we will go straight down the mountain. "Although Zhang Qing'an is old, he knows a lot of things. Anyway, Shen Yun doesn't know the situation of the garrison nearby.

"With the help of the garrison, the speed will be faster. Comrade Yuan and I will go together." Huang Bin heard Zhang Qing'an say this and was immediately happy. It would be faster than going to the police station in the next town to borrow someone. .

“Then please take a trip.”

"No trouble, I just want you to take care of my sister Shen Yun." After Huang Bin said this, he patted the policeman next to him and glanced at Shen Yun.

 Shen Yun gave him a reassuring look.

 Just watched him and Yuen Long walking down the mountain without looking back.

 Two police officers walked out to find someone to take care of the patients inside.

 Shen Yun and the others did not stay long.

Four people from the special departments, plus a police officer, took the village chief directly to the family below. As for the other villagers, they continued to stay where they were to watch the excitement and to help.

The rumor that a stone statue is harmful to people quickly spread without Shen Yun and the others having to emphasize it, and even the rumors about how it could harm people were spread with noses and eyes. It's a pity that Shen Yun and the others have already arrived at the next house and didn't hear the villagers' wild ideas.

This person's condition is a little better than the one above, but he is also pale and gasping for breath every time he steps.

Before Shen Yun and the others entered the door, he didn't know whether he was praying or chanting about the God of Immortality. Anyway, as soon as he entered, Shen Yun saw a large ball of energy flying quickly towards the room.

Shen Yun didn't care so much. He jumped up, performed some somersaults in the air, and went directly to the connecting line to block the path of the energy.

 The spiritual energy directly enveloped this mass of essence.

"Hey, who are you? Why did you just barge in?" The person who opened the door felt that a dark shadow flashed past his eyes, and something floated into his yard.

 After a moment of reaction, he turned around and saw a pretty girl standing in front of the window of his house.

"What's wrong with you girl?" This man felt so angry that he felt dizzy and dizzy. He was even more serious than when he went out by himself just now. God bless you, don't encounter bad people at home alone.

Shen Yun saw that while he was speaking, a ball of energy floated out of the man's body.

 Third or two steps, the hold on the hand was not loosened, and the other hand blocked the new energy coming out.

"Mom Erdan, look at you, you're almost dying, and you're still shouting here. These people are here to save you." The energy disappeared again, and the person holding the door couldn't stand it immediately, and he moved directly to the side. Go, thanks to the quick eyesight and quick hands of the people outside, they helped the person at once.

“Village Chief, please take charge of it. Who are these people? I’m so angry.” His words were broken, but this man didn’t forget to complain to the village chief.

"You're not angry, it's because of the stone statue your family enshrines." The village chief said directly.

 “Fart, long.”

“Shut up, don’t talk. Even the gods can’t save you while you’re talking.” Shen Yun said sharply.

 I am holding a jingqi dumpling with one hand. If another one comes, I don’t have so many hands.

"You..." She wanted to say something else, but Xu Ling next to her gave the injection. "Village chief, don't worry. She just fell asleep. My family is an ancestral doctor. I'll give her a few injections first."

 As he spoke, he started to inject needles.

The village chief originally wanted to say something, but looking at Xu Ling's dazzling needle point, he still swallowed his words and said, "I'm sorry to bother you."

Shen Yun looked at Xu Ling over there and stabbed the person unconscious, feeling satisfied.

“Here comes someone to help,” Shen Yun wanted these people with spiritual energy to try and see if they could help push forward while blocking the energy.

“I’ll do it, I’ll do it.” Xu Ling quickly inserted the needle and volunteered.

 (End of this chapter)

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