Chapter 150 (150) Take you on a flight

No matter how he disappeared, the family members immediately became anxious when they heard that the child was missing. They were far away this time, so they were debating who should go and look for him. Even though the family were all ordinary people, they couldn't leave the child alone.

"In that case, let's set off. I'll take Shen Jian there, and you guys will wait for news at home. If you're not familiar with the place there, it's useless to go there if there are too many people." Shen Yun made a decision immediately. If it weren't for her She didn't know the specific working positions of several people, and she didn't want to take Shen Jian with them.

"You, a girl, can't lead a boy like Shen Jian." Shen Limin was the first to object.

"Dad, have you forgotten what I taught you? Times are different now. I believe you can feel it during morning exercises these days. Don't worry. If I can't find anyone, it's even more useless for you to go. ." Shen Yun knew what Shen Limin was worried about and quickly explained.

As soon as she said this, Shen Limin was still a little confused, but Shen Guoliang, who knew the whole story, immediately understood.

"Let Yunyun pass, Shen Jian, and you can lead the way for your sister." The old man made a decision.

 “Dad!” Yang Cancan and Shen Limin shouted at the same time.

“Dad, although I am also worried about Shen Heng, we cannot let Yunyun and a little girl take risks in this matter. How can a man in the family let a little girl take risks.” The uncle also stood up and spoke.

"Okay, if you delay for a quarter of an hour, people will be in more danger. Don't argue about this matter now. I have people I know in the south. It will be easier to find people then. Shen Jian and I will leave first. Grandpa, please explain to them." After Shen Yun finished speaking, he turned around and walked outside.

Shen Jian saw Shen Yun's movements, and there were no ink marks, so she followed him directly. In her opinion, Shen Yun was also a college student. After living in the capital for such a long time, he must be better than the two illiterate uncles and uncles. A few older brothers who were less literate used to have a better time.

“We are going to buy tickets. There may be no direct tickets today, but there is one in the early morning.” Shen Jian said while walking. He had been to the south and knew very well how to get there.

“No, we won’t take the car, it’s too slow.” Shen Yun said without looking back.

 “How to get there?” Shen Jian asked doubtfully.

“Close your eyes and shut your mouth.” Shen Yun saw that he was already some distance away from the village and stopped and said.

Shen Jian didn't understand what Shen Yun was trying to do. He was walking smoothly on the road, but he suddenly stopped and asked people to close their eyes.

Shen Yun didn't care whether he closed it or not. Anyway, she had already warned him. It was none of her business if he was scared later.

 Recruit Qingfeng directly.

Shen Jian next to him, who had not yet closed his eyes, saw the sudden appearance of Qingfeng, and his eyes widened for a moment. What is going on?

"Qingfeng, I have something important to do. I'll take someone with me later. Don't be awkward." Shen Yun said seriously to the Qingfeng Sword. When he took someone with him before, it conveyed a sense of displeasure. This time he brought someone with him. Man, Chen Yun must have a good discussion with it, otherwise what will happen if something happens while flying?

Qingfeng gave a faint response, and Shen Yun did not hesitate and directly lifted Shen Jian to stand on top of the floating Qingfeng.

 Then he directly controlled Qingfeng to fly into the sky.


Ignoring the pig-like screams coming from in front of him, Shen Yun walked as fast as he could towards the address mentioned by his family.

After arriving at the destination in about ten minutes, Shen Yun found a secluded place to stop, helped Shen Jian up who was unable to stand, and directly put away Qingfeng.

"Sister~~, did I hallucinate just now? Why did I feel like I was flying up suddenly?" Shen Jian sat on the ground for a long time and then asked with a trembling voice.

"Are your legs still weak? Can you stand up? If you can, get up and lead the way. By the way, you didn't have hallucinations just now. If you don't listen to me to close your eyes and shut up, the people below will probably think they've seen a ghost. ." Shen Yun said, looking at Shen Jian who had controlled his leg shaking. "Sister, please let me slow down for a while." Although Shen Jian was extremely frightened at this moment, his eyes were bright when he looked at Shen Yun.

"Okay." Shen Yun didn't rush him. He was already at his place and didn't care about these few minutes.

Standing at this place and looking around, Shen Yun deliberately chose a small slope.

 It’s not that the location is too remote, it’s just that there is no one in this place.

 In the rapidly developing south, it is not easy to find a place like this where there are no people temporarily.

"Sister, I'm fine, let's go." After a while, Shen Jian got used to the feeling of flat feet, and his whole body also relaxed and stopped shaking.

The two people walked all the way out of the small break. Not long after they walked, someone came up the slope.

“I just saw something left here. Why is it gone? Could it be that someone picked it up?” The man looked around and found that there was no one around, so he left the place without giving up.

 Here, Shen Yun and the others have already gotten on the bus to where Shen Hong and the others live.

“Sister, we used to live here. It’s a bit messy. Please follow me.” The place they live in is an urban village surrounded by factories. This urban village is full of houses and shanties.

 There is only a winding path in.

It was daytime, and there were not many people inside. However, there were still many people who had not found jobs squatting on the roadside. As Shen Yun walked over, she felt some unkind eyes. She followed Shen Jian calmly and continued forward. Go.

After a long journey of many twists and turns, Shen Yun and the others finally reached their destination.

"This is where you live." Shen Yun looked at the small house in front of him. It must have been built later. After feeling it, there was obviously no one inside.

"We lived here last year when we came here. Third brother didn't say anything about changing places on the phone. He should still be here. But now people should go out to find fourth brother." Shen Jian said as he found a secret place and touched it directly Come out with a spare key.

 Opening the door, I saw a bunk bed with a board next to it.

There were only some daily necessities and clothes in the room, but nothing else.

Shen Jian entered the room and rummaged around. "No, the third brother didn't leave any information. Sister, wait a minute, I'll go out and ask." Shen Jian said and left the room directly.

Shen Yun was standing in the room. His spiritual consciousness spread. Shen Yun just looked for it through his spiritual consciousness on the way, but his spiritual consciousness was limited and he couldn't find it.

As soon as his consciousness dispersed, Shen Yun discovered something different.

In this dilapidated urban village, several relatively well-dressed people came to recruit workers.

Thinking about it, along the way, I saw many people looking for jobs in front of factories. It is obvious that there are few jobs and many workers. The number of people who go directly to urban villages to look for people is not small, it can only be said to be basically non-existent.

 (End of this chapter)

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