Shen Yun controlled the sword and returned to its original position. The people in the same team did not move at this time, they were all waiting for Shen Yun.

Looking at Shen Yun walking on the sword, although he was curious and envious in his heart, his professionalism prevented him from asking out his curiosity.

"There are many semi-circular pipes with different thicknesses and curves on it. Let me draw it for you. These don't look like earthworms or something similar to earthworms. They look a bit like places where tree roots pass by." Shen Yun said while talking about his own. View, while painting.

 The graphics were also drawn very quickly, and I randomly drew a few shapes for everyone to see.

“This does look a bit like the traces of tree roots.” Everyone looked at it again and again and came to the same conclusion.

"That's the problem. There are no tree roots inside. There are no tree roots all over here. Besides, in such a deep place, how can the roots grow so long?" Shen Yun was a little doubtful about what had just been moved. It can't be a mouse.

Can rats live so deep underground? It was during the spiritual storm some time ago that the mice turned into spirits directly. Before the people could come down, they came down directly.

"Can you take us up to have a look?" Yan Han didn't come to a conclusion easily, but asked Shen Yun on the side.

 “Okay.” Shen Yun nodded and stepped directly on the Qingfeng Sword. "Who is more experienced in this?" She asked everyone.

"Me." A young man in a group of people said excitedly. He was extremely glad that he had studied animals and plants before, and now he was so excited that he could fly with a flying sword.

Shen Yun looked at the man who came out, um, a soldier, of moderate weight, okay.

The flying sword quickly passed by him, and Shen Yun calmly grabbed the backpack that was fixed to his body.

"How about it? Will this be a little uncomfortable?" Shen Yun asked thoughtfully.

It's not that Chen Yun is stingy, Qingfeng actually has his own temper. When Shen Yun just decided to take someone with him, Qingfeng, who had been unresponsive for such a long time, thought it was an ordinary magic weapon. How could he know it? Just now, he faintly expressed resistance towards himself.

This means that we don’t want people to stand on it.

The incident happened suddenly, and Shen Yun had no choice but to carry the bag.

The young man being carried by Shen Yun felt miserable, but it was not that uncomfortable.

 Still within the tolerance of his body.

 “It’s okay, I can still hold on.” He said with difficulty.

"That's good. I'm very fast. If you like it, tell me and I'll take you down." Shen Yun said, looking at the young man who was carefully observing the situation above.

The other party nodded. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he still looked at the situation above seriously.

 "I'm fine." Hearing these words, Shen Yun immediately dropped.

 Then he brought two more people.

"How is it? What do you think?" Shen Yun asked curiously.

"Ugh...I think..., ugh..." The person who had just come off didn't say a few words before he felt the aftereffects of following Shen Yun up and down. It was the first time in his life that he had motion sickness.

“Drink some water first.” The first young man felt the same way when he saw this man.

Shen Yun touched her nose. She didn't do it on purpose. She just wanted to save time. In addition, these people will all be cultivators in the future. How could they think of this and still faint with the sword?

 After waiting for the last two minutes, everyone gathered together to discuss the discovery.

 Three people agreed that it was the traces left by tree roots.

"I estimate that these are tree roots left a long time ago and were buried deep underground. The spiritual energy hurricane blew so hard some time ago that these tree roots were blown away and disappeared with the wind, so they are left now. So many semi-circular pipes,” said the first young man.

 This is somewhat possible.

“Let’s go down first and then check the situation.” We won’t be able to figure it out for a while, so we can’t waste too much time here.

 As soon as Yan Han’s words came out, everyone immediately packed up their things and maintained their formation. The group of people continued walking down.

 According to estimates, they have reached more than 3,000 meters underground.

 Still not feeling depressed.

"This hole won't penetrate the planet, right?" Shen Yun picked up the walkie-talkie and asked about the severe cold behind him.

“According to the direction, I haven’t heard any strange events on the opposite side in the past few days.” Yan Han said seriously.

It seems like this place still has a bottom.

Thinking about the movement he just discovered, Shen Yun carefully looked down with his consciousness.

The place that can be seen for the time being is completely dark.

However, the terrain has become flatter. This is not a cave leading to the center of the earth, but rather like an underground passage appearing underground.

The group of people continued to walk forward. The silent cave was filled with only the footsteps of a few people and the sound of breathing.

 Shen Yun walked at the front.

 His consciousness drifted further as he moved around.

I was just thinking about when I would reach the lowest point, but I didn’t know that it would be there in the blink of an eye.

Shen Yun controlled his consciousness and carefully circled below, and then said to the people behind him, "We seem to be almost at our destination, everyone, be ready."

 When everyone heard this, they couldn’t help but become nervous.

Shen Yun held the Qingfeng Sword and turned on the flashlight again, and saw thousands of swaying vines blocking the way.

Looking at the way they are attached to the top, the semicircular pipes on the top are also explained. They should be left by the crawling vines.

The vines seemed to be alive. It seemed that the movement he just saw was not a mouse, but the traces caused by the movement of these vines.

  Could it be that this thing has been monitoring their movements?

Shen Yun looked at the vine seriously, and suddenly saw a bone under the ground near the soil.

Think about the animals that disappeared above. Maybe they didn’t leave, but came down first to explore the aura eyes.

 After all, this crypt is new. If it were bones that were thousands or hundreds of years old, they would have melted long ago.

"Get ready to fight, this guy may be a tough guy who eats people but doesn't spit out bones." Shen Yun pointed the tip of his sword to the ground.

 The people behind heard what Shen Yun said, and their formations immediately changed.

Shen Yun couldn't care about the people behind him now, because dozens of vines in front of him were piercing towards him like arrows.

Shen Yun waved the sword in his hand and quickly cut through the vines.

Although there are a lot of opponents, fortunately, this thing is not as hard as I imagined.

But what’s disgusting is that a section was cut off. Although the movement speed of the remaining section is a bit slower, it can still attack people.

 The people behind him also took advantage of the opportunity to attack.

  Fireballs, waterballs, and wind passed by.

Shen Yun kept moving, looking at more and more vines around him. He used his sword to the extreme. The sword energy was like a rainbow, and a layer of vine branches fell from the ground.

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