Chapter 130 (130) Became a suspect

"Teacher Huang, let's talk next to each other." The policeman who stayed behind also studied under Huang Song for a period of time and still respected Huang Song. He would pull Huang Song and Huang Bin to a place farther away from the nanny. He began to tell two people what he had discovered.

It was only then that the two of them realized why this incident might have something to do with Shen Yun. They saw Shen Yun running out after a black shadow when Boss Yang was in trouble. At that time, it was Shen Yun who reminded him that something might have happened to Boss Yang inside.

He did not say that Shen Yun did this. He only said that Shen Yun might know the ins and outs of this matter, and now he was mainly waiting for Shen Yun to come back.

The two felt relieved when they heard what the other said. Huang Song believed that he would not misjudge the person. Huang Bin thought that Shen Yun was from the special department and had a bright future. It was impossible for him to attack someone he had just met. Unless there's something wrong with this person.

 When Shen Yun came back and knocked on the door, several people had just finished talking.

The door opened and Shen Yun walked in. He was met with different looks from everyone.

"I didn't kill the person." Shen Yun looked at everyone's eyes and said this stupidly.

"Okay, no one said it was you, come and talk about the situation?" Huang Song was the first to speak up.

Shen Yun walked in directly. Looking at the scene that remained the same, Shen Yun glanced around.

"Did the stone statue break?" Shen Yun asked, pointing to the stone statue on the ground.

"No, it was fine just now. We didn't touch it." When everyone heard what Shen Yun said, their eyes moved directly over.

 I found that the stone statue that had just been lying on the ground intact was now lying in pieces on the ground.

A few people looked at each other and just confirmed that no one had touched the stone statue. Moreover, they had just looked at it and found that the stone statue was intact without any cracks. After a while, no one touched it, and it suddenly broke into pieces. It was obviously a bit abnormal.

 Shen Yun thought about the tracking talisman that suddenly dissipated, and began to guess that there was something wrong with the black shadow, so this useless stone statue was shattered like this.

Several other people who didn’t know what was happening carefully walked over to see what was going on.

There was no delay here. Shen Yun was directly pulled aside for questioning. Although everyone knew in their hearts and understood that there must be something fishy about this matter, there must be no missing steps in the process.

There are Huang Bin and Huang Song, as well as the two policemen in this town, including the policeman who stayed behind.

"If you have anything you want to ask, just ask. I will definitely say what I can, and I will ask my superiors for instructions if I can't." Shen Yun emphasized before the person opposite asked.

The person opposite was stunned for a moment, and Huang Bin quickly told everyone in a low voice what department Shen Yun was from.

 At this moment, everyone knew that Shen Yun was originally an employee of this new department.

I have always been curious about what the responsibilities of employees in this department are, and now I finally meet them in person.

“Don’t worry, Comrade Shen, in order to avoid suspicion, we will ask the next questions here. It is just a routine investigation, so don’t worry.” The police officer in the town said seriously.

This case is a big one in their small place. Boss Yang’s assets are not only among the top in this town, but also among the top. People in the town are counting on this man to invest in his hometown. Who knows that he has not invested yet? He died here. I told you before coming here that you must investigate this matter carefully.

 They have already notified Boss Yang’s relatives in the south.

 If we don’t find out anything now, trouble will come later.

 “Okay, you ask.” Shen Yun said politely.

"After we separated at Yang's house, you went back. Then why did you return to Boss Yang's house? How did you get in? Were you at the scene when Boss Yang died? Xiao Liu said that the dark figure who ran out was What is it?" the person opposite asked businesslikely. "I came back because I felt something was wrong between this stone statue and Boss Yang. I was outside when Boss Yang died. I wanted to save people but was too late. As for what the black shadow was, this violated my confidentiality regulations. I need to ask for advice." Shen Yun also answered seriously.

“You felt something was wrong, then why didn’t you say anything at the time.” The person opposite continued to ask.

"I told you, I asked you to leave someone to guard here, didn't you?" Shen Yun asked back, making the two people opposite him silent.

 This is a fact.

“There is nothing else to ask. I would also like to trouble you to ask your leader for instructions and cooperate with our work.” The person opposite said.

Shen Yun nodded. If he didn't say this, Shen Yun would have to make a call. After all, he still expected to be able to go on a business trip.

 Professional personnel came and took the body away.

 The situation at the scene was handled by professional personnel. Shen Yun took a look at the broken stone statue. After it was broken, it was no different from an ordinary stone.

Shen Yun searched carefully and saw two small patterns on the two eyes of the stone statue.

 Put it directly in your mind.

Shen Yun handed the stone statue to the person who managed the physical evidence.

 With the guarantees of Huang Bin and Huang Song, Shen Yun was allowed to leave this place.

Back in town, Shen Yun called Yan Han again.


 “It’s still Shen Yun.”

 “Can’t I see the number?” the other person said after a second of silence. "Did something happen again?"

“The boss Yang I just told you about died in front of me. At that time, a black shadow appeared inside the stone statue. Now that the shadow has disappeared, I am now a suspect.” Shen Yun said helplessly.

"Okay, I understand. Send someone over immediately. We have taken over this case." Yan Han said solemnly.

The matter of Shen Yun being a suspect was easily solved. There was nothing to hide from the special departments that could not be told by the public security. In addition, someone saw a dark shadow, so it was not something he had made up.

 Hang up the phone, Shen Yun turned around and left Huang Song's office.

"Don't worry, uncle and cousin. I told the captain about the situation and he said that the special department will take over the case. Then I won't have anything to hide." Shen Yun comforted the two of them and said.

"Okay, that's fine, but you little girl, even though you have joined the special department now, you still have to pay attention to your own safety. If you are involved in such a case, it will not be a good thing for you." Huang Song said seriously. With.

“Uncle, don’t worry, this happened suddenly. I will definitely pay attention to it next time.” Shen Yun said with assurance.

"Okay, then take a rest. If something happens later, as long as you haven't broken the law, don't be afraid. If your cousin can't solve it, just come to me directly. Although my uncle doesn't have much ability, he still knows a few people." Huang Song explained seriously.

 It is really rare for an upright old police officer to say such a thing.

 (End of this chapter)

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