Chapter 137 (137) Spiritual Energy Recovery

"You're talking as if what you're doing is human affairs. It's not like taking human lives to improve your cultivation." Shen Yun looked at the person below who was licking his face and speaking and couldn't help but sneered.

"My situation is different. This is the soul boy that I gave to the other party when he begged me. Otherwise, these things of mine would be precious. Besides, these lives were not caused by me. They were all the wishes of the other party, and the soul boy helped to satisfy them." The old man is still alive. Justify yourself carefully.

"Oh, where did the dark shadows in these stone statues come from?" Shen Yun turned around and looked at this small villa. The entire first floor was an empty hall filled with boxes and stone statues.

 According to careful calculation, there should be hundreds of them.

 “Dark shadow? You mean soul mark?”

 Shen Yun nodded.

The old man's eyes moved slightly, "None of these things belong to me. I take care of them for others. At such an old age, I just want to live a good life and be healthy until I grow old."

 I have no choice but to do these things. Someone forced me to help him deal with these things. "The old man is smart, he will push the matter to unknown people.

 “Do you think I’m a fool for being so easy to deceive?”

"Of course not. Look at my own strength. The soul mark in this stone statue is so powerful. Do you think someone like me can handle it? You have to find out carefully and don't wrongly accuse a good person. ." The old man said it was reasonable.

 According to past opinions, it will definitely take a little difficulty for a weak person to control a strong one.

 But if you look at the contents of the box under the stone statue, or the sealed items, you will know that these items are the key to containing the soul seal.

"Then tell me who gave these things to you for safekeeping." Shen Yun had time this time and didn't mind listening to his excuse.

"I really can't say this. If I say it, someone will die." The old man seemed to have thought of something, and when he said this, he couldn't help but tremble.

Shen Yun was asking a few questions, but the old man was unwilling to say who was behind the scenes.

 He always said that he didn't see the face of the person behind him clearly. Usually the other person came here to look for him. He didn't know who the other person was.

 Shen Yun saw that the immortal cultivator could not attract this person even if he lived a hundred years, so he did not talk nonsense to him, and just knocked the person unconscious, tied him up and put him somewhere.

 The person behind him is either very powerful, or as the old man said, he is mysterious and has not revealed who he is.

 Shen Yun turned around and looked at the box in the room.

Each box here has a small seal painted on it.

 Shen Yun took out a box and observed it carefully.

She has seen this formation before. It is in the talisman book that Zhang Qingan gave her. It is a relatively common sealing and isolation talisman.

However, as we all know, it is difficult to make these talismans work without mana. Since the talismans on these boxes are all functional, they are not painted by ordinary people.

The first person Shen Yun thought of was Jia Weihe.

Think about it, the stone statue used by Jia Weihe does not seem to have these so-called soul marks, and there is no formation in the eyes of the stone statue.

 Could it be that Jia Weihe used the stone statues to harm people's lives, and then sealed the souls of those who died unjustly into the stone statues, so that the stone statues became stone statues of spiritual children.

Shen Yun guessed in his mind, injected spiritual energy into his hands, and opened the box easily.

As soon as the box was opened, the corresponding stone statue seemed to have a response, and the soul mark floated out directly from it. It was far away from Chen Yun. Although there was only a blurry outline of the face, Chen Yun still saw it from the blurry face. The longing for the things inside the box.

"Are these your ashes? If so, just nod." Shen Yun asked tentatively.

Although past experiences have caused this soul to lose most of its consciousness, after hearing Shen Yun ask this question, he reacted for a few seconds and still nodded.

Shen Yun carefully placed the box two steps away from him, when he saw the soul mark and rushed forward impatiently.

Shen Yun glanced at it and turned his eyes away.

 The soul imprint was thrown on the pile of ashes, but there was no reaction, which made the people who saw it feel uncomfortable.

Shen Yun looked at a circle of wooden boxes around him.

"Help me keep an eye on this person, and I'll help you with the sealing matter." Shen Yun stood up and said.

 Suddenly, all the soul marks that had just been hiding in the stone statue poked their heads out.

 The yin energy in the air suddenly became thicker.

"Watch him. I'll help you open these boxes." Shen Yun pointed at the old man lying on the ground.

