The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 136: (136) People don’t look very good, but they think they are quite beautiful.

Chapter 136 (136) He doesn’t look very good, but his thoughts are quite beautiful.

There are large and small wooden boxes placed in the room, and there is a stone statue on top of each box. The stone statues are filled with gloomy energy.

Seeing the stranger Shen Yun come in, all the Yin Qi began to twist in an instant.

Shen Yun looked at the old man who had stepped aside. He was not as nervous now.

"Children, this little girl's movie has come to our hometown. Everyone has done their best today and left me here. I will take good care of her later." As soon as the old man finished speaking, the Yin Qi next to him couldn't wait to move. He rushed towards Chen Yun.

The face that was not seen in the black shadow of Yang Yi's stone statue, this time, in the black shadow of these numerous stone statues, I saw ferocious and twisted faces, some big and some small.

With greedy eyes, he rushed directly towards him.

Shen Yun directly put away Qingfeng, took out the Sky Thunder Talisman with his left hand, and held the Jue with his right hand. In an instant, his whole body was surrounded by lightning.

The thunder light spreads directly in the air like it touches water when it touches Yin Qi.

 A piercing scream suddenly sounded in Shen Yun's ears.

"Stop! You little girl, you came from the movie, I told you to stop!" The old man saw that Shen Yun had something to restrain the black shadow, and saw the Yin Qi gradually dissipating. He suddenly couldn't stand and roared angrily beside him. Said, wanting to take action, but a little wary of the lightning on Chen Yun's body.

He spent a lot of effort to collect these, but he didn't expect to be disturbed by this stinky girl who didn't know where she came from. Shen Yun was torn to pieces.

Shen Yun ignored him. Although these shadows might be the souls of unjust dead people, they probably couldn't do any good in the hands of this old man.

If you are tortured every day, and if you harm some people in the future, you will really go to the eighteenth level of hell.

Shen Yun did not let the black shadow disappear, but directly consumed their fighting power. Seeing that they were all covered with a layer of Yin Qi and could no longer show their teeth, Shen Yun stopped the Thunder Metal Technique.

"Now if you go back to the stone statue, you will not disappear. If you come back again, don't blame me for letting you disappear." Shen Yun's hand flashed with lightning, and his eyes looked at a group of dark shadows with a layer of gloom in front of him.

She didn't know if these things could understand what she said, so she said something tentatively. The black figures looked at each other as if they were conscious, and then began to retreat.

"Old man, how are you? Your men have retreated. Do you want to tell me who the master behind you is? What is your purpose of getting these things? How many lives have been killed?" Shen Yun took out Qingfeng directly, and the thunder and lightning did not stop. The stop flashed above and said threateningly.

“You stinky girl, you are just wishful thinking. You have lost all the energy I collected, and I haven’t settled the score with you yet.” The old man stared at Shen Yun.

 The fierceness in his eyes contained a hint of cowardice that was not easily noticeable.

"Oh, I'm here and you still don't want to settle accounts with me. When will you wait? In the future, I will be more powerful and you won't be able to settle accounts. Come on, let's settle accounts." Shen Yun said nothing and rushed directly to passed.

Although the old man is not as powerful as Javi and He, he should be a person who has practiced martial arts for a long time. The two of them went back and forth, making the whole villa feel like it had experienced an earthquake.

 Shen Yun's sword was dodged again. Then he saw the man covered in blood suddenly pull down a lamp on the wall. How could Shen Yun, who knew how the shadow escaped last time, not pay attention this time.

With his spiritual awareness, he discovered that there was a tunnel leading to the water outside the villa.

Seeing others jumping directly inside, Shen Yun moved his fingers and threw the earth spell directly. Suddenly the entire tunnel was filled with soil. The old man who had just jumped in and hadn't started to run was directly trapped by the soil. Shen Yun quickly The net he used to catch things was thrown away.

 Suddenly there was an old man who was tightly **** in a net in the dirt.

"How about it, do you still want to settle accounts with me?" Shen Yun carefully avoided the boxes and stone statues on the ground and walked towards the old man with only his head exposed over there.

"As long as you let me go, I'll tell you whatever you want to know." Seeing that he couldn't escape, the old man changed quickly.

“Do you think you are still qualified to negotiate terms with me now?

You probably don’t know that there is a kind of magic in this world called Soul Searching. As long as I use it on you, I will know everything. But for you, it’s hard to tell. "Chen Yun said threateningly.

"You can't do this. Aren't you people claiming to be righteous people? Such evil and crooked things are definitely not allowed. As long as you let me go, I will tell you everything, so that you can be promoted and make a fortune. , I can also save my life, and we can continue to cooperate in the future." The old man was even more frightened when he heard Chen Yun's words. The soul-searching technique sounded like nothing at all, but it was somewhat familiar to the soul-catching array they used.

Although he has made so many stone statues, he himself does not want to be such a person.

"Oh, I didn't say that I was a righteous person. Do people like us still care about getting promoted and getting rich? I have already found the road to immortality. I just don't like you soul boys who are like immortal gods." Shen Yun said nonchalantly. , his spiritual consciousness paid attention to the changes in the old man's face.

As expected, the old man had a trace of surprise on his face after hearing this.

"Master, what do you want to know? Just ask me. As long as you guide me on the road to immortality in the future, I will tell you everything." The old man had just seen Shen Yun's power, thunder and lightning, and swords that appeared out of thin air. Isn't this the method of immortals?

  He knows how he got his cultivation, but he also knows the consequences. At his age, he just wants to live a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years.

As for why he believed Shen Yun so easily, firstly, he may have done too many bad things while doing this. Now his cultivation has reached a bottleneck and there is no hope of improvement.

 Second, official personnel are the most particular. People like this who just barge in without saying hello don't look like people who follow the rules. Moreover, as far as he knows, official personnel all act together and rarely work alone.

Although a soul seal mission failed a few days ago, he didn't think the official would come to trouble him so quickly.

 So when looking at Shen Yun, he has a gambler's mentality. It won't get better anyway, so he might as well block it.

"You don't look very good, but you think you are quite beautiful. You tell me first, and I will see what you say, so that I can decide what to do. After all, do you want to prove your worth?" Shen Yun hugged him Jian directly pulled up a chair and sat next to him.

"Then let's talk about the Immortal God. Those who rely on the Immortal God to practice are the most indifferent. When people worship him, he absorbs their essence, and then kills many people at once. I can't bear to see it. "The old man thought about it and decided to sell his teammates first.

 (End of this chapter)

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