Chapter 131 (131) The house was stolen

 Shen Yun nodded seriously.

 Huang Song looked at Shen Yun's serious look and wanted to ask him something, but in the end he couldn't.

 He knows the confidentiality regulations, and asking more questions will make the child make a mistake.

Shen Yun looked at Huang Song who was leaving and asked Huang Bin on the side, "Why did my uncle agree to let you become a policeman back then?"

“I signed up first, and then I talked to him. My dad almost sent me home to make up lessons for a month, and he couldn’t wait to tell me all his years of experience.

 It means he doesn’t know much about your special department, otherwise you can see what he said today. Huang Bin said with a smile.

“Our special department is doing okay, and there is usually nothing going on.

By the way, if you have nothing to do, go to the house my dad rents and practice with them a few times in the morning. This will not do you any harm. "Chen Yun explained, then gave a warning.

Huang Bin also understood what Shen Yun meant. After all, following Shen Yun in the past few days, he had seen some strange things. As a person from the special department, Shen Yun must know something, but it would be difficult to say.

"Okay, I will go there every morning from now on. If our internal colleagues are curious about this matter, can I take them with me?" The police officers who work together have known each other for a long time, and everyone has feelings for each other. We will improve our strength together. This pair Safety is good for everyone.

 Shen Yun nodded.

As the full recovery of spiritual energy approaches, more and more strange things happen, and the first one to bear the brunt is the grassroots police. Those who can help people don't mind a little more, just treat it as a good relationship.

Furthermore, what the Shen family is practicing now is ordinary body refining techniques, and the body refining techniques will become more advanced after entering the Qi training period.

The previous content can be leaked, but the latter content will not be easily taught by Shen Yun if he does not confirm that this person is reliable. After all, people's hearts are unpredictable. This is the conclusion that Shen Yun came to with his life in his previous life.

 The two of them have finished talking about this matter, but Huang Bin still has something to be busy with.

People from the special department are coming to take over the case in the next two days. Shen Yun does not plan to go back to Baiyun Village. He plans to explain the matter clearly to the colleagues who come here before returning.

At this moment, she walked directly towards the rental house at home.

A year later, business was not doing well, so my father came over with his two cousins.

At this time, Shen Yun was not sure if anyone was at home.

But Shen Yun knew where the spare key to the house was.

  When Shen Yun arrived, the door was indeed closed.

She walked directly towards the location of the spare key. Before she reached the place, she heard movement in the house.

 Shen Yun made a movement, and his spiritual consciousness swept in directly.

 A short man was rummaging in the room.

Shen Yun looked at the crack in the door that was a bit wide when he pushed it, and understood how this person got in.

Ignoring the man who suddenly became nervous when he heard the knock on the door, Shen Yun reached out and took out the key from the spare key.

 Hand opened the door to the room directly.

  The man who was rummaging through the east bedroom had already hid under the bed in a panic.

Shen Yun's steps were slow and unhurried, as if he hadn't noticed this person.

 The bedrooms on both sides were rummaged through and were in a mess.

Shen Yun was used to being neat and organized, so he couldn't help but feel depressed when he saw this situation. You just steal things, why do you throw things into the ground?

Shen Yun took a closer look and found out where Shen Limin and the others usually kept their money.

 The inside has been touched cleanly.

Shen Yun stood beside the bed and looked at the thief who was about to move underneath.

"Why don't you come out? The rats below are going to compete with you for territory." Shen Yun lightly kicked the edge of the bed and said to the thief below who wanted to rush out and deal with him.

 The thief below obviously didn't expect that Shen Yun had discovered him.

He froze for a moment and rolled out from the other side.

"Don't scream! I'll kill you if you do." The person on the other side threatened Shen Yun fiercely as soon as he came out.

 He is not tall enough, his face looks old, and he looks a little anxious.

 “Kill me!” Shen Yun turned around and looked at the cowering thief.

"That's right, you're a woman. Let me tell you, just pretend you didn't see what happened today, otherwise I won't be able to spare you." The man clenched his fist, controlled his retreat, and said fiercely towards Shen Yun. .

Shen Yun put the door latch he had just taken from behind in front of him, "Why can't you forgive me? Please tidy up the room quickly, or you will be finished today."

The thief looked at Shen Yun, then at the door latch in Shen Yun's hand, and his hand shook.

“Hurry up!” Shen Yun slammed the stick into the ground, and the ground suddenly sank into a pit.

The thief trembled, and stretched out his hand timidly towards the quilt that was turned on the ground next to him.

Qi Qi, how brave do you think you are? Is this how brave you are to dare to break into a house?

"After a while, I also opened and washed the quilt, and took out the money stolen from my pocket." Shen Yun continued to pound the ground, slowly smoothing the side of the hole he just made.

“Don’t go too far, or I’ll tell the police that you’re bullying someone.” The person opposite muttered, without stopping the movement of his hands.

"Tell the police? You have forgotten what you came here for today. Are you justified in stealing things?" Shen Yun laughed angrily.

In the morning, I encountered a dark shadow that was slippery and ran away without saying a word. In the afternoon, I encountered another strange figure.

As soon as Shen Yun said these words, the person opposite him immediately became silent and began to pack his things, but did not take out the money.

Shen Yun was not afraid that he would run away. He sat on a stool and watched people working while pointing out what was wrong.

This man is quite good at being a thief. He is a little more patient than Shen Yun in cleaning up the room, and he had the whole room tidied up in a short time.

"You've packed up, can you leave?" the thief said while standing in the tidy room and looking at Shen Yun.

“The dirty quilt cover hasn’t been washed yet.” Shen Yun pointed at the back of the quilt that had just been removed in the room.

The man angrily picked up the basin and started to work. He found the water skillfully and then started working. Shen Yun had an idea in his mind. This man was so skilled in this room. It must not be the first time he came here.

"Yunyun, you're here, why did I see two people at my door from a long way away." At this time, Shen Limin and the other three came back from the stall. "Hey, Yunyun, why did you ask Liu Cheng to wash our quilts?" He was only looking at Shen Yun, but when he turned around, he saw the landlord's son washing clothes here. At first glance, he was not washing clothes. Is the quilt at home made by my mother herself?

“Dad, do you know him?” Shen Yun asked in surprise.

"Isn't this our landlord's child? It's not good to let them do the work for us if you don't know them. Although this child is not very smart, we can't do this either." Shen Limin looked at Shen Yun As if, he quickly came over and whispered.

 (End of this chapter)

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