Chapter 148 (148) Refining medicine to save lives

 Looking at the amount inside, Shen Yun directly added a certain amount of pollen, and then added spiritual spring water.

Since the gas stove cannot be used in the next steps, Shen Yun directly uses fire spells to control the changes in the flames while injecting spiritual energy according to the steps on the jade slip.

 When a ball of light green liquid forms, the Qingxin Brewing is completely completed.

Shen Yun directly found the jade bottle and put it in it, preparing to send it to those people.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Yan Han coming over with a glass bottle.

“This is the result of three days of burning. See if it works.” Yan Han handed the glass bottle to Shen Yun.

  Inside is a bottle of turbid transparent liquid, which looks not as good as that produced by a gas stove.

"I've already prepared the medicine. I'll keep this first, please, everyone." Shen Yun did not delay and put the glass bottle directly into his backpack.

“Look, this is a prepared medicine. We’d better try it on someone, because it’s my first time to make it, so I don’t know the effect.” Shen Yun showed Yan Han the bottle containing the medicine in his bag.

 “Let’s go, those five people are not awake yet.” Yan Han thought for a while and then made a decision.

Shen Yun originally thought that the five people should be sent to the rear for custody and treatment, but he didn't know that they were directly detained at the camp.

 When Shen Yun arrived, several people were still lying on the bed, hanging on for food.

“Try it with a few people, be on the safe side.

 Then they were detained separately to see if they could find out anything. "Chen Yun suggested.


With the help of the resident doctor, two people fed Qingxin Nong to several people.

"Have someone wait here. The others are over there. Let's go there first. If someone wakes up here, give us the news directly." Shen Yun had no intention of staying. He couldn't even look at the state of these people. What's great is that you can think of other people's conditions.

"Okay, let's go." The two of them told the doctor here, and then went out and drove towards the hospital behind.

It took more than two hours to drive to the place.

 Two people on the road received news that all five people over there were awake and had no other symptoms except physical weakness.

When they arrived at the meeting place, they did not waste any time and ran directly towards the ward.

"Boss, why are you here?" As soon as the two people went upstairs, they saw people from the special department staying here.

"How is the situation? We brought medicine here. Has anyone woke up today?" Yan Han asked as he walked.

"That's great. If there's no other way, there's no hope. Their family members can't bear it, so they plan to take the person back." If the person doesn't wake up for a few days, their special department can't do anything, but the soldiers are definitely The family members will be notified. He has been feeling uncomfortable listening to people cry in the past two days. At least they have family members here. Their special department has a special status and can only rely on their brothers.

This time when he heard that Yanhan and the others had brought medicine, he was as excited as the family members.

This man didn't need to talk to Shen Yun and the others, he just walked towards the ward with others.

 Four people from the special department are awake, and they are the ones taking care of them here.

 The remaining 9 people are now divided into three rooms. There are also doctors here who specialize in taking care of them. When they heard that Shen Yun and the others had brought medicine, a group of people immediately gathered around. After all, there are no good treatments for this kind of unexplained lethargy. They are also the first in their career. When I first saw it, I wanted to see what medicine could cure this disease.

Shen Yun did not show off, and took out the medicine and distributed it to several people.

After I was well here, I went to another soldier's room. Several family members came over here. They were very excited when they heard that there was medicine that could save them.

After taking the medicine, Shen Yun and the others were not in a hurry to leave, so they stayed here to see the situation.

 The first person woke up half an hour later. As soon as he opened his eyes, the doctor next to him reacted faster than Shen Yun and the others. He rushed up to check his body. The final result was that he was a little weak and had no other symptoms.

 The doctors he saw were all amazed.

 The next few people woke up one after another.

My physical condition is a bit weak, and there is nothing else. Even when I wake up, my expressions are different, and I don’t know what I experienced in the illusion. I will definitely need some psychological treatment in the future, but these are all after the body has recovered. conditions.

"Chen Yun, you have made another great contribution. I guess the superiors don't know how to reward you. If you have any needs, you can also tell me and I can convey them to you." Seeing that everyone's situation has stabilized. , asked Chen Yun as it was rare to relax in the severe cold.

"What needs you ask, I really haven't thought about it for a while." Shen Yun thought about it carefully. Apart from cultivation, he really doesn't need much other things now. His family members are also making progress. It is still in its infancy and does not require much help.

"Okay, then let the people above take care of this matter. I will report this matter to the above when I get back."

"Captain Yan, let me discuss something with you. Some of my matters do not need to be reflected in the report." Shen Yun thought that his own space would appear in Yan Han's report in the form of a mustard space, so he quickly discussed it with him.

 “Don’t worry.” Yan Han nodded.

 Shen Yun was satisfied.

"Let's go back to the camp first. I'll get my things. Do you still need me here? If not, I want to go home first." Shen Yun asked as he walked.

“You go back first, I’ll give you a few days off, and remember to go to Beijing later.

There are many things going on now, and I can’t leave you alone. "

This is not what Yanhan said with a cold face.

However, Shen Yun has been with him for a long time and has some understanding of this person's character. Although his face is a little cold, he is quite easy to talk to at other times.

 Shen Yun returned to the camp and took his own spiritual stone.

With a dozen spiritual plants on his back, he stepped directly onto the flying sword and disappeared over the camp.

"Boss, isn't it a bit scary when the image of Shen Yun flies up into the sky?" The people underground looked at the petite Shen Yun flying far away with more than a dozen plants bigger than her, and couldn't help but worry for the people below. Bundle.

"You have to get used to it. Now the country has announced the news in newspapers and TV. After all, spiritual energy cannot be blocked. In the future, if there are more cultivators, there will be more people coming and going. If you look more, you won't make a fuss. ." Yanhan was very calm. She knew Shen Yun's temperament. She just didn't want to reveal the mustard space in front of everyone. She would definitely find a place to hide the spiritual plant, but she didn't know if her mustard space was enough. Big, after all, there are more spiritual plants outside than underground.

Yanhan was worried for a moment, and then turned around to go about his work. There were still many precious plants under the crypt, and they couldn't be moved for a while. They had to be prepared for protection.

The concentration of spiritual energy here is also higher than other places. Even if it were not for the underground spiritual plants, this place would not be given up easily.

 (End of this chapter)

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