Chapter 133 (133) Confused or not?

Shen Yun didn't show up. He went directly to the public security bureau and threw a note into the duty room, accurately landing on the desk of the person on duty.

 I made an anonymous report, which is considered a good deed on a daily basis.

 The people inside saw the contents on the paper but did not deal with it casually. They found another colleague, and the two of them took the things and walked outside.

Shen Yun looked at the direction they were walking, took a step forward, and called out the three Shen family members who were confused in the argument.

"Don't worry about whether they are confused or not, let's go first. Anyway, it won't affect our family's business." Shen Yun greeted a few people.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to come over and take a look? We haven’t seen it yet, so let’s leave?” Second cousin Shen Mu was a little curious.

"Don't look at it. The courtyard door is closed. The courtyard wall of this house is so high that we can't get in. Don't let people misunderstand." Shen Yun explained.

A few people suddenly thought of Liu Cheng during the day. He didn't steal anything at his house, and was forced to do a lot of housework by Shen Yun. It was a big misunderstanding.

No longer staying, a few people strolled towards the distance. Not long after Shen Yun and the others left, the police arrived at this place. Sure enough, they found something addictive in the household materials and arrested them immediately. .

By this time, Shen Yun and the others had already arrived home.

"I think there is no goods at home. Do you want to go over to receive the goods tomorrow?" Shen Yun asked several people.

"Yeah, tomorrow Shen Chen and I will go to receive the goods, and Shen Mu will go to apply for the trademark and other things we mentioned a year ago. Now that someone else is doing this business, we have discussed how to differentiate ourselves from others." Shen Limin said The arrangements for tomorrow have been discussed.

Shen Yun originally thought that they would just casually mention what happened years ago, but he didn't know that everything had been arranged now.

“This is okay, do you need me to do anything?” Shen Yun agreed with this proposal.

 “No need, I’ve asked about everything.” Shen Mu said with a little pride.

 As for business, Shen Yun must admit that since the Shen family started doing business, it was like opening up their muscles and igniting their talent for business.

I can only occasionally give some advice, but I can't help much in other aspects.

 The next day, the family went out.

Shen Yun was blocked at home by Huang Bin and people from the special department.

 The ones coming are old acquaintances Li Ming and Xu Ling.

"I heard that you committed a crime. The boss quickly sent the two of us over. If the boss hadn't been delayed by something, he would have come over in person." Li Ming joked with a smile as soon as he saw Shen Yun.

"I am innocent and implicated, but it cannot be said that I committed a crime." Shen Yun rolled his eyes.

"How could Sister Yun do such a thing? If she really wanted to do something, we wouldn't be able to find out at all." Shen Yun's new little fan girl also helped Shen Yun speak. She looked so confident that Shen Yun himself was not so confident. confidence.

"There is another admirer so soon. We, the younger brothers, have to move to the back." Li Ming looked at Xu Ling defending Shen Yun, his tone was a little sour. But after a few minutes of informality, a few people entered the room and started talking about business.

 Huang Bin was not involved. This case was managed by the town next door. Even if the special department took over later, there was no need for him to intervene. He sent people there and saw that there was no morning exercise this morning, and he didn't stay here longer and went back to work directly.

 These are all insiders, especially when Xu Ling passed by the previous stone statue. Shen Yun did not hide it and directly told the two people what happened yesterday.

"According to you, is this incident related to the previous incident?" Xu Ling asked doubtfully.

“Then we have to go to the south and see what’s going on there.

By the way, did Jia Wei and the other side ask anything?" There must be a connection between the two, whether they are working together, or whether these two people are just young people, I am not sure about this.

“We don’t have any clues yet, but we have found that about ten people died because of his stone statue this year. If we hadn’t discovered it in time, then these more than a hundred people would have been the next batch of souls on his way to upgrade.

However, our people discovered something different about the stone statues. These stone statues are not as hard as they look on the outside.

The outside is wrapped in a hard shell of stone, but the inside is not. After testing, it was found that the inside looks a bit like human ashes. "Xu Ling said at the end, her face was a little heavy. With more than a hundred stone statues filled up, she didn't know how many human lives were involved behind this.

Chen Yun couldn't help but fell silent when he heard this. These evil cultivators really didn't take human lives seriously. Later, the spiritual energy was revived to arrest some low-level cultivators without power. Unexpectedly, they had already started to take people's lives before that. Experimented.

Shen Yun was now somewhat certain that the temporary base camp of these evil forces should be abroad. After all, according to the domestic development in the past few years, it would be difficult for these forces to survive on this land unless they were in deep mountains and old forests.

However, with the opening up in recent years, various forces have mixed in. I don’t know how many of these forces have invaded now. Have people like Jia Weihe known about this organization for a long time, or have they only recently developed into it? How many such people are there? This is all data that is currently unknown.

However, judging from the fact that Shen Yun encountered this incident twice just a few days after returning, it is estimated that there are still a lot of people like this in the country.

At the time when the spiritual energy recovers and the order is temporarily difficult to control, the existence of these people will be a disaster for those who have just started to practice.

"This matter can't just be investigated here. I think it needs to be screened on a large scale. Otherwise, there are still many people living in the mountains throughout the country. Who knows whether these people will target these places with weak supervision. "Chen Yun reacted and reminded the two people directly.

"Wait a minute, I need to talk to the boss about this." As he said that, Li Ming took out a brick-sized big brother from his pocket.

"This is a new one for our department. I'll call the boss first." After speaking, Li Ming carefully started dialing.

Shen Yun took one look at it and moved away from the realization. Although he was a little bit dissatisfied that this thing was big and difficult to carry, he had to say that this thing was still a luxury item that he could not afford at the moment.

Li Ming briefly mentioned it to Yan Han on the phone, and Yan Han responded quickly, "The matter has been notified. We don't have enough manpower. We have arranged for grassroots personnel to help with the screening. This matter has started in the past two days. Come on, you guys should take care of things over there first. I heard that this matter also involves the south side. If you two can't solve it, then let Shen Yun help.

 Tell her that her punishment has expired and the new reward is in my office. I will give it to her when she returns to Beijing. " Yanhan's steady voice sounded in Big Brother.

 Shen Yu has good hearing and can hear clearly without paraphrasing.

 (End of this chapter)

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