Chen Yun was stunned on the spot, and saw many people walking out of the barracks in an instant, and everyone looked straight at Shen Yun.

“Oh no, I’m starting school on the 22nd.” With everyone watching, Chen Yun’s mind suddenly wandered.

 Then under the hot gazes of everyone, Shen Yun regained his attention.

Even if I am thinking about this matter now, I can't get rid of it now. I can only take the time to call the teacher.

 Shen Yun passed by the cultivator in front.

 Go directly to the front of the barracks.

 “How are you, are you hungry?” Yanhan is very humanitarian and cares about the situation inside even before he comes up.

Shen Yun felt really hungry when he asked this question. Although she was already in the foundation building stage, she was not completely inediate yet. Although she would not die if she did not eat for a long time, she would really be hungry.

"Let's talk while eating." Feeling the roar in his stomach, Shen Yun suggested directly.

The next scene was a row of several people staring at Shen Yun while he was eating. Only then did she feel that her suggestion just now was a bit outrageous. This was not a meal time. Everyone had already eaten, except Shen Yun.

 “Would you like some?”

Shen Yun looked at the people next to him and asked.

"You eat yours, don't let it go?" Yan Han said while flipping through the book.

Shen Yun could only speed up his meal and then start talking about the scene inside.

 The general situation is actually similar to the one taken last time, except now I don’t know if all the animals inside are dead, or they saw the spiritual energy storm disappear and they also left.

But no matter what, this is good news for mankind.

Shen Yun didn't need to tell them that the spiritual energy hurricane had disappeared. They could see it.

Shen Yun thought they had disappeared long ago, but after looking at their records, he realized that the spiritual energy hurricane only stopped an hour before he woke up.

  Shen Yun has been digging for spiritual plants for three days, and preparations have been made outside. After three days of observation, it is confirmed that the storm inside has stopped.

"Then we can arrange for people to go in. The powerful power caused by the spiritual hurricane inside has gradually dissipated. If humans don't take the first step, I don't know if they can come out on top later." Shen Yun said about their idea of ​​​​wanting to go there and take a look. I agree very much. No one knows whether this is opportunity or danger, but cultivation inherently involves danger and opportunity.

Moreover, the aura eye is the easiest place to enter enlightenment. I have heard of many people achieving enlightenment in the aura eye in my previous life, and Shen Yun just wanted to go in and have a look. Everyone walks together, which is always a little caring.

"Okay, I'll arrange for us to go in together. There are some spiritual plants you mentioned. Could you please give me some pointers?" Yan Han didn't hesitate. Hearing what Shen Yun said, he thought about it and was ready. Go in as early as possible to avoid any mishaps later.

With the order given, the whole camp suddenly became active.

 The special department, plus Shen Yun and Yan Han, a total of 15 cultivators went in, coupled with a team of 10 soldiers who were new to cultivation. Regardless of their cultivation level, they look like they are no ordinary people with the chilling aura all over their bodies. They may be better at fighting than most people in the special department.

“When you can be contacted, please contact us at any time. When you cannot be contacted, remember the camera in your hand.” The person left behind in the camp was Jiang Bin, a soldier who was with Yan Han that day. This will send everyone to the dense forest without forgetting to explain to Shen Yun and the others.

“Don’t worry, I will take care of it.” Yan Han nodded.

This time I went to the Aura Eye. Not only did I bring the necessary supplies, but I also brought two cameras and two walkie-talkies to facilitate contact with the people above at any time.

 Shen Yun led them forward in the dense forest.

 The plants here are stimulated by spiritual energy, and not only do they grow fast, but they also grow very big.

 The sky is blocked and the sun is blocked, so the sight inside is not very good.

"Everyone, please be careful. The situation here is very complicated and be careful of dangers." Shen Yun did not forget to explain as he walked away. While walking, Shen Yun did not forget to tell everyone about the Lingzhi he saw.

Of course, you won’t be able to dig out these things on the way there, now you just need to get acquainted with them.

Standing at the aura eye, everyone looked at the huge bottomless cave below and couldn't help but take a breath.

 Before going down, set up professional tools at the entrance of the cave and start measuring and recording.

 The people responsible for these tasks are not only people from special departments, but also several military personnel.

Shen Yun watched their movements and did not bother to urge them.

 I stood aside and felt the spiritual wind blowing up from below.

 Apply it gently on the face and feel that the pores of the whole body are stretched.

This underground cave occupies a large area, and there are occasional flashes of light inside, waiting for humans to explore.

Shen Yun thought about the legends about the aura eyes that he heard in his previous life.

Whether it is true or not depends on today’s investigation.

The whole team moved very quickly and announced that they could move on after a while.

Although the underground hole is deep, it does not point straight down, which does not bring much difficulty to Shen Yun and the others.

On the way down, there were specialized people to fetch soil and collect air at regular intervals. These were all tasks this time.

 The aura inside the cave is still stronger than outside.

In his last life, Shen Yun had heard that many aura eyes were treasures for cultivation, but most of them were in the hands of the state and various forces. For casual practitioners like himself, it was more difficult to go to the aura eyes to practice than to reach the sky.

I didn’t expect that I would be one of the first teams to explore the aura eyes in this life.

 We traveled downhill for more than an hour and found nothing.

 The spiritual light emitted by the aura made their people's path forward less dark.

About 100 meters down the tunnel, the intercom can no longer be contacted from above, but the two inside can communicate with each other.

The group of people each perform their own duties. Shen Yun and Yan Han each have a camera, and the others also have their own things to do.

Shen Yun raised his camera and was about to take a picture, "No, something is moving." Shen Yun said in a deep voice.

 The people behind him immediately became alert.

"What's going on?" Yan Han's voice sounded on the intercom.

"I saw something moving up there, please wait a moment and I'll take a look." Shen Yun and the others are currently in a diagonally downward position, and there is also dirt above their heads, and this makes the cave feel better than when they first entered. It was a little older. If you didn't pay attention, it would be difficult to notice something moving above your head in the dark environment. If Shen Yun didn't take a camera to take pictures, he probably wouldn't notice the slight movement.

Shen Yun turned on the flashlight and called Qingfeng directly. Now is the age of cultivation, so she no longer hid it and flew up with her sword.

Getting closer, I discovered different places. There were many semicircular traces of different thicknesses and curves like pipes.

Shen Yun went to the place where he had just noticed the movement. This place was like other places, there was nothing there.

Shen Yun was not in a hurry to go down. He controlled the flying sword and went up to take a look. He found that these traces began to appear about 80 meters down.

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