Chapter 146 (146) Do I still need to go back to Beijing?

 “No.” Shen Yun refused directly. "I only have this small one and can't replace it. You can figure out how to do it yourself."

Yan Han was silent for a moment, "Okay, I understand." He thought that Shen Yun's mustard space was the square size recorded in the book.

  I didn’t think about the big space at all.

Although he is a little curious about what the Mustard Seed Space is like, it is Shen Yun's personal belongings and he can't continue to explore it.

Chen Yun saw Yan Han and stopped asking questions. He was relieved and was careless. He didn't expect that he would think of this aspect. He needs to pay attention to his work in the future. By the way, when he goes back, he can see if there is any method of refining space mustard seeds in the space. He will use the space in the future. There must be a lot of places, the spiritual energy is revived, everyone is there, and one or two things need to be hidden in one's own space.

 The two people skipped this topic and continued their work. It took another day and night to dig out two of each spiritual plant.

Looking at the spiritual plants arranged together, "How can the two of us take these things out?" Shen Yun asked Yanhan on the side.

  Anyway, she didn't plan to use the space in the face of the severe cold until the Mustard Seed Space was developed. This guy's eyes were so sharp, so he didn't want to be discovered.

"Don't worry, I'll do it." Yan Han said and started to take things from his backpack. Shen Yun saw him take out various formation bases from his backpack.

 “Is this going to be a formation?” Shen Yun was a little confused.

"Yes, didn't we discover a teleportation array in the secret realm years ago? Now it has achieved some success. Although we haven't done human teleportation experiments yet, the teleportation array is already very stable." Yan Han said to Shen Yun while setting up the base of the array. .

"The re-engraving is successful!" Shen Yun was a little surprised. He looked at Yan Han's movements carefully and found that it was indeed like the teleportation array he saw in the secret realm.

Even the intermediate energy collection stuff is pretty much the same.

"Yes, it took a lot of effort in the middle." Yan Han nodded calmly, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

But Shen Yun knew how difficult this was. Not to mention the outside formation, the most peculiar thing about this teleportation formation was the energy collector in the middle.

The general formations are directly provided by spiritual stones or other energy, but this one is completed by collecting solar energy. When Shen Yun saw this thing, he wondered if the person who made it was a time-traveling science student, otherwise ordinary people would also I couldn't think of this thing. After all, that era was still dominated by spiritual energy. How could anyone think of using solar energy to activate the teleportation array.

"So are we still using solar energy now?" Shen Yun asked curiously as he watched Yan Han set up the formation base and began to carve the lines in the middle.

“No, we experimented and found that this can also be done with spirit stones.” Yan Han said, taking out five low-grade spirit stones from his backpack. "This thing consumes more spiritual stones." Yan Han explained, and then installed the spiritual stones on the center eye of the array, and then the teleportation array emitted a layer of ghostly light.

“You have done a lot of things these days. You even discovered spiritual stones. No wonder there are so many cultivators in the department suddenly.” Shen Yun sighed.

"It was also that time you reminded me, and I found it later. The number currently developed is very small. It was only used for internal training in the department at the beginning. By the way, your copy is still in my office. It has been so long. Before you go, most of my office is filled with your things," Yan Han said while working on the teleportation array.

Shen Yun didn't expect that the spirit stone still had his own share, "What is mine?" Shen Yun really didn't understand this.

"It's your rewards and the spiritual stones allotted to you every month. Anyway, you will know it when you return to Beijing." Shen Yun has encountered too many things, both inside and outside the year. I discovered several things and received many commendations from above. It was not convenient to air these things in front of the public, so I could only give them to Shen Yun in private. "Okay, let's talk about it after I return to Beijing," Shen Yun said with a smile.

Suddenly she remembered something, and she couldn't laugh anymore. "It's been so long since school started, and I haven't even told the school. Do I still need to go back to Beijing?"

Yan Han paused and was a little convinced. It took him so long to think of this matter. They had already done it. "Don't worry, I have already said hello to Xuexiao. Besides, now that the spiritual energy has recovered, many things need to be adjusted. School has started." It has been postponed for a few days. You are not too late. Your teacher said that he has also submitted the application for you to graduate. You can work without worries." After Yan Han finished speaking, he directly used his hand for the test. Small stones were put into the teleportation array.

The light above the teleportation array flashed for a moment, and then the pebbles disappeared.

 After a while, there was a tea cup on top of the teleportation array.

“It’s done, let’s send the things out quickly.” Yan Han clapped his hands and started working.

“This teleports over there, can I learn the teleportation array?” Shen Yun curiously looked at the steaming water in the cup and asked.

“Outside the camp, I told them to set up the camp before coming down.

 Of course you can learn this. Based on your current contribution to the department, you can have many things. Yan Han said without raising his head.

Hearing this, Shen Yun started to work with confidence. As for the many things he could have, Shen Yun didn't take it to heart. After all, many things were just talk.

 The speed of both of them was not slow, and they teleported the dug spiritual plants within a short time.

"Let's go up now. Someone will come to protect the place behind." Yan Han glanced at the spiritual plants that were still full in the cave, turned around and called Shen Yun, and the two of them walked directly up.

The speed of going up was much faster than that of going down, and I didn’t meet anyone else along the way.

  Out of the cave entrance, you saw patrollers, and the camp had moved to the entrance of the cave here.

No wonder Shen Yun didn't see those five people's accomplices. There were so many people patrolling the entrance of the cave with weapons, even cultivators were a little scared. After all, at this stage, there are still very few people who can truly achieve the level of invulnerability, but it's hard to say in the future. Yes, powerful cultivators cannot be stopped by ordinary thermal weapons.

"Captain Yan, I have received what you sent up. Now go over and take a look." I saw a person from the special department coming towards me, looking embarrassed, as if he had gone through a fierce battle.

"What happened? Did someone come and kidnap those spiritual plants?" Shen Yun asked nervously. After all, he still had his share in it. Just now, in order to prevent Yan Han from noticing his space, he just Sent together.

 If someone robbed...

Thinking of this, Shen Yun directly recruited Qingfeng...

 (End of this chapter)

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