Chapter 142 (142) Plant World

Shen Yun moved quickly, but there were too many vines that he couldn't hold back.

 The people next to him saw Shen Yun gradually being wrapped into a green cocoon by the vines.

 Everyone was extremely anxious.

They didn’t dare to attack the green cocoon where Shen Yun was.

 Each one of them stopped attacking from a distance while holding something, and started fighting directly.

Shen Yun inside was not as scary as she looked from the outside. Because of Qingfeng's presence, the vines couldn't get close to her at all.

However, Shen Yun also noticed that he was surrounded.

 Looking at the intersection of vines, they are getting thicker and thicker.

 If you don’t go out, even if you build your own foundation, you will be trapped in it and die.

Looking at the vines that are getting faster and faster, this plant that has become a spirit is more difficult to deal with than an animal that has become a spirit.

Shen Yun used his sword to block the attacking vines with one hand, and at the same time began to use his latest ultimate move, the fire technique.

Facing a place, spiritual energy is like a free release.

 The spiritual energy in his body is being consumed rapidly. Fortunately, the spiritual energy inside is very rich. It is released and absorbed at the same time. Shen Yun will not be hollowed out by this spell.

 Sure enough, plants are afraid of fire. The fire burned part of the vines, and most of the vines began to evacuate the place.

That place is getting weaker and weaker.

Shen Yun saw that it was almost done, and struck a sword directly at that place. A flash of sword light flashed, and a crack was cut directly in the vine.

 She turned over and escaped.

 “Bomb.” Shen Yun directly greeted the people next to him.

 While using magic to reinforce the surrounding soil.

At this moment, people outside also noticed that Shen Yun had come out. Yan Han quickly threw the weapon he was carrying along the gap.

 Everyone immediately retreated, and then heard a bang.

The vine cocoon was blown to pieces, but there was no damage elsewhere, which shows how thick the cocoon is.

The few remaining vines were frightened and immediately began to retreat.

 Shen Yun saw this and followed him directly.

Vine plants have the greatest lifespan. As long as the roots are not removed, there is a possibility of resurrection later.

Shen Yun can't leave any trouble in the future. If it develops and grows stronger that day, comes out of this crypt, and harms more people, I don't know if the cause and effect will be recorded on people like them today.

"Boss, do we want to follow him?" The others saw Shen Yun's actions and immediately asked Yanhan on the side.

“Follow me, let’s go take a look.” Although their fighting power is not as powerful as Shen Yun’s, they can still help at critical times. This will make Shen Yun fight alone.

Shen Yun here followed the vines all the way down, and finally saw a huge root at a turning point.

 Obviously this is the nest of the vine. Although it has become a spirit, the vine can run everywhere, but it is not so bad as to pull the roots out of the soil and escape.

 Chen Yun did not use Moji. He attacked with fire and used his sword at the same time.

 Finally, before everyone arrived, he successfully knocked down the vines in front of him.

Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief and immediately put Xiao Bengqie out on guard. He sat down and began to recover his spiritual energy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he sat down, the little jumper ran towards the roots of the vine.

 I jumped around on it, the roots were trampled to pieces, and a green bead fell out of it. Chen Yun couldn't sit still while looking at the green glowing beads, so he walked over and picked them up. The egg-sized beads didn't look like they were made of wood, but looked a bit like a vine growing a stone.

But listening to the slightly happy screams in my head, and the fact that the little bouncy jumper was jumping higher than usual, I knew that this thing was definitely not a stone.

 This should be the legendary demon elixir.

 “Little Bengqi, you did a good job.” Shen Yun praised happily.

Looking at the little Bengqiao who was jumping up and down and trying to go down after he praised himself, Shen Yun stopped him directly.

“Let’s take a rest here first and wait for the large army behind.” After Shen Yun said that, he sat down and started to adjust his breath. He just thought that he had reached the end of the vines, but he knew there was still a road behind.

 Since the vines are so powerful, they don’t know what difficulties are waiting for them later.

 Shen Yun plans to go on in the best condition.

The concentration of spiritual energy here is very high. After Shen Yun sat down for a while, he felt that the spiritual energy in his body was full again.

Then I heard a bunch of footsteps coming from behind, and I immediately put the little jumper into the spirit beast bag.

"How are you, Shen Yun?" When everyone came over, they saw Shen Yun sitting there, and they immediately thought he was injured.

"I'm fine. I'm just adjusting my breathing. I don't know what's down there." Shen Yun quickly explained.

"It's fine, it's fine. Where's the vine?" Yan Han glanced at Shen Yun up and down to make sure that she was really fine, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

“The vines are over there.” Shen Yun turned on his flashlight and shined it on the vines that were smashed by the little jumper.

 “It’s good to be dead.” Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The overwhelming vines just now were really scary.

Seeing that such a powerful plant was defeated by Shen Yun, everyone's ambitions immediately increased.

The group of people immediately divided into two teams. When it was time to adjust the breath, the other people began to collect the tissue of the vines.

Although this thing is scary, it is of great research value and cannot be let go.

“Can our current strength continue to improve?” Yan Han sat down and discussed with Shen Yun.

"No one knows what's down there. We will have to go down sooner or later. If we don't go down, someone else will take advantage of the opportunity and go down early that day. If something happens, the consequences will be serious." Shen Yun said seriously.

 “This…” Yanhan hesitated.

"Don't say that no one will go down. You also know about the stone statues in the south. There are many places in this world that we can't see, and there are many powerful people. The most important thing is that they have evil thoughts." Shen Yun stood up directly.

Yanhan was silent for a second and looked around at the dozen or so people around him.

"The situation below is uncertain. I believe that after this incident with the vines, everyone is mentally prepared. Next, we should be more vigilant and put safety first." Yan Han explained solemnly.

 Everyone responded immediately.

 After trimming the vines, everyone moved forward.

 “Did you smell anything?” As I walked, I discovered the situation again.

 “The smell of flowers.” After hearing this person say this, someone smelled it carefully.

“Be careful, everything in this underground world is not simple.” Shen Yun warned and held his breath.

When everyone thought about it, they immediately became vigilant. The vines here were all combat-type. No one could guarantee whether the fragrance of the flowers was poisonous or not.

 Since you smell the fragrance, the distance is not far.

As expected, after everyone had walked not far, they arrived at a suddenly bright area. Although the light underground was relatively dark, under the light, the plants of various colors that filled the eyes were still shocking to everyone.

 (End of this chapter)

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