Chapter 115 The man behind the stone statue

There were police comrades arranging things here. Shen Yun and the others walked towards the next village with another policeman who had returned from work.

 The distance between the two villages is not very far. There is a male believer of the Immortal God in this village.

Physical quality is not bad, Xu Ling went directly to knock the person down. Shen Yun looked carefully and saw that there was no energy dumpling on the connecting line, so he cut it off with his sword, and the person was separated from the stone statue.

Looking at the slowly disappearing connecting lines, several people took the time to put the stone statue into the isolation box.

"The next village needs to be reached from another mountain road. Let's go down and have a look first. If Yuen Long and others have gathered people at the bottom of the mountain, then we don't have to run around." Shen Yun wanted to give an address first and directly suggested.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Several people walked directly down the mountain without any delay.

At the foot of the mountain, a few people were preparing to go to the designated gathering point when they saw Yuen Long coming to greet them in a hurry.

 “How is the situation?” Zhang Qingan asked quickly.

"All the living people have been brought down. It was the brothers in the military region who helped. However, when we arrived, several people were already dead and the stone statues were cracked. We brought them all back." Yuen Long said quickly.

When they heard that someone had died, several people were silent for a moment. Unexpectedly, they hurriedly rushed and someone died.

The people behind this are so abominable. Not only are they sucking people's energy, they are also killing people.

“Let’s go quickly and save as many as we can.” Shen Yun directly increased his speed and walked directly towards the gathering camp.

More than a hundred people will gather together. They are restless and uncomfortable. Many people are not in good condition.

“Let’s separate ourselves and treat those in serious condition first.” As soon as Shen Yun finished speaking, he walked directly in the direction he was interested in.

  Along the way, I didn’t care whether the situation was serious or not.

Seeing that there was no jingqi dumpling in the middle of the connecting line, Shen Yun just waved his hand and cut off the connecting line.

  Along the way, there were only four left with energy **** on them.

 The four cultivated people looked to one side each.

  Shen Yun quickly finished the last one, and then went to deal with the others. By the time Shen Yun sat down on the ground exhausted, the sky was no longer visible.

"Thank you for your hard work. We have collected the stone statues and sent them to the hospital. You guys have a rest first and will think about the stone statues later." Zhang Qing'an had been paying attention to Shen Yun and the others' movements. When he saw them stop, he immediately Come over and say.

"Okay, Teacher Zhang, I understand. You should also take a rest."

"Hey, I'm not tired, and I haven't been of any help. It's all the work you have done. You guys should rest first, and I'll solve the follow-up problems." After Zhang Qing'an finished speaking, he walked directly to the temporary office next to him. go.

"Cousin, hurry up and eat something." Huang Bin saw that Shen Yun had been busy all day, and he probably didn't have any food at noon. When they were eating, Huang Bin gave Shen Yun and the others a shot.

 “Thank you, brother.” Shen Yun did not delay, took the rice directly and started eating.

Although it cannot replenish spiritual energy, it can still fill the stomach.

"Why did you join the special department? Even being a policeman is not so tiring. I saw you were the only one working just now. Your male colleagues are unjust." Huang Bin turned his back and whispered to Shen Yun.

Originally, he was not a person who talked about people behind their backs like this, but today he couldn't help it anymore.

"Is there a possibility that they couldn't solve it, so they asked me to do it?" Shen Yun said in a funny voice, listening to Huang Bin's angry voice. "Isn't that even worse? The male colleagues are not as good as the female colleagues, and they will be the tired ones in the future." Huang Bin was even more anxious. In his opinion, Shen Yun is a young girl who has not yet entered the society, and she must be the same as those veterans in the workplace. no the same.

“Brother, you can’t say that, we women hold up half the sky.”

 “Silly girl, okay, you hold up half of the sky, and I’ll get you some food.” Huang Bin didn’t see any reason, so he could only put this matter aside for now.

"This policeman is actually your brother. My mother-in-law and mother-in-law are still talking bad things about us. They thought we couldn't hear. If it wasn't for the sake of food, I would have beaten him up." Xu Ling saw Huang Bin leaving and moved directly. He came over on the stool.

“My brother is telling the truth. Don’t bully honest people.” Shen Yun glared at Xu Ling.

"Okay, okay, no bullying. Now can you tell me where your sword came from?" Xu Ling has been curious about this question for a day.

"You said you, we are cultivators. If you haven't seen pork, you should have seen pigs running. Haven't you heard of magic weapons? When you have magic weapons yourself in the future, you will know what's going on." Shen Yun said directly Let's start drawing a cake for Xu Ling. As for how to get the magic weapon and what it got, that's not something you can control.

By the time everyone had finished eating, all the patients outside had been transported away, and those who came to help had also returned.

Only Shen Yun and a few people from the special department were left in the entire temporary venue.

"Teacher Zhang, do you have anything else to do tonight?" Shen Yun asked the busy Zhang Qing'an.

"It's okay for now, but the hundreds of stone statues we have here are time bombs. None of us are sure whether there will be people hiding behind them." Zhang Qing'an put down his pen and said with a frown.

Thinking about the hundreds of stone statues, Shen Yun felt overwhelmed. The whole day seemed to go so smoothly, it was a bit incredible.

“Don’t scare yourselves, maybe we scare people away because we are too powerful.” Xu Ling is good at talking, so everyone is no longer nervous.

"No matter what, let's rest here tonight, just in case." Zhang Qing'an said.

 “Okay.” Several people nodded at the same time.

Shen Yun found a deserted place and sat down directly to meditate. When Huang Bin went back just now, Shen Yun had asked him to bring a message to his family, so he could stay outside tonight.

 In one night, relying on the spiritual spring water, Shen Yun recovered again.

 Picked up a branch and started practicing the Chaos Sword Technique while everyone was resting.

With more practice, Shen Yun felt that it was the same movement, but it became more comfortable to use it.

After hearing the sound of others getting up, Shen Yun put away the stick and let out a long breath.

"Yunyun, I've brought you food." Shen Yun suddenly felt something. When he raised his eyes, he saw Huang Bin walking towards this side on a bicycle.

But not far behind followed a short-haired man in a gray monk's robe.

 “Your brother has brought food, why do you seem unhappy?” Xu Ling asked puzzledly.

“Tell Mr. Zhang that the person behind the stone statue is here and ask him to be prepared.” After saying this, Shen Yun went into a defensive state and moved slowly closer to Huang Bin.

 (End of this chapter)

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