Chapter 135 (135) The state is full and ready to cause trouble

“Excuse me, brother, is our place special?”

"Hey, brother, you must be Li Ming. I've received news a long time ago that you are coming over. All the information you want is ready." The burly man at the front desk slapped Li Ming on the shoulder before he could finish speaking. Above, Li Ming suddenly staggered.

Shen Yun and the others were relieved after seeing that they had indeed gone to the right place.

This place is just a company brand. When the special department is not working, they also do other business, which can be regarded as a cover for the identity of the special department.

When a few people entered, they discovered that the inside was different from what they saw outside. They were not all rough and tough. Except for the two burly men at the front desk, there were all normal-sized people inside.

 At this moment, the three people were full of curiosity about the leader of this branch.

When I met him, he was a serious middle-aged man.

“Minister Qu, we are here from the capital city to investigate Yang Yi. I am Li Ming, and these are Shen Yun and Xu Ling.” Li Ming took the initiative to introduce.

"Yan Han called me. This is the information you want. If you need our cooperation, just speak." Although Qu Youtian looks serious, he does things in a very orderly manner.

 There was no small talk, just a brief acquaintance and then we started working directly, which is a bit like the style of the big brother at the front desk.

The information about the first half of Yang Yi's life is very simple. He married a wife and had children, no different from ordinary people. It's just that when the market opened up, he seized the opportunity and became a professional businessman. At that time, he accumulated a lot of funds.

 In recent years, I have been looking for a good industry again and started working in the catering industry this year.

The beginning was particularly unsatisfactory. First, the hotel address I chose was preempted by someone else, and then the employee I was looking for ran away.

Anyway, things were not going well. He finally found a store and set it up, but because his cooking skills were not up to par, business was very bad. But his bad luck all changed a few months ago, when he met A local friend named Jiao Hao. Not long after, his business started to go smoothly, but his competitor next to him was doing worse and worse. What was originally a small restaurant has now expanded into a restaurant.

 There is nothing wrong with so many things at first glance. After all, it is normal for ordinary people to encounter some hardships in the process if they want to do something well.

On the other hand, there were no problems at all in the smooth flow that followed. Those who faced him had problems only when the opponent was unlucky.

“You can tell at a glance that there is something wrong with Jiao Hao.” Xu Ling said on the side.

"Yes, we have investigated this. He is a local gangster. He became friends with Yang Yi because he wanted to cheat him out of food and drink. We have carefully investigated the following things, and it is not the competitor he helped Yang Yi solve. ." At this time Qu Youtian spoke.

This work was really done very quickly. The news was only delivered yesterday and the matter was investigated clearly today. Shen Yun had to admire these people.

"Have you found out who gave him the stone statue?" Shen Yun asked the key question directly.

"We are also curious about this. He didn't get the stone statue from someone, but he picked it up casually when he took his family to the beach one day. That beach is still a place where no one goes, so our people didn't Nothing was found." Qu Youtian also had a headache.

 The investigation at this time did not have any high-tech means. It was basically just asking questions. The reason why they investigated so quickly was because of the contacts they had accumulated by doing everything to help the company. But many private things are said behind others' backs, and outsiders don't know. Even Yang Yi's wife and children don't know where this stone statue came from.

People outside are even more unclear.

“Our personnel have been going to remote areas to perform tasks in recent days. If we want to thoroughly investigate the line in the middle, it is estimated that we will need time to investigate in detail.” Qu Youtian explained.

 Things are not going well here. But since he came to the south, Shen Yun planned to visit the place where the tracking talisman disappeared.

No matter who introduced Yang Yi, she had already booked the dark shadow’s nest in the stone statue.

 After resting for a night, Shen Yun took advantage of being in a separate room and went into the space to adjust his breathing for a night. Although he was still at the early stage of foundation building, his condition was full.

 Early the next morning, Shen Yun declined the company of Li Ming and Xu Ling, and set out on the road alone.

According to the mark left by the tracking talisman, Shen Yun did not take any detours and directly found a villa. This villa did not match the scenery here, but it seemed to match the scenery on the other side.

Looking at this villa that existed like a target, Shen Yun hid his breath. Since the tracking talisman disappeared here, the black shadow must have appeared here.

Maybe this building is too conspicuous. In order not to look so dilapidated, other houses are far away from here. The trees next to it are very lush.

 It actually provided convenience for Shen Yun's actions.

Divinity took the lead, and Shen Yun climbed over the wall and entered.

Although this house is large, there are really not many living people living there.

Shen Yun frowned and looked at the lush lawn in the courtyard of the villa. He gently stood on tiptoe and walked directly towards the house.

His consciousness has discovered the people in the villa. There is only one skinny old man in the huge house, and there are quite a few boxes and stone statues inside.

As soon as he got close to the room and cleared away the strong gloom, the old man inside noticed Shen Yun's traces.

"Who is trespassing?" Although the old man was still in the house, his angry voice had already spread outside. He was obviously very dissatisfied with Shen Yun, the sudden intruder.

"Here comes the person who is causing trouble for you." Shen Yun did not hide anything. Ever since he discovered the things under the turf in the yard, Chen Yun's anger level continued to soar. This time when he saw the things in the house, he was even more angry. To the extreme.

"Little girl, you are not a big person, but your tone is not small. Do you know where your grandpa is? I just need a good set of decorations here. It seems that you came in secretly. Don't leave now that you are here. "The skinny old man opened the door and looked at Shen Yun with a gloomy face.

“Then let’s see if you are capable enough to keep your aunt.” The old man opposite was not very well cultivated, not even as powerful as Jia Weihe. The spiritual energy on his body was mixed, mostly Yin energy.

 The evil spirit all over the body is very bluffing.

 Shen Yun didn't waste any time, he took out the Qingfeng Sword and struck directly.

The old man did not expect that Shen Yun was also a cultivator and could still use a sword. For a moment, he did not dare to confront him and retreated directly into the villa.

 The sword energy struck directly at the door, and the luxurious golden door was directly split into two halves.

 Shen Yun didn't stop and followed directly.

 (End of this chapter)

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