Chapter 134 (134) Going to the South

"You have no excuse now. The boss said your punishment has expired. Let's handle this case together." Xu Ling was even happier than Shen Yun when she heard what Yan Han said.

"Even if I made excuses for the previous matter, I didn't leave you alone and run away." Shen Yun said helplessly.

"Our Sister Yun is the best. Without you, we don't feel safe in this kind of thing. The boss's decision is so right." Ever since Xu Ling changed her attitude towards herself, she has become good at flattering her, and her good words seem to be free of charge. Stick it on yourself.

But no matter what, Shen Yun still felt like he was a thug.

None of them stayed at Shen Yun's house. Shen Yun left a note at home, and they walked towards the next town together.

Yang's villa is still under lockdown. The town's police did not know that the case would be handed over today, and they are still trying their best to investigate the cause of Boss Yang's death.

When Shen Yun and the others arrived, several of them had no idea at all. The cause of death of Boss Yang did not show any problems. It was a sudden illness.

If someone hadn't seen that black shadow yesterday, they would have thought it was a natural death when they came later.

“This stone statue is really scary. It can make people die quietly.” After Li Ming and the others handed over the case, they looked at the autopsy records and couldn’t help but sigh.

 “If it had made a big noise, it would have been discovered long ago, okay?

The discovery of the stone statue this time was also about pulling out the carrot and bringing it out of the mud. Sister Yun, I think the reward will be huge if you go back. "Xu Ling thought about what happened, and couldn't help but cast admiring glances at Shen Yun. Shen Yun was strong, so he could notice the difference in these stone statues. If it were herself, these people would probably have to see it in front of her. Slip past.

"Things here are easy to deal with. This is the situation. We are mainly going to the south to find out where this stone statue was purchased, why this person wanted to kill Boss Yang, and whether there are other lives in his hands. "Chen Yun also looked through the records. He remembered them in detail. He even recorded everything he heard Boss Yang say outside. Shen Yun guessed that there would be a lot of things going on in the south this time.

"Then let's deal with it here first. Shen Yun, please prepare. Let's go to the south. The boss has made arrangements there." Li Ming said.

"Okay, then I'll go back and talk to my family. The elderly at home are waiting at home." Shen Yun said hello, then turned and walked towards Baiyun Village.

Without stopping along the way, Shen Yun avoided people and reached Baiyun Village as quickly as possible.

 The family hasn’t had lunch yet.

"Grandpa, grandma, mom, eldest and second uncle, I have something to do at school and I need to go to the south. I will just talk to you when I get back. After I finish handling the matter in the south, I will go directly to the capital." Shen Yun looked at it. Seeing that several people were there, I quickly talked about my own affairs. It was already the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, and the fastest I could get to the south would be the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. I didn’t know when it would be until the matter was settled.

 Shen Yun couldn't guarantee that he would still have time to come back by then.

"Let's go now. What's going on? Did you find the tomb again? Let's have lunch at home before leaving." When several people heard what Shen Yun said, they immediately gathered around. Yang Cancan put down the child in his arms and began to give Shen Yun packed up his things and went on a long trip, taking everything he should take with him. Although he was very reluctant to part with it, he could not delay his children's work.

"I don't have time to eat. There are still people waiting at the bottom of the mountain. I have to go back and say hello to my dad and the others, otherwise they will see that I haven't gone back and worry when I look back." Shen Yun quickly refused. It was not yet dinner time. I don’t know how long it will take to have another meal.

"Okay, okay, if the child has something serious to do, don't stop him. Old lady, go and see if there is any dry food you can bring at home, and take it away to the child quickly. Don't delay things." Shen Guoliang looked at Yang Xiaocao and they were reluctant to part with him. He quickly spoke to the side.

"Okay." Yang Xiaocao hurriedly turned around and returned to the kitchen, and soon packed a large bag of stuff for Shen Yun, "These are food, you can take them with you on the way.

 Hurry up and make your poor family richer, and give some money to your children. "The things were stuffed into Shen Yun, and the old lady didn't forget to take her own little pocket.

As soon as he said this, Shen Yun received financial support from several elders, not the kind that was not enough.

Shen Yun was holding a handful of odd bits and pieces of money, feeling extremely warm in his heart.

 When I finally left, I took my luggage with me, as well as a small bag of grain and another roll of money.

  When I was going down the mountain, there was a row of family members standing on top to see me off for a long journey. Shen Yun called back several times but no one came into the house, so he had no choice but to walk forward by himself.

 At the foot of the mountain, Shen Mu had already finished the trademark name and came back.

Shen Yun told him that he was going on a long trip, and left without waiting for his father and cousin to come back.

Not far away, I saw Liu Cheng's parents making trouble at Liu Changgen's house that Shen Chen mentioned yesterday. It seemed that the people who ordered Liu Cheng yesterday had come out.

In this way, with the slanderous competitors eliminated, my business should be able to run more smoothly in the future.

 Shen Yun just wants the people in his family not to live as hard as he did in his last life.

That afternoon, after Shen Yun and the others settled the matter here, they boarded the train going south directly.

 Go directly to Pengcheng, the richest city in the south.

 When the three of them got out of the car, they all felt a bit like country bumpkins entering the city. They looked at the surrounding environment with restraint. The feeling here was completely different from that in Beijing.

 There is a lot of traffic and a huge crowd.

“Let’s go directly to the Pengcheng branch to check out the investigated information, and then go to Boss Yang’s house to check it out.” The three of them were afraid of getting lost in the crowd. After leaving the train station, they didn’t intend to rest and started working directly.

 Pengcheng Special Department Branch, in accordance with the characteristics of Beijing City, is still located in a busy city.

Occupied a floor in a building not far from the train station.

"The people here in Pengcheng are so fashionable. The offices are all on high-rise buildings. The view is so good. It's not like Beijing, where they are crowded into an alley." The moment Xu Ling got on the elevator, she couldn't help but sigh. .

"Tomorrow I will go back and report to the boss and transfer you over." Li Ming said with a smile.

"If you dare to break up Sister Yun and I, don't blame me for not treating you as a senior." Xu Ling glared angrily.

 The elevator stopped on the 13th floor.

As soon as I got out of the elevator and turned around, I saw a bright and beautifully decorated company front desk.

“Wanshibang Co., Ltd.

Li Ming, are you sure we are not in the wrong place? "

“Here, is this the address you were given?” Li Ming took out the record book and looked at it a little unconfidently. It did say the 13th floor.

“Li Ming, go and ask.”

 Li Ming looked at the two weak-female people around him and thought, who of the two is not better than himself? He should let his younger brother do the asking for directions.

 (End of this chapter)

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