Chapter 144 (144) Who knows who God’s thunder will kill

 It's like killing someone with a borrowed knife, isn't it?

Shen Yun walked over there cautiously, and from a distance he saw five people lying there, one on top of the other, without any movement.

These people must have encountered broken branches of vines left by Shen Yun and others on the way, and they were all cautious when walking over.

 I just didn’t expect that I used a long-range attack and knocked down several people.

But looking at the equipment on these people, these five should be the ones exploring the front.

Shen Yun looked at the few people carefully. The aura on his body was mixed, but it was a bit similar to the old man he met in the villa over there.

If you think about it, you will know that most people have no conditions to practice before the spiritual energy is revived, unless they are in the special department, or like Jia Wei and them. They know that there is spiritual energy in the world and can practice, but the methods they use are evil. Heretic.

Shen Yun searched carefully, trying to find evidence on several people. After checking carefully, he found no identity information of these people. It seemed that they had made sufficient preparations before coming down.

Shen Yun directly took off the rope they used to climb from the backpack, and **** the few people who were trapped in the illusion.

This rope is indeed not as useful as its own net, but the net was left there when I **** the old man that day, and I can only wait until the next time I go there to take it back.

Shen Yun looked at the five ropes tying the people up like twists, and clapped his hands. These people wouldn't be able to escape now.

But these people who go underground still have to worry about themselves. We can’t watch these people starve to death.

Looking at the people with different expressions underground, I don’t know what kind of illusion these people are in. Some are happy, some are in pain, and some are giggling.

 Shen Yun was thinking of ways to wake people up.

It is recorded on the jade slip that when encountering such a situation, you can usually wait for the person to wake up on their own. This is the best result, but those who cannot wake up on their own cannot just give up.

Shen Yun was not in a hurry. He looked around and saw that everyone was fine, so he asked Xiao Bengqi to continue watching over here while she continued to do what she had not finished just now.

I just got a few kinds of spiritual plants, and there are still many that I haven’t got yet. Coupled with the reincarnation in the middle, I will have to go through many tribulations in the future. Who knows who will be killed by God’s thunder, so I still have to prepare in advance. one time.

Shen Yun dug in one by one at a very slow speed. They were full of difficult spiritual plants. It was after 6 o'clock in the evening and he only picked three.

However, they haven't made any movement due to the severe cold over there, and Shen Yun is too busy here.

 Put down what you were doing and walk directly over there.

Others can understand even if they haven't woken up. There is a divine weapon in Yanhan Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, but they haven't woken up yet. This is not normal.

Shen Yun looked closer to Yan Han carefully. He had a sweet smile on his usually stern face. No wonder he hadn't woken up for so long. What kind of sweet dream was he having?

After reading this, Shen Yun planned to go see other people. It was not like he fell asleep and woke them up by patting them.

Unexpectedly, before I even left the city, someone grabbed my arm.

"You're awake." Shen Yun turned his head and turned back again, and saw that Yanhan lying on the ground had opened his eyes.

 “Wake up, have you woken up a long time ago?” Yan Han put away the smile that had just fallen into the illusion, and turned into a serious and calm look again.

Shen Yun glanced at him and thought that if he didn't have much expression on his face, he would have fewer wrinkles as he gets older. However, thinking about it, this person will start cultivating immortality in the future, so he probably won't get older. .

"I woke up a long time ago. I fainted for a while, and then nothing happened. But I just saw you smiling so sweetly. What did you go through in the illusion? Can you tell me?" Shen Yun suddenly became a little curious. What could make this cold-faced captain put a sweet smile on his face. "This is my private matter." Yan Han glanced at Shen Yun and stood up directly.

  Okay, let’s not ask about personal matters. Her curiosity is not that serious. She just wants to know why this person’s ears are red when this topic is mentioned.

 Yanhan woke up, and the pressure on Chen Yun was a little lighter, and he quietly put the little bouncy dog ​​in the corner into his bag.

 Then he started to touch the jade slips to find information and chew them out.

It's not a problem for this person to lie down. We have to think of ways to wake him up.

 The jade slips recording reincarnation do not contain any instructions on how to wake up people who have fallen into the illusion of reincarnation.

Shen Yun could only take out all the jade slips that he had not seen before and read them.

 A large amount of information goes into your mind at one time.

 Fortunately, I have recovered from the injury to my consciousness, otherwise the impact of so much information would have knocked me out.

But just like that, Shen Yun felt a little dizzy after looking at several jade slips at once.

"Shen Yun, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? You didn't just start now, did you?" After Yan Han looked at the other team members, he saw Shen Yun looking like he was about to fall to the ground and walked over nervously.

"It's okay." Shen Yun waved his hand, sat down on the ground and began to carefully read the additional content in the sea of ​​consciousness.

“That’s good, you have a good rest and I’ll watch them.” Yanhan breathed a sigh of relief.

Within a few minutes, Shen Yun had finished understanding the content in the sea of ​​consciousness. What she read this time were some essays and notes, and there was no formal content. Shen Yun hoped to find it in this aspect.

 A few jade slips are not in vain, there were still some bold cultivators in the past.

Shen Yun saw that it was recorded above that after falling into the illusion of reincarnation, he only needed to take the leaves and pollen of reincarnation and add spiritual spring water to refine it to make Qingxin Brew, which would wake up the person who entered the illusion.

It doesn’t say who discovered this recipe, and whether it works or not. Shen Yun estimated that this recipe was received in the space because his ancestors were curious about some strange elixir recipes.

 Yao Chenyun planned to practice it first, but he would not give it to others, so he would prepare it first.

"Captain Yan, I'm fine now. Our current situation is not very good. In this case, you go up and ask people to come down to take care of you. If these people still can't wake up tonight, then we have to think of ways to provide them with physical support later. Needed nutrition.

Moreover, there are other people coming in the crypt. You ask the people above to take precautions. How these people got through the security above is something that needs to be investigated. "As Chen Yun said, he brought Yan Han to the five people who were **** tightly.

“Are they also in an illusion?” Yan Han asked, looking at the unconscious appearance of several people.

"Yes, I sent them a little reincarnation with a gust of wind, which solved the trouble later." Shen Yun readily admitted.

Yan Han was silent for a few seconds, then praised with a serious expression, "Well done."

"Thank you for the compliment." Shen Yun also felt that he did a good job, "But these people seem to be exploring the road. Be careful when you go out later, so as not to encounter their follow-up troops on the road."


 (End of this chapter)

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