Chapter 149 (149) is missing

Shen Yun here has lived up to Yan Han's guess. She can't really fly home stupidly carrying so many spiritual plants in the sky. Wouldn't this attract people's attention?

Not long after flying, I found a dense forest and put the spiritual plants at the back into the inner space.

 Shen Yun's figure disappeared from the place in an instant.

As soon as he entered the space, Shen Yunji felt that the spiritual energy here was much stronger than before. It seemed that the spiritual plants he had brought in this time were useful.

Although these spiritual plants are not as powerful as the little lotus leaf, they also provide a certain amount of spiritual energy to the space. In addition, he has now completed the foundation building, and the spiritual energy of the space has also increased by several levels. This spiritual energy will The concentration is much worse than that of the calm crypt.

Shen Yun was not in a hurry to see the detailed changes in the space. She first arranged the spiritual plants she brought in.

 Find the spiritual plants that were put in earlier. These are the same as the ones I brought in. They seem to have expanded several times.

 Fortunately, the space is large, so it won’t be unable to accommodate them.

As the master of the space, Shen Yun has natural suppression in the space. These spiritual plants do not look like they are showing off their teeth and claws outside.

 They are all extremely well-behaved.

Shen Yun planted the new ones and then went to see the situation of reincarnation.

 The reincarnation adapts well to the space, and it does not expand as if it were underground.

Shen Yun noticed a phenomenon. The two spiritual plants planted on the edge of the reincarnation did not expand. He clearly remembered that when they were first teleported from outside, these two were the most expanded. Why didn't they change this time?

Shen Yun looked at it for a long time and came to the conclusion that it had nothing to do with space and was purely due to species suppression. The two spiritual plants were suppressed by reincarnation. When they were transplanted to another place, they immediately swelled.

"You plants are also bully and afraid of the strong. You really have you." Shen Yun didn't care whether he understood or not. He sighed and then decisively scattered a few reincarnations to where some spiritual plants gathered.

Looking at the shrunken Lingzhi with satisfaction, Shen Yun clapped his hands.

Walking all the way, I came to the edge of the spiritual spring. I saw that the little lotus leaf that had been silent for so long had finally grown up a little. Now the two leaves together were as big as Chen Yun's hand. Shen Yun was so happy. This is The one I got first has not changed for such a long time, and even the little jumper has changed from an egg to a big goose egg.

If this thing didn't change, I would think that this thing has grown this big.

I reached out and touched the lotus leaf lightly. It was round and small, exuding the fragrance of lotus leaves. It looked no different from the lotus leaves outside.

This lotus leaf will definitely be delicious when used as lotus leaf rice.

Shen Yun was thinking in his mind when he saw the little jumper who had just wandered off to nowhere suddenly flew into the spiritual spring from a distance, splashing water in Shen Yun's face.

Shen Yun saw that the little phoenix, which used to be very repulsive to water, was happily lying on the water. It seemed that this little phoenix was not afraid of water, but was very picky about water.

After playing with Xiao Bengqiao for a while, Shen Yun went to the Immortal Mansion to pick out a few jade slips. These are suitable for the Shen family to practice. Now that the spiritual energy has recovered, it is time to give these to them. In addition, Shen Yun also found a weapon refining master who gave him a complete list of weapon refining that his ancestor gave him when he exchanged elixirs.

This is for himself to see how to make space equipment. If his family has this talent, Shen Yun can give this thing to his family when the time comes, but now their task is to practice hard.

After getting her things ready, Shen Yun didn't stay in the space too long. When she left the space, she flew directly in the direction of Baiyun Village with her flying sword. She flew relatively high, so people underground couldn't see her figure, even if they did. It was probably mistaken for a bird.

She was very fast and arrived home in less than an hour. This was the reason why she deliberately slowed down.

I stopped directly on the mountain road not far from my home, feeling the faint spiritual energy in the mountains. This spiritual energy concentration is enough for my family to practice, and all the spiritual energy eyes behind will burst out one after another. The spiritual energy used for practice must be enough.

Although the concentration of spiritual energy is high near the aura eye, the competition in those places becomes greater the further back. The Shen family is still very weak now, so it is more important to develop its own strength first. Besides, Baiyun Village is also a good place. From now on, this place will serve as the Shen family. The foundation is not a bad thing.

 Shen Yun did not stop and walked directly towards the mountain.

 As soon as I arrived at the old house, I found that everyone in my family was there.

"Hey, Dad, didn't you go to town to do business?" After Shen Yun asked, he found that everyone's expressions were a little strange. In the past, when she saw him coming home, grandma would always come over happily. Today, she saw her wiping her eyes before coming over. .

Shen Yun glanced around and saw that the men at home looked ugly, the women's eyes were red, and some had unwiped tears on their faces.

 “What’s going on?” Shen Yun’s face turned serious.

"Yunyun, didn't you go to school? Why did you come back suddenly?" Shen Guoliang recovered quickly and asked Shen Yun concernedly, "Did something happen at school?"

"I'm fine at school. I just came back to see what happened at home. Why are you all so sad?" Shen Yun skipped his own affairs and quickly asked about things at home.

"Hey..." The eldest aunt sighed, but tears fell down uncontrollably.

"What is going on? Hurry up and tell me." Shen Yun was anxious. Thinking of something like this would make people cry. There are many people in the family, and everyone who is at home is here. "It couldn't be that something happened to the third and fourth cousins, right?" Shen Yun thought that there were only two people not at home. If the eldest aunt was crying, could it be that something had happened to the fourth cousin, Shen Heng?

"Sister, we just received a call from the third brother, saying that the fourth brother has disappeared. It has been two days. He has searched everywhere, but he can't find anyone. There is really no other way, so he called back. We are discussing it when we get back. How many people have passed by?

At first I was planning not to tell my grandma, but then I found out that they heard about it. "It was Shen Jian who finally explained the whole story.

"Why are you missing? Did something happen or did you offend someone?" Shen Yun also became anxious when she heard that the person was missing. Although the two cousins ​​were not very familiar with each other, she couldn't bear to see her family members feel sad. look.

"The third brother didn't go into details. He only said that the fourth brother was missing. As for the situation, he probably didn't understand it." Shen Jian knew better. They were the most ordinary workers there. Now go and call the police. , the police will probably say that the person has been missing for less than 24 hours.

 But the third brother and the fourth brother grew up together. Although they were cousins, they had a tacit understanding. This time, the third brother must have felt that something had happened to the fourth brother, so he called back in such a hurry.

 (End of this chapter)

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