Chapter 129 (129) The fleeing shadow

Shadow moves very quickly.

Shen Yun chased after him all the way. Except for the police officer who stayed behind just now, no one he met behind saw the black shadow in front.

 What everyone saw was a girl named Shen Yun running forward at an inhuman speed.

Shen Yun was reluctant to take action among the crowd, for fear of causing panic. Fortunately, although the black shadow was erratic and hard to follow, it did not disappear suddenly, nor did it appear to be possessing others like a ghost.

It gave Shen Yun some time to prepare. He walked all the way and finally arrived at the uninhabited forest. Shen Yun directly stepped on the flying sword, increased his speed, and with a whoosh, rushed directly in front of the black shadow.

Three Heavenly Thunder Talismans directly blocked the other three directions. Shen Yun didn't waste any words, and directly used the Thunder Light Technique. For a species made of Yin Qi, thunder is the biggest nemesis.

After a burst of thunder and lightning, Shen Yun thought that no matter how powerful the thing was, it would definitely turn into smoke under this operation.

Unexpectedly, after the thunder and lightning dissipated, the black shadow only shrank, as if all the yin energy on the body had been shaken off, and its movements became more flexible.

Shen Yun saw the calf-height black figure in front of him. The yin energy in his body seemed to have been concentrated inside his body, which made him feel even more powerful.

Looking at the black shadow fleeing in all directions, Chen Yun continued to attack. He had no way to conquer the black shadow now, so he could only try his best to eliminate him, so as to see if the people behind him would come directly to his door. In the outside world, he could not It's easy to deal with, but when you come to your own country, it's not certain who will win.

 But this thing got rid of the Yin Qi on its body, as if it had gained an IQ, and its speed was much faster.

Shen Yun used all his strength to form a circle around him with his lightning technique. Three sky thunder talismans floated directly in the air, blocking the small black shadows that rushed upward.

 Shen Yun stood there controlling the lightning attack.

 The shadow scurried around for a while, seeming to realize that he was in a bad situation.

 Suddenly changed direction and attacked Shen Yun directly.

Thunder and lightning stood directly in front of him, and Qingfeng quickly struck at the black shadow.

  Directly cut the black shadow in half, but in an instant, it came back together.

 Physical attacks don't seem to be of much use.

 Shen Yun gave up on this item and concentrated on using the lightning technique to target the black shadow and attack.

 "Zhizhizhi..." The black shadow suddenly made a harsh cry.

Shen Yun saw the black shadow shrinking again under the attack of thunder and lightning.

 Then in the blink of an eye, the entire black shadow burrowed underground.

 This thing had been resisting him just now. Shen Yun thought that it didn't know how to disappear. Unexpectedly, it used the burrowing method this time.

Shen Yun threw several earth spells at them, but they didn't work. Thinking that there was a tracking talisman that he had finally drawn in the space, Shen Yun threw it out without hesitation.

Seeing the tracking talisman and the black shadow disappear together, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief. If he couldn't attract the people behind him, it would be okay to find the other party's lair.

Putting away the unused Sky Thunder Talisman, Shen Yun left without leaving. He felt the location of the tracking talisman. The black shadow was traveling very fast, heading south, and in a short time he was across the city. Shen Yun didn't know why it had been entangled with him for so long. Was it just to get rid of the Yin Qi on its body, but seeing the way it sucked all the Yin Qi into himself before Boss Yang died, he didn't know why it had been entangled with him for so long. It's like he doesn't care about this.

Then why did you fight with yourself for so long before running away?

Shen Yun was walking towards Boss Yang's house while paying attention to the location of the tracking talisman.

 Before he even reached the place, the tracking symbol stopped moving.

Shen Yun felt its location and found that it was already thousands of miles away. However, based on this distance, it seemed that it had not left its own country.

Shen Yun glanced towards the south. It seemed that he still had to go there.

 The connection between the Immortal God and the Soul Boy can only be discovered clearly by going there.

But now there is still a thorny problem. Boss Yang died in front of his eyes. The way of death was still very unscientific. He has to go back and explain now. He obviously went back, so why did he appear here again so quickly? How did Boss Yang die? I just don’t know if these things can be disclosed to the outside world, and whether it is considered a violation of the confidentiality code.

Shen Yun was thinking in his heart without stopping.

In a villa to the south, a skinny old man saw the dark figure in front of him who came back without bringing anything. He couldn't help but get furious. He took out a wooden box, took out the contents and started painting cinnabar on it.

The black shadows in the underground suddenly started rolling all over the ground and howling. If anyone heard the shrill voice, they would probably not be able to sleep all night long.

Screaming, the black shadow gradually dissipated on the ground, and the tracking charm fell on the ground inconspicuously, burning into confetti like a black shadow.

 The skinny old man was only focused on venting his anger and did not notice this small change.

However, Shen Yun, who was thousands of miles away, felt the disappearance of the tracking talisman.

Fortunately, Shen Yun firmly remembered the location where the tracking symbol had just been located. She planned to finish the matter here and directly apply to the department to go there for a business trip. Otherwise, she might not have enough funds for herself. .

When we arrived at Boss Yang's house, the door was closed, but there were quite a few people inside. The police officer who stayed behind did things very quickly. By this time, Huang Bin and his uncle Huang Song were both inside.

She didn't know that originally only Huang Bin was called here, but when she answered the phone, Huang Song happened to be there. When she heard the call saying that something had happened to Shen Yun, she couldn't sit still. She thought about how the niece and the old man could save her together. He risked his own life. The Shen family all liked this girl.

There is something wrong with this family member. If he, the elder, doesn't know about it, forget it. If he doesn't go there if he knows about it, it doesn't make sense.

  I immediately came over with Huang Bin and the two people just now.

When I arrived at the place, I saw Boss Yang lying on the ground with a ferocious look on his face. He had no family members. There was only a nanny here. If I asked her anything, she would just say that she didn’t know. She was just here to help clean the house. , she only worked for a few days, and when Boss Yang left, she would collect her wages and leave.

The boss usually doesn't let her come over when he burns incense and worships Buddha. Boss Yang cleans this room himself, and she never comes over.

Knowing that Boss Yang was dead or the police knocked on the door and said something happened at home, she brought someone in to check and found out that her boss was dead.

Her wages haven't been received yet, and she's very upset.

Huang Song and the others looked at the traces of the scene, the burnt table, the stone statue on the ground, and the intact Boss Yang. From the current point of view, they really couldn’t tell how this man died.

 (End of this chapter)

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