The first thing to move was the soul seal just now. As soon as Shen Yun finished speaking, she turned into a black stream of light and floated straight in front of the old man and began to circle around him.

 The subsequent soul seals were also added one by one.

 Suddenly the old man was wrapped into a black flowing silkworm chrysalis.

Shen Yun turned around and took a look, saw several motionless stone statues, and threw a few exorcism charms on them. Suddenly, the whole stone statues gave off a burning smell, and a shrill scream could be heard faintly from inside.

Shen Yun didn't even look back, he turned around and walked outside.

This was to scare the monkeys. On the other hand, when Shen Yun just dealt with these stone statues, he discovered that the Yin Qi on the soul seals was the heaviest. When Chen Yun thought about the soul seal that killed Boss Yang, the Yin Qi on it was just A little more than these few, from this we can know that these soul marks have carried human lives, no matter whether they are innocent or not, there is no turning back.

Shen Yun went out and found a phone booth and called Li Ming directly. They still needed to come over to handle the subsequent situation here.

After making the call, I walked directly towards the villa.

 It goes back and forth very quickly, only taking about ten minutes.

Shen Yun stood at the door of the villa, looking at the old man inside who was still wrapped in a cocoon of soul marks. She was in no hurry to go in.

 He directly pulled out the rebirth spell stored in the warehouse of the Immortal Mansion in his memory, put the jade slip on his forehead, and suddenly a large section of the content appeared in Shen Yun's mind.

Shen Yun recited it silently in his mind, then opened the door and walked in.

The black cocoon wrapping the old man saw Shen Yun walking in, and immediately dispersed, and each of them returned directly to the stone statue without stopping outside.

Shen Yun looked at the soul mark left outside and directly took the stone statue she had stored.

 Look at the patterns in the eyes of the stone statue.

 Now you will understand a little bit what this thing is, a sealing talisman and an energy conversion talisman.

Shen Yun directly took out the brush in his space, dipped it in cinnabar and began to carve on the stone statue.

 After a while, the two talismans were directly destroyed by Shen Yun. Shen Yun looked at what he felt, the soul mark spinning in circles on one side, and immediately started to recite the Rebirth Mantra.

As Shen Yun's voice sounded, the soul seal on the opposite side stopped moving. Gradually, the black color on her body faded and turned into a white and transparent color.

  The face that was originally blurred into a ball will now look like a delicate girl.

"Thank you, my name is Cui Xiu'e." The girl opposite smiled and bowed gently to Shen Yun, then slowly disappeared in front of Shen Yun.

Shen Yun paused for a moment, then carefully took out a pen and paper and wrote his name on the box and pasted it.

 Then he started to deal with the next one non-stop, some were young, some were old, some were men and some were women.

 The last thing he left for Shen Yun were their names and a word of thanks.

There were a total of 101 people. Shen Yun didn't know how these people did it at that time. Thinking about how he was treated like ants when he died, they all suffered the same fate.

These people don’t take human life as their fate when they have some skills. I wonder if these people have ever thought that one day they would be treated like this.

Shen Yun dealt with the last few stone statues that he had attached with exorcism charms.

The soul mark inside has been tortured to death by the exorcism talisman, but Shen Yun finally sent a rebirth spell. There is a special place to judge the right and wrong. Since the spiritual energy can be revived and the soul can exist, then she believes that **** It also exists.

Looking at the finished stone statue, Shen Yun's inner demon barrier was broken a little bit. She now saw through her death in her previous life, but she probably would not let go of the people who killed her. These people were not in the same area.

 After arranging these, Shen Yun felt a lot more relaxed, and then he felt warm and sunny all over his body. When he looked up, he saw a layer of golden light appearing around him and slowly falling on his body.

Since the last time in the secret realm, there has been no little jumping dog that came out of the spirit beast bag. This time, it also came out of it, running up and down in the golden light.

 But it seems to be of little use.

Shen Yun felt the golden light that entered his body. Could it be that this was the golden light of merit? He had allowed these people to enter the afterlife today and received a gift from God.

Shen Yun felt this golden light of merit carefully, thinking about the records he saw in the Immortal Mansion, and seeing if he could see whether he could get the golden light or jumping up and down, he confirmed his understanding.

