Chapter 13 My mother is about to give birth

But the first priority now is to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. The feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable.

I quietly made some food and slipped back into my room.

 Thinking about the time difference between the outside and the inside, Shen Yun's mind moved and he entered the space again.

  Anyway, I am very excited now and have no intention of sleeping, so it is better to continue practicing.

 Sit directly on the soul-nurturing wooden bed and enter the state of cultivation.

 Calculating the time difference between outside and inside, Shen Yun can practice for several days inside. Not having anything to eat is the biggest headache.

Except for elixirs and the less energetic plants in the yard outside, there is nothing edible in the tens of thousands of acres of spiritual fields outside, but there is something to drink, that is, the clear spiritual spring. Shen Yun drank it several times, and not only did he improve The amount of spiritual power stored, and the body has also eliminated a little mud. It is indeed the best spiritual spring collected by the ancestors, but it is much better than ordinary spiritual springs.

Just drinking Lingquan makes me feel refreshed and comfortable, but I really don’t care if I’m hungry.

I searched in the yard, but couldn't find anything edible. I did find a lot of seeds fallen from plants, and Shen Yun collected them carefully. The things left by the ancestors were definitely not bad things.

Not finding anything to eat, Shen Yun had no choice but to take the time to go out again. All the leftover food in the kitchen was eaten. Cooking outside in the middle of the night would definitely cause trouble for the whole family, so he could only find some peanuts to put in the space. I ate it inside, and those who couldn't finish it buried a few in the spiritual field.

When Shen Yun was about to leave the space, he saw that the peanut seedlings in the spiritual field outside were withered.

Hurry and take a look, there is a nest of peanuts on the ground, all of which are round and plump.

 Better than the ones I brought in.

Shen Yun was so happy that he pushed it away and buried it in the soil so that he could harvest more peanuts.

I left the space in a good mood, and it was already bright outside.

"Yun Yun, get up, the meal is ready, and I was about to call you." Shen Limin saw Shen Yun smiling and said, but his face was no longer as sad as yesterday, and he didn't know that after he withdrew his consciousness, the couple said again Nothing, but it’ll be fine.

"I was hungry in the middle of the night yesterday, so I ate the leftover rice." Shen Yun could only say one word first, otherwise it would be bad if he thought there was a thief at home.

"It's okay. Call me next time when you are hungry. Dad will get up and cook something for you. The weather is hot and the leftover food will not be good to eat." Shen Limin thought that Shen Yun had not eaten enough for dinner and said quickly.

"It's okay, let's eat first." Shen Yun saw that Yang Cancan and Shen Xing had packed up and were ready to eat. She quickly went over to clean up. The family sat around the dining table and ate what Chen Yun had eaten today. The tenth meal.

 That's the bad thing about not having inedia. She is a cultivator and consumes a lot of food. Fortunately, she can grow something in the spiritual field, otherwise the food at home would not be enough for her to eat.

It seems that I will study the refining method of Bigu Pill later, Shen Yun thought about it while eating.

“Hey, Li Min, my stomach is starting to hurt. Go down and call mom.” While the family was eating, Yang Cancan shouted from the side.

 Having given birth twice, she knew she was about to give birth as soon as she felt pain.

"Cancan, you're about to give birth! Didn't you say there are still a few days left? Why do you have a stomachache today! Why don't we go to the hospital? We went to the hospital the last two times and this time will be the same." Shen Limin heard that Yang Cancan had a stomachache. , I was so nervous that I suddenly dropped my chopsticks, and I felt even more frightened than Yang Cancan.

"It's too late now. I don't even have the strength to go down the mountain when my stomach hurts. Go call someone quickly." Yang Cancan endured the pain and said. Although Shen Yun was not young in his last life, he never had a child, so he was a little anxious.

 Seeing Shen Limin's nervous legs begin to shake, he quickly calmed down.

"Brother, go and boil the water. Dad, let's help mom into the house first, and then I'll call someone." When the two of them heard what Shen Yun said, they stopped being dumbfounded.

After helping Yang Cancan lie down on the bed, Shen Yun ran directly down the mountain.

The old house was not far away. When Shen Yun called his grandma and aunt and uncle back, five minutes had not passed.

With Yang Xiaocao as the backbone, things will go much smoother this time.

The eldest aunt first went to invite the midwife from the village.

"Oh, Limin, I want to eat your family's wedding eggs this time. Tell me, the women in our village all give birth at home. You always have to send your wife to the hospital in the town. I watched the birth. There is nothing different about the child, but the child is mistaken. Look at what a good child we have. It makes me feel distressed to think about it after not being at home for so many years. "The midwife is also from the village, and she has a certain respect for Shen. I have some opinions on Limin's behavior over the years.

  Why do people look after themselves when they have children? Your family is rich in money. Doesn’t this mean you don’t trust yourself? Now you can use it yourself.

“Oh, his old aunt, don’t be angry. You have watched this kid grow up, Li Min. He has a bad temper. We parents have said this to him many times, but this time he will listen to me.

For Limin's sake, but also for my sake, and for Cancan's sake, let's go in and see Cancan first. "Yang Xiaocao heard her daughter-in-law's moans inside and quickly interrupted.

"Yes, aunt, it's all my fault. Cancan will be left to you today." Shen Limin is not a person who can't keep his head down. He looked at the other person's expression of enjoying the show and immediately admitted his mistake. But if his wife and children ask him to kneel down, he will kneel down too.

Shen Yun listened to the voices outside and felt a little bad in his heart. Why did the midwife feel a little unreliable? This meant that she was not dealing with her own family.

Looking at the people who walked in, Shen Yun's feeling became more obvious. The midwife who looked at the room with a critical face was not like other people at all. She came in and cared about how the pregnant woman was doing, but was looking at the furnishings of the room.

Shen Yun wanted to say something, but he saw the sweat on Yang Cancan's face and the other people who looked anxious.

 The words that reached his lips were swallowed again.

Since I don’t know how to deliver a baby, I will definitely not be able to go down the mountain to the town. It is not easy to get out on this mountain road.

 Fortunately, the midwife’s actions next looked quite professional.

Shen Yun felt a little relieved.

"Grandma, is this person reliable?" Shen Yun, who was kicked out, asked in a low voice when Yang Xiaocao came out.

"Don't worry, she has a bad mouth and won't delay things." Yang Xiaocao patted Shen Yu's hand to reassure her, and then went back to work on her own.

Although he said that, Chen Yun was still a little uneasy when he heard the shouts inside. Thinking about the way he saw Shen Limin in his previous life, plus the fact that he had not seen Yang Cancan and his other brother or sister, Chen Yun couldn't help but feel... Start thinking more.

 After thinking about it, he directly found a gap and entered the space. The elixirs and spiritual spring water in the space were prepared in advance in case of emergency.

 (End of this chapter)

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