Shen Yun thought that he could stay at home safely until he went to school.

Unexpectedly, early the next morning, Huang Bin came up to look for him.

“What’s going on, you came to me in such a hurry?” Shen Yun pulled the person aside and asked.

“It’s still about the stone statues.” Huang Bin said with a headache, “Let’s leave quickly and talk as we go.”

"Okay, let me say hello to my family." After Shen Yun finished speaking, he turned around and said hello to a few people sitting in the yard.

“It’s almost noon, why don’t you two have a meal at home before leaving?” Yang Xiaocao stood up and asked worriedly.

“Grandma, don’t worry, I won’t let Yunyun go hungry. I just asked her to come over and see something.” Huang Bin put away the expression on his face and replied with a smile.

“Okay, I’ll give you two steamed buns to satisfy your hunger on the road, and then eat some when you get to town.” Yang Xiaocao heard Huang Bin say this, and quickly turned around and took two steamed buns and stuffed them into their hands.

The two of them didn’t delay any further and walked directly down the mountain with the steamed buns in hand.

“Did the stone statue appear again?” Shen Yun asked as he took a bite of the steamed bun.

“I found a similar one, but this one didn’t cause the person to be weak, so I wanted to ask you to come over and have a look.

It was not discovered in our town. It was a police officer who went to cooperate with this work. When he went home to visit relatives during the New Year, he saw it at the house of a friend who came back from the south. "Huang Bin said helplessly. Originally, their town had basically checked one side, and there was no such stone statue. Unexpectedly, not long after it became stable, it was also found in other towns. Although it was not from his own town, but think about those stone statues. For the common people who were still recuperating at home, he still hurriedly came over to see Shen Yun to have a look. Don't delay until the end, he was too weak.

"Didn't it cause weakness to the personnel? You have carefully compared the stone statue this time with the last one, and does the owner of the stone statue burn incense and kneel down every day?" Shen Yun asked with certainty.

"I'm sure, my colleague was doing detective work back then, so he can still confirm this little thing." Huang Bin nodded and said.

 “Did that person come back?”

"No, that person doesn't want to come over." Huang Bin said, feeling a little helpless. He might have been feeling unwell last time, so people believed him as soon as the police told him, but this time the people seemed to have great trust in this stone statue.

"In this case, let's rush over as soon as possible to see the situation," Shen Yun frowned. When encountering such an uncooperative person, he had no choice but to rush over by himself.

 Lest things get bigger and more troublesome in the end.

 The two people walked quickly towards the Public Security Bureau.

He changed to bicycles over there, and four people, two in a car, quickly walked towards the place where the stone statue was found.

“This place is not far away. How many families in the Stone Statue Found family believe this? Can you tell us in detail?” Shen Yun asked directly.

"I observed this over there for a few days, and I found one person, but not others." The man thought for a while and said.

Shen Yun nodded, this was much better than expected.

A few people speeded up and arrived at the place not long after.

Shen Yun looked at this place and understood why the family didn't want to go there. He looked at this large European-style villa and it was very well-renovated.

This person probably has some money and has seen the world. He doesn't just cooperate with the police if he says a few words and is really willing.

Several people knocked on the door. The person who opened the door looked like a nanny, but she looked a little unhappy.

"Who are you looking for and what are you looking for?" the nanny said stiffly. "We have something to do with Mr. Yang." Huang Bin showed his ID directly.

"Didn't a few people come here before? Why are they here again? You police officers are really busy. Just wait for now. I'll go talk to someone." After the nanny said that, she turned around and walked into the room. Not long after, several people were arrested. Put it in.

 Then I saw several police officers from this town who had come in before.

"Why are you here too?" Huang Bin asked, looking at several people.

"No one else knew about the incident in your town some time ago, but we know a little bit about it. We came here without hearing the news, and we didn't dare to delay it at all." The person opposite said, dumbfounded.

"What's the situation now?" Shen Yun didn't understand. He didn't invite anyone into the room in this winter? Even if the yard is well maintained, the owner is obviously inside the house.

"He said we were receiving guests, and a big shot came over, so we had to wait." "This person today is not a suspect. Even if they are police officers, they cannot use force."

As soon as Shen Yun's consciousness swept away, he saw a man sitting in the room, drinking tea slowly, and two people sitting next to him. The three of them were talking and laughing, and they didn't pay attention to the people outside.

Shen Yun took a breath, compressed the spiritual energy into a needle, followed his spiritual consciousness into it, lightly pressed on the acupuncture points of several people, and then withdrew the spiritual energy.

 Several people in the room had their acupuncture points compressed and could no longer sit so leisurely. They all quickly got up and went out to find the toilet.

It didn't take long for Shen Yun and the others to see someone. They just came back from the toilet and seemed to still smell a little bit.

"I heard that you guys are looking for me, what's the matter? I'm going to the south in the next year, so there will be more people looking for me. I'm sorry for neglecting you." This man was very polite and apologized immediately when he came over.

"It's nothing important. I just heard that Boss Yang invited a stone statue back from outside. Let's come and take a look." Shen Yun looked this man up and down, and he could see it clearly now that he had not seen it clearly just now.

She said why she felt a little uncomfortable when she came in. There was a layer of yin energy on this man's body. Shen Yun saw that although he smiled gently, the yin energy on his body was surging, like a monster that wanted to kill someone.

Shen Yun glanced coldly, approached Huang Bin and the others, and quietly stuffed several people's pockets with exorcism charms.

Although the police are full of masculinity and will not easily allow external evil to invade, they still need to pay attention to certain things.

When the man opposite heard what Shen Yun said, a trace of displeasure flashed across his face, "Why, is it illegal to even invite a stone statue now?"

"That's not true. It's just that there were stone statues harming people here not long ago. In a serious and responsible manner, we have the right to come and investigate." Huang Bin said directly with a straight face.

 “Okay, okay, don’t you just want to take a look.” Everyone, follow me.

 The man's attitude suddenly changed again.

 He turned around and walked toward the house with a few people.

 A few people looked at each other and followed directly.

The stone statue was enshrined in a separate room. As soon as Shen Yun entered, he felt that this stone statue was different from before.

There are no connecting lines on this one, and unlike those stone statues, the dark statues absorb light.

This stone statue has more boiling Yin Qi than Boss Yang's body.

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