"Okay, stop jumping around. I got this by doing good deeds. If you want it, you can do good things yourself." Shen Yun caught the bouncing egg with his hand and said with a smile.

Before I could put it into the spirit beast bag, I felt a pain in my palm, and then a drop of blood floated directly up, forming a mysterious pattern on the surface of the little jumper.

The moment the pattern was completed, Shen Yun felt a chirping sound in his mind, and at the same time he understood what the little jumper had just done.

 It stole its own blood and bound a spiritual beast contract to itself.

I had always guessed what was inside, but now that I had bound this promise, I realized that what was chirping in my mind turned out to be a little phoenix.

I really watched her take away the golden light of her merits.

 Shen Yun couldn't help but hold his breath.

But thinking about the description of the spirit beast contract in the records he saw, Shen Yun couldn't say anything. A phoenix sold itself to him just for a glimmer of merit, so what else could he have to complain about.

Seeing the little Bengqiao getting a glimmer of merit and dancing more cheerfully, the chattering in Shen Yun's mind almost turned into a song. "

"Little Bengqi, are you stupid? You have signed a contract of betrayal." Shen Yun looked at the silly and happy little Phoenix in front of him and couldn't help but complain.

“Chichichichichichi, chirping.” This was still the answer to Shen Yun.

Although Shen Yun has started practicing, he has never learned the foreign language of bird language. Of course I don't understand what it says.

Hearing the knock on the door outside, Shen Yun put the little jumper directly into the spirit animal bag and walked towards the door.

"Sister Yun, you didn't take us with you when you went out to perform the mission. Later, you remembered that you couldn't do it without us as helpers." Xu Ling complained quickly, and Shen Yun's precise complaints were thrown in her face as soon as she opened the door. .

Shen Yun couldn't tell for a while whether this girl really admired him, or whether she was approaching him in the name of worshiping herself, getting to know him better, and then complaining about him better.

“Okay, let’s get down to business.” Xu Ling and Li Ming weren’t the ones here this time.

I also brought some colleagues who stayed behind in the south.

 Li Ming became serious when it was difficult to do things.

"Come with me. This yard needs to be dug. There are things underneath, and there are boxes in the house. They are full of ashes. I have put names on them. Then you can see if you can help find the family or what to do." Shen Yun has sent the ghost away, and he is not as professional as his colleagues in the south in the remaining matters.

When everyone heard what Shen Yun said, their faces, which were a little relaxed at first, suddenly became serious. Several people started digging outside, while a few others went inside to deal with the stone statues and boxes.

Shen Yun stood at the door and directed everyone to dig into the yard.

 Suddenly, her waving hand stopped and her eyes turned to the southwest.

 I saw only a dazzling white light that shot straight into the sky instantly.

"Sister Yun, can you feel it? There is spiritual energy." Xu Ling was helping in the room, so she ran out and whispered to Shen Yun.

 “I feel it, things are going to change.

Li Ming, call Yan Han quickly. "Chen Yun greeted people.

 I didn’t wait for the phone to be picked up, so I picked it up directly.

"It's severe cold, the spiritual energy has revived, it's in the southwest." After answering the phone, Shen Yun said directly without waiting for what the other party said.

"Okay, I understand. You go over first and I'll arrange the manpower immediately." Yan Han didn't talk nonsense. After this period of practice, Shen Yun's words are easy to understand. This world is once again full of legendary things. The world, if it is not handled well, will be in great turmoil.

 Even the structure of the world will change as a result.

Yan Han was not careless and started making arrangements after hanging up the phone. The spiritual energy spread quickly. By the time Yan Han hung up the phone, there was already a reaction in Beijing and City, and the department's Ouija board was spinning crazily.

Shen Yun, who was in the south, directly stuffed the spirit beast bag that was about to move into the space.

He turned around and looked at the group of people next to him, "I believe some people have already felt it.

 I want to go directly to the southwest. If you want to go, please do it quickly. "After Chen Yun finished speaking, he looked at Li Ming.

"Don't worry, go over there. I will handle the matters here, and I will also bring the old man inside for trial." Li Ming said with a serious look without a playful smile.

"Then I'll set off first." After Shen Yun said that, he quickly moved towards the hidden place.

 Then he stepped directly onto Qingfeng and flew quickly towards his destination in the high air.

 (End of this chapter)

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