The family celebrated the New Year happily.

This is the most lively year in Shen Yun's life. Not only is there a large family living in a lively atmosphere, there are also many people from the village who come to visit.

 During the Chinese New Year, the whole family stayed in the old house during the day.

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, several members of my aunt's family took turns taking vacations, and there were a few more people in the family.

 The next morning, Huang Bin saw the Shen family's morning exercises, and he was silent for a while.

"Yunyun, do you practice like this every day at home?" Huang Bin asked Shen Yun, who was standing still.

“Yes, this is for keeping fit. Do you want to try it?” Shen Yun nodded.

"I finally understand why grandpa is so careless. He didn't take it to heart when you went out to fight. Do you also know this martial arts? That's why grandpa is so relieved?" Huang Bin ignored the three people on the side who were swaying. , asked Shen Yun on the side.

"Of course, look at the rest of our family except for those in our arms. Since I know how to do it, I'm watching from the side." Shen Yun replied.

"No, what are you planning to do? Grandpa and the others have practiced this skill, and they look very good. I used to come here often, and I haven't seen any of my family members practice it. This...did you teach me this?" Huang Bin was stunned. He looked at Shen Yun in shock.

"Well, I taught you." Shen Yun nodded. He would know this sooner or later, and there was no need to hide it. Being able to learn martial arts was rare in this era, but it was not impossible.

"You are amazing. You can teach the young and old in this family like this. Do you want to take some time to be a coach for our police for two days?" Huang Bin said with an eager face.

"This is mainly because my family is fine and I spend a lot of time practicing every day. If you had the time, you would have practiced it long ago." Shen Yun said straightforwardly. This is not a question of whether the teacher's teachings are good or not. The main reason is that the two elderly people in the family are desperate. They are staring at each other. They are not as rebellious as when they were in school. Now there are both old and young in the family. The elders have to set an example for the younger ones. The younger ones see their elders practicing well and are not willing to be outdone. This forms a healthy competition, so the effect is That's why it's so good.

Huang Bin heard the same thing. Although his Public Security Bureau had few major cases throughout the year, there were constant incidents every day. How can I have time to practice martial arts every day?

"Hey, but you have taught everyone in your family so well, what do you want to do? Let me tell you the truth, if you can fight like this, it will really give us a headache. If we cause trouble, it is really not a trivial matter. It's better to be honest and live peacefully like this." Huang Bin started to worry about the security issue again as he saw his family becoming so powerful.

 Because of the stone statue incident a few years ago, they were busy throughout the Chinese New Year. The overtime work was unbearable, and several people began to take turns taking breaks.

"You are overthinking. You don't know the old Shen family. We practice martial arts to strengthen our bodies. We started practicing during the summer vacation. Did you see anyone causing trouble for you?" Shen Yun's tone was a little harsh.

“I’m sorry, I just missed it. I’ve been too busy these days.

 It’s a good thing to strengthen your health. I followed suit and made gestures. What I just said was nonsense. Don’t take it to heart. "Huang Bin also realized that he had said the wrong thing for a moment, and quickly apologized and escaped.

  Shen Yun knew that their work was difficult, but he did not dwell on it.

If you don’t practice martial arts because you are worried about this problem, then various martial arts movies and TV shows, as well as some martial arts training classes, will not be able to exist.

Huang Bin stayed here for two days and left on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

In two days, he thought he figured out why Shen Yun was able to join the special department and why his family was no longer worried about doing such a dangerous job. The Shen family is indeed very powerful now, and he can compete with someone who has practiced for so many years. Beating him is no problem, but Shen Yun, as a teacher, should be even more powerful. In fact, he was relatively far away that day and only saw a few people fighting, but he didn't see many details. If he saw fireballs flying all over the ground, he probably wouldn't think so.

The new year is over, and the three brothers of the Shen family who have gone out to work are also preparing to leave.

"You see you are following us in the town these days, selling dry goods and roasting goods, and the business is pretty good. Otherwise, you should stop going to work so far south. You are so tired and can't make much money. We are very happy at home. I'm worried about you." When the uncle and the second uncle saw that the child was leaving, they felt a little reluctant to leave.

"Dad, second uncle, there are so many brothers in our family. There is only so much business in this town. We are only a little busy during the New Year and holidays. We are usually very free. You three old brothers can handle it. Including us, there are too many people, there is no need at all, the three of us can go out to work and see the world, and maybe we can do some small business in the south in the future." Shen Heng said quickly, feeling better at home these days. It's still sad outside, not because I'm tired, but mainly because I don't have freedom, and I have to get up every morning to practice martial arts.

Although he also had a dream to become a master, after practicing for two days, he knew that he was not the material.

The bones hurt when they were broken.

"Fourth brother, you and third brother go, I don't want to go, I want to become a martial arts master." Shen Jian heard Shen Heng say this, and expressed his wishes on the side.

He has been practicing with great enthusiasm these days. In addition, his younger brothers at home are very good, so Shen Jian is even more interested in comparing.

 Now the three people divided into two opinions.

 Everyone’s eyes moved directly to Shen Hong.

 “I’m going to the south.” Shen Hong said decisively.

“Brother, you understand me after all, but Lao Wu is a heartless person.” Shen Heng happily hugged Shen Hong’s neck.

 After some more persuasion from the family, the three of them made up their minds. In the end, there was no other way. Shen Heng and Shen Hong continued to go south, while Shen Jian stayed at home.

 Early in the morning on the sixth day of the lunar month, the two brothers carried their luggage and set off with the people they were selling.

Most of the family members left, and the whole old house suddenly became quiet.

"Normally, having children in front of them is quite annoying to them. Now that I'm gone, I'm really not used to it. After a while, the younger ones will all go to school, and there will be fewer people in the family." Yang Xiaocao pulled Shen Yun and sighed. said.

“Then you should urge my dad and the others to do business well so that we can buy a big house in the town in the future. This way, everyone will be in the town and you won’t be in a hurry.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

"I'm not going to the town. I'll feel at home wherever I go." Although Yang Xiaocao spoke harshly, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

“I also think it’s nice to be at home, with freedom and fresh air and few people, unlike in the city where there are many people and things to do.” Shen Yun agreed.

 Made the old lady laugh.

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