Chapter 145 (145) Strength gives people a sense of security

 Hearing what Shen Yun said, Yan Han's expression remained unchanged.

"In this case, I'll leave it to you. I'll go up first, but even if I respond, people can't come over here. We still need to transport people over there." Yan Han quickly made a decision.

"Okay, don't worry. I'm watching these people below. Nothing will happen to them. You have to be careful on the road. If the other party sends people down to inquire first, you will know that they are cautious people. No one will come down this time. But You have to be careful when you get to the top, there are probably people watching outside." Shen Yun responded. He had been awake all day alone, and the cold was just missing.

 “Okay.” Yanhan didn’t bother, so he took his tools and walked directly up there.

 Shen Yun watched the people leave, and then took out the little panda to work as a temporary worker.

 The chirping voice kept ringing in Lai's mind.

"Don't be angry, it's very dangerous over there. Just go there with an egg, and be careful those plants eat you. Just stay here and watch people. I'll get you whatever you want to eat when you go back." Chen Yun comforted him with a smile, never considering that an egg would not be able to eat anything except spiritual energy.


"In this way, you can tell me what you want when you get back. As long as it is within my ability, I will satisfy you." Shen Yun discussed and said. Although he signed the spirit beast contract, Chen Yun's People still love pets very much.

“Chirping.” Little Bengqi seemed to be satisfied at this moment. He found a hairy human head as a bird’s nest and became stable and motionless.

Chen Yun looked at the arrangements at this end and didn't hesitate. He was still a few spiritual plants away from opening up the road to reincarnation. If he didn't speed up the process, he might not even be able to do it when the severe cold came. over.

I simply don’t know if the reincarnation deterrence inside is too strong. The spirit plants near here are not very aggressive. Shen Yun is much smoother than at the beginning.

 Digging all the way, I found that there were many such aggressive spiritual plants in a corner of the space. They were not as honest as they were here in another place. They all spread out their branches and leaves, occupying a huge area.

Shen Yun didn't have time to pay attention to them at this moment. He looked at the blooming reincarnation in front of him, and then at the large and small flower bones next to him. He immediately picked up the tools and started to work. He put two of various sizes into the space, so slowly. Grow slowly so you can use it later when you need it.

Finally, I touched the edge of the blooming Samsara flower, took ten huge petals from it, then opened the outer petals, took the jade vase and went inside to get the pollen.

Green pollen floats up one after another with the touch of sinking clouds.

Shen Yun was so irritated that he started to sneeze.

 Fortunately, there was a lot of pollen, so I collected five porcelain bottles in a short time.

Since these flowers will wither after they bloom, it would be a waste if you don’t collect them now.

Shen Yun was not polite at all. After collecting the pollen, he directly collected all the available petals into the space.

 Perhaps these things can be used in the future, after all, reincarnation flowers are not common.

By the time these were collected, it was already early the next morning, and a group of people looked after them but there was no movement.

  After all, they are all new cultivators, so the energy of this reincarnation is really great.

Shen Yu looked at the people lying there with unhappy expressions and started to replenish their spiritual energy.

 I won’t be able to feed myself with food now, so I have to rely on spiritual energy.

At this time, Shen Yun couldn't leave everyone in the space to refine the medicine. He could only wait and see when the severe cold would come.

"Chichichichi..." The little one on Shen Yun's legs screamed again. Shen Yun listened carefully and heard faint footsteps coming, which was a little sharper than his own consciousness.

Shen Yun touched the eggshell, stopped transmitting spiritual energy, stood up and walked towards it.

The consciousness has already seen Yanhan leading people down, but they were afraid of being attacked again, so they stopped far away.

Shen Yun just stood there and waited for the severe cold. Halfway through, he saw someone walking down. "How are the others?" Yan Han asked with concern when he saw Shen Yun for the first time.

 “Not awake yet.”

“Let’s help people up, the people who are helping us have already come down.” Yan Han took the lead and walked down.

Shen Yun also followed.

 “Hey, someone is awake.” Shen Yun quickened his pace.

Sure enough, as soon as I got there, I saw two soldiers lying there with their eyes open, as if they didn't know what the night was like.

"You guys are awake, how are you feeling?" Shen Yun asked quickly.

 The two of them went directly over and helped the two people who were lying down to sit up.

“It’s good, but I feel a little weak.” The two said in unison.

"Eat something and drink some water. I haven't eaten anything for a whole day. Isn't it boring?" Shen Yun directly packed the package and started to dig out the dry food.

"How are they? Are they still awake?" The two thanked them and asked Shen Yun on the side.

“Yes, you and Yan Han are the only ones who are awake now. No one else is awake yet, but the responders have already come down, so let’s get the people up first.

 You guys sit down first. "Chen Yun explained, looking to the side of Yanhan.

 The two people started to act directly.

 Yanhan was responsible for carrying people, moving the people below one by one to the top. These people seemed to be in a coma, and there was no sign of waking up despite such a big movement.

"Can they wake up?" The two people saw Yan Han leaving and continued to ask Shen Yun on the side.

"Of course, after all, the people who came down this time are just like you, they are determined people. This little hardship is just the first step on the road to cultivation." Shen Yun said with certainty.

 When the two people heard what Yun said, they miraculously felt relieved.

This may be the sense of security that strength gives people.

After all the people lying below were helped up to the next house, then the five people who were **** were moved up. The two people who were awake did not let anyone help them, so they stood up and followed the cold weather up.

"People have already gone up. It's up to the two of us to collect the plants below." After a while, the cold came down again.

Shen Yun nodded. There were several spiritual plants here that he didn’t have in his own space yet. He just took this opportunity to get some into the space.

  After all, I have done it once, and I have experience in doing Shen Yun once, and the speed is very fast.

 After a while, I got something I had never done before, and my speed slowed down unconsciously.

"The marks on this were probably made by you when you came here just now." Yan Han was very careful. Although Shen Yun had tried his best to cover it up, there were still some marks left.

Shen Yun glanced at Yan Han and said, "Can't we do it?"

“I can do it now, but I may not be able to do it later. While there are still a lot of things, I can get as much as I can.

But I am very curious about where you put your things. Is there the legendary mustard space? Can I exchange it with you on behalf of the special department? Yan Han took the opportunity to say.

 (End of this chapter)

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