Chapter 14 Mother and child are safe

 Lingquan water is easy to get, so Shen Yun directly scooped up a cup from the cup brought in from outside.

As for the elixirs, Shen Yun directly looked for Peiyuan Dan and checked the prescriptions for solid elixirs. These are relatively mild medicines.

 Those who are not practicing Falun Gong can take a small amount.

  Shen Yun found these two elixirs directly where the elixirs were placed.

As soon as he opened the medicine bottle, a strange medicinal fragrance wafted out. Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the medicine was still useful.

I first took a Peiyuan Dan. After taking the medicine, I felt a warm current flowing from my abdomen to my whole body, which was very comfortable.

 It feels like the cultivation level of Qi training is much more stable than before.

 The effect of the solid elixir is not that strong, but I feel that I am full of strength after eating it, and my spirit is much better.

 Shen Yun took one of each of these two types of elixirs.

 Hold the water glass and walked out of the space.

Hearing the screams in the room, Shen Yun quickly mixed the spiritual water with some warm water and sent it inside.

“Hey, what are you doing here, little girl? Get out quickly.” The midwife saw Shen Yun coming in and said quickly.

"I gave my mother some water to drink. You see she is sweating so much." Shen Yun said while looking at the midwife standing there leisurely.

"Oh, it's like this when giving birth. Your mother has just opened her two fingers. It's still early. You give her some water first. We'll bring some water in later. We also need to prepare the lunch in advance. , I think your mother is having a hard time with the pregnancy." When the midwife heard Shen Yun say this, she was not in a hurry to drive her out.

Shen Yun and Yang Xiaocao carefully fed water into Yang Cancan's mouth before going out to get water for others.

"Auntie, why do I think the midwife is so leisurely and doesn't care about my mother?" Shen Yun, who had been observing outside for a long time, couldn't help but ask her aunt at almost noon.

She really has no experience in giving birth. Who would have thought that not long after she came back, she would have to face the birth of a baby by her own mother, and there would still be no professional doctor.

Wang Aifen couldn't help laughing when she heard Shen Yun ask this. Otherwise, an unmarried girl is still a child. "Don't worry about this. It mainly depends on your mother now. The midwife can't help much. I don't want the midwife to help explain." Your mother's fetal position is correct and everything is fine. It would be a bad thing if the midwife helps. Anyway, if you wait outside, the midwife will definitely help after enough time."

Only then did Shen Yun nod his head with relief, and did the logistics work with the others outside. At noon, everyone else in the old house came over to take a look. There was not much movement inside. After staying here for a while, Yang Xiaocao was attracted by Yang Xiaocao. Rush to do whatever you need to do.

"Okay, everyone has left, and you three should stop hanging around the door. The shadows inside made us dizzy." Yang Xiaocao looked at the three people who were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. , said angrily.

Shen Yun was quite calm at first, but seeing Shen Limin and Shen Xing wandering around, he couldn't help but follow them. When he heard Yang Xiaocao say this, he stopped.

This is after dinner. More than ten hours have passed since I started the machine in the morning, and the pain inside has subsided.

"Nai, how is my mother doing?" Shen Xing, who was still a half-grown boy after all, couldn't help but stood at the door and asked. Behind him were Shen Limin and Shen Yun who looked eagerly.

“The midwife is watching, please don’t cause trouble.” Yang Xiaocao’s voice was not as relaxed as before.

Shen Yun's heart couldn't help but thump.

His spiritual consciousness penetrated directly. In the dim delivery room, Yang Cancan was lying weakly, his face was pale, and he was humming softly. The midwife frowned and checked Yang Cancan's condition.

"Cancan's fetus is in a good fetal position. Why is the finger opening so slow? If we wait any longer, it will probably hurt for a long time. It will be bad when we lose energy." The midwife whispered to Yang Xiaocao said.

Hearing this, Shen Yun didn't want to listen anymore, so he directly pulled Shen Xing away and walked in. Now I don't care whether the elixir will be dangerous to people who have no cultivation. It is more important to save lives. Thinking about myself, who is a Qi practitioner, I will be fine if I take it, and my mother should not have a big problem if she takes it.

Shen Yun took a deep breath and thought about the situation in her previous life when she came back but didn't see her, so she decided to block it.

Carefully walked to Yang Cancan, and while wiping her sweat, carefully stuffed the medicine into Yang Cancan's mouth.

“Mom, this is a life-saving medicine, swallow it.” Shen Yun whispered in Yang Cancan’s ear.

Yang Xiaocao and the others over there were discussing with the midwife what to do, and didn't see Shen Yun's movements.

Yang Cancan heard Shen Yun's voice in a daze, subconsciously believed what Shen Yun said, and swallowed the food in his mouth.

 Then I felt that my energy was back and I felt strong again.

Looking at her daughter who was looking at her worriedly, Yang Cancan shook her hand directly and said, "Good boy, you go out first. Mom is fine. I will love you well in the future. It will definitely be fine."

“Auntie, let’s continue.” After Yang Cancan and Shen Yun finished speaking, they greeted the midwife on the side.

When several people heard this, Yang Cancan spoke with great energy. Unexpectedly, he was acting like a kitten just now. They immediately gathered around him, and Shen Yun was squeezed out again.

"Dad, are you okay?" Shen Xing opened his eyes and looked at Shen Limin happily.

"Yes! Your mother must be fine!" Shen Limin said firmly.

The three of them were outside. Shen Xing, who was waiting for them, all staggered around and dozed off, when they heard a baby crying from inside the house.

“Oh, it’s happening, it’s happening.” Shen Limin said with a cry in his voice.

"Mother and son are safe, and the people are established. Hurry and prepare a thank you gift for your aunt." Yang Xiaocao shouted happily.

Hearing this conversation, Shen Yun couldn't help but get wet in his eyes.

After seeing off the midwife, Shen Yun entered the room and looked at the sleeping mother and son.

No matter whether what he did today was useful or not, or whether it changed the original fate of his mother and brother, Shen Yun was very satisfied now.

 The next day was to help take care of his mother and younger brother. When grandma had rested the next day, Shen Yun retired gloriously.

 After a few days of leisure, seeing the whole family busy organizing the little one's full moon ceremony and no one paying attention to him, Shen Yun suddenly thought and walked directly towards the mountain.

The issue of spiritual energy on the mountain still needs to be clarified. If it is a continuous source of spiritual energy, it will not only benefit yourself, but also have more room for operation.

 Through the bamboo forest, it is a messy forest, which is a bit difficult to walk.

 Fortunately, Shen Yun is not an ordinary person now.

 Carefully walked through the woods, climbed over the hill, and walked toward the source of the spiritual energy.

Not long after walking, we encountered a problem. The source of spiritual energy seemed to be still in front of us, but there were solid rocks in front of us.

 (End of this chapter)

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