The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 147: (147) Just grow up a little and be able to accept it

Chapter 147 (147) Just grow up and be able to accept

"Don't be impulsive. It's not that you were robbed. Just go over and take a look at the situation." The man wiped his sweat and quickly turned around and led Shen Yun and the others towards the back of the camp.

Before he even got there, Shen Yun heard rumbling noises.

Wasn't it robbed by people? Could it be that it was robbed by animals that became spirits? After all, animals have very sharp noses. Maybe they smell the good things as soon as they come out. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many spiritual plants with their own guardians. beast.

Shen Yun did not follow the others and ran quickly towards the place where the sound came from.

Before we arrived, we saw a thick tree-like plant growing out of a room at the back. The entire barracks was in dilapidated condition, as if it had been blown by a typhoon, and there were many plants growing beside it.

The spiritual plant was quite docile underground, but when it reached the surface, it seemed to have let itself go and swelled.

Shen Yun also saw a whip-like plant growing out of the dilapidated barracks, swinging it everywhere. There were also people from the special department watching, but they all looked embarrassed. They must have been tortured a lot.

Shen Yun slowed down, as long as he didn't get snatched away, he just grew up and could accept it. Anyway, he had a lot of space in his own space and could support himself. As for other things, Shen Yun didn't have to worry about it.

 “What’s going on?” Yan Han was here now, and obviously he didn’t expect things to turn out like this.

"Maybe they broke through the limitations of the underground and have grown up now." Shen Yun said with a smile.

"This is a bit too sudden." Yan Han was silent for a while before saying.

 It was a bit sudden. When he was underground, he was still a ferocious little cutie, but within an hour or two, he turned into a mighty man.

 Luckily it’s not a human being, otherwise who would be able to bear it.

The two of them calmed down, looked at the people gathered in a circle, and then looked at the increasingly dilapidated barracks. They quickly rolled up their sleeves and started packing these things.

Although they have grown up and expanded, their combat effectiveness has not increased much. Shen Yun and the others have many people, so they finally managed to keep these spiritual plants in check.

Looking at the **** honest Lingzhi, Shen Yun was sweating profusely. He didn't know why these thorns with different living habits were brought together. If it looked like this down there, it would probably be difficult to transport it up. Easy.

"Inform people to find a car to transport these things away." The severe cold over there has already begun to arrange the next things.

"By the way, are the colleagues who came up below awake?" Shen Yun suddenly remembered another important thing.

 After being manipulated by these spiritual plants, I forgot about it.

"Six of them are awake, and 15 teammates are in a comatose state. They have been transferred to the rear hospital for treatment. Their condition is not very good now. They can only survive by losing nutrition. The other five are not awake yet and are also being treated." The people in the special department next to me know this very clearly, and they still have lingering fears when talking about it.

Thinking about the petals and pollen of reincarnation in the space, Shen Yun quickly said, "Can you find me an empty room? I need to prepare something."

This man didn't understand what Shen Yun wanted to prepare, but looking at Shen Yun's appearance, he quickly found an empty barracks for Shen Yun.

 Shen Yun checked that there was no problem in the room.

  Without venturing into the space, he directly took out a medicine cauldron.

This medicine is not difficult to refine, but the technique is cumbersome and takes a long time. After all, reincarnation is not an ordinary thing, it is something that can withstand thunder. Although it is easy when you first pick it, it is not easy to refine it later. This thing is not sensitive to fire.

Shen Yun only realized how insensitive to fire it was when he was refining it.

  It was burned in the fire for half an hour, and even the color did not change.

Shen Yun was caught blind. It was written on the jade slip that the fire would burn for three days and three nights. If this was done, the person lying on the hospital bed would really be in bad shape. The spiritual energy in Shen Yun's anxious hands increased, and the flames suddenly burst out.

 At present, there is really no other way to deal with this thing, except to burn it with fire.

 The key issue now is that your own spiritual energy may not last for three days.

 “It’s cold, it’s cold.” Shen Yun called out loudly.

 “Captain Yan, Shen Yun is calling you.” People outside should have heard his voice and hurried over to find someone.

Soon Shen Yun heard the sound of rushing footsteps coming towards him.

"What's wrong?" Yan Han asked as he opened the door. When he saw the scene inside, he immediately closed the door.

"What are you doing?" Yan Han was also a little confused about the scene in front of him. Isn't this the Taoist alchemy scene on TV? Could it be that Shen Yun is not only a student, but also a Taoist nun.

"Isn't this obvious? I'm refining elixirs. Come over and help." Shen Yun went to the market to greet people.

"How can I... help? Is it hot? Do you need me to cool you down?" Yanhan was a little at a loss. You mentioned that he had read books and learned from Mr. Zhang about drawing talismans, but alchemy really exceeded his knowledge system.

"No, my medicine will take three days to burn in a big fire, but my spiritual energy can't last that long. Can you help me find something that can keep burning a big fire?" Shen Yun quickly put his own Ask to speak.

“What kind of medicine are you making? If you don’t need it urgently...”

"Urgent, life-saving medicine. Hurry. If you don't hurry up, those lying on the bed won't be able to wake up, and there will really be no hope." Shen Yun said quickly.

"Okay, you wait, I'll go right away." Yan Han heard what Shen Yun said, and ran outside without stopping.

Shen Yun didn't know if he had moved the gas stove from the kitchen, but after a while, he came over carrying a can of gas and a gas stove.

 “Do you think this is okay?” Yanhan asked as he put the things away.

“Let’s make a fire first and give it a try.” Shen Yun didn’t know if this was reliable.

 In the severe cold, turn on the fire to the maximum, and it will feel like a big fire when you look at it.

 Shen Yun directly moved his small alchemy furnace up.

 “Is this okay?” Yan Han asked uncertainly.

 “This is my first time doing this, I really don’t know if it will work.”

 “Then our colleagues…”

"Then, take out these petals and summon the fire magicians to take turns burning them for three days and three nights. If they melt by then, just bring them over to me. I can just watch them here. "Chen Yun directly took out the other half of a reincarnation petal and handed it to Yan Han.

Yan Han looked at the petal that was half his height and said nothing. It was more important to work to save people first.

Shen Yun stayed in his barracks. On the second day, the entire petals began to change. Drops of liquid seeped out from the petals and dripped on the bottom of the alchemy furnace. On the third day, all the petals disappeared, leaving only a pool of clear and fragrant liquid at the bottom of the alchemy furnace.

Shen Yun took a look and saw that this was the reincarnation liquid for refining Qingxin Brewing. The gas stove to make alchemy was no worse than the one he made using spiritual energy.

 (End of this chapter)

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