Chapter 114 Young and frivolous

Shen Yun did not refuse. Looking at the other people beside him, he directly used the spiritual energy he had just learned to transmit his voice. "You can hold the attached spiritual energy in the same position as my hand."

 Xu Ling heard the sound but didn't see Shen Yun's mouth move, and was stunned for a moment, "Is that so?" Xu Ling tentatively followed what Shen Yun said just now.

 Shen Yun nodded.

Seeing that Xu Ling had accurately grasped the connecting cable, Shen Yun tentatively let go of his hand.

 Watching the jingqi dumpling slowly slide towards Xu Ling's hand and then stop, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately he could let go.

"Shen Yun, what do I have in my hand, and what did you say to me just now?" Xu Ling looked at the attention of the people next to her and asked Shen Yun in a low voice.

“What you are holding in your hand is the connecting line between the stone statue and the person. Don’t shake your hands. The group of spiritual energy in front of your hand is wrapped in the essence of the person you just placed.

 As for how I talk to you, that’s the skill I just learned. "Chen Yun started pushing the other jingqi dumpling farther away towards the person over there with both hands, while answering Xu Ling's question.

"Why are you so powerful? You know everything." Xu Ling originally wanted to ask where the sword that Shen Yun just took out was hidden now, but when she saw the village chief next to her looking at the strange movements of the two of her, The words that reached my mouth were swallowed.

"It's not that powerful. I just don't get jealous when I see beautiful girls. I focus more on improving my abilities. That's why I have so many skills." Shen Yun didn't use the sound transmission technique to say this. Xu Ling said.

Xu Ling blushed when she heard what Shen Yunyi meant. "Who hasn't been young and frivolous? That's all in the past. Don't mention the past anymore." Xu Ling muttered.

Shen Yun thought about what happened yesterday. Come on, yesterday is already a thing of the past. This girl's life must have been fast forward.

Shen Yun didn't say anything and continued the movement of his hand. When the one here reached behind Xu Ling's hand, Shen Yun and Xu Ling changed positions again.

By the time I successfully got the two **** of essence into the person's body, more than an hour had passed. It was a bit more skillful than the first time, but the time had not been reduced much.

"Comrade Public Security, you should handle the matter here. This person's symptoms are milder than the person just now, but he still needs to go to the hospital to get some medicine and come back to eat. You also need to go out and talk to his family." Xu Ling knew what was going on. As soon as he saw the spiritual energy dumpling in front of Shen Yun disappearing, he immediately drove away the police and the village chief.

Then he stared at Shen Yun with his eyes, as if he wanted to see where Chen Yun's Qingfeng was hidden.

"Teacher Zhang, what should I do with this line? If it continues to be connected to the person, the energy of the person will continue to be transported like a stone statue, and the person's life will be in danger, but cutting it off will alarm the people behind it. "Chen Yun held the connection cord tightly and asked Zhang Qing'an directly on the side.

"No one has recorded how to deal with this yet." Zhang Qing'an thought for a moment and said.

 In the past, during the Age of Dharma Ending, people like this were very rampant and usually killed people directly. So what chance did they have to save people?

 So this is the only thing recorded, but how to save people has not been written down.

 Perhaps, but it’s not certain that the content has been lost over the years.

"I think the way the person handled it just now was pretty good. He already alerted one person anyway, so I don't care if he alerts someone a second time." Xu Ling said casually, still staring at Shen Yun. "I think this is fine. We've already done it anyway. Let's do it a few more times to scare the other party. This will prevent this person from doing so many disgusting things behind his back and thinking he is invincible." Shen Yun, on the other hand, I agree with Xu Ling's view. It's like this now anyway, and the situation can't get any worse.

There are still many people to save next, and they cannot waste all their time on a life that is out of danger.

“Then cut it off!” Zhang Qingan thought for a moment and then made his decision.

As soon as Zhang Qingan finished speaking, Qingfeng appeared and slashed with his sword. Shen Yun immediately retracted his sword. With so many secretly looking at him, Shen Yun didn't want the Qingfeng sword to be touched by others.

Ignoring the regretful sighs of the people next to him, Shen Yun grabbed the two separate connecting lines.

The end leading to the stone statue shrank, and in the end it disappeared into the air without breaking free from Chen Yun's hand.

And the lines connecting people have no trace of disappearing.

Shen Yun carefully looked at this line of unknown material, and felt that the palm of his hand was a little itchy.

As soon as he changed his hands, he saw that the cut place was now drilling into the palm of his hand. Shen Yun was shocked and the Qingfeng Sword appeared again. Before he could swing his sword, the brush that had been silent for a long time appeared directly in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. With a light stroke, the entire line disappeared.

  Shen Yun looked at the unusual brush now, drew a light in the air, disappeared directly in front of him, and reappeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He put away Qingfeng and looked directly at the palm of his hand. He was careless just now. He didn't expect that after this thing was cut off, it would automatically find the next person to connect to. If he was connected, wouldn't he have to accept the essence of a living person? Then I can’t explain it clearly since I’m not an evil cultivator.

This is destroying the human heart. Once you fall into this feeling of easy upgrade in the future, it will be difficult for you to practice slowly. The people behind this are indeed very calculating.

"What happened just now? That thing that suddenly appeared was a writing brush. Did something happen?" The people next to them asked anxiously. There were some things they couldn't see. Now they only saw Shen Yun's movements, and they were curious. very.

"It's okay, but after you find these things cut off, you can't grab them easily with your hands, otherwise it may not be connected to you there. If you are connected to the stone statue, you will probably become the next provider of essence. If you are connected to the stone statue, you will probably become the next provider of essence. If you don't connect with others, you will become an evil cultivator, so everyone should pay more attention in the future," Shen Yun warned.

"We would like to pay attention to it, but our strength does not allow it. We can't see where the lines are at all, so how can we pay attention." Xu Ling said weakly.

 Although she had just helped, she couldn't feel or see the lines in her hands, so she felt a little weak.

"It doesn't matter if you can't see it. Stay away from these things when the time comes. Let's talk about it when you can see it." There was nothing he could do if he couldn't see Shen Yun, so he directly gave advice.

"Let's go. There is a village very close to here. If we hurry up, we won't have enough time." Shen Yun didn't say anything else to everyone, and took the lead to walk forward.

 (End of this chapter)

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