Chapter 152 (152) Lamb to be slaughtered

Hearing this, the woman finally opened her closed eyes.

His seductive eyes were cast directly on Shen Yun.

Seeing Shen Yun's face, he couldn't help but frown, but in the end he suppressed something and said to several people, "What's going on with this man?"

“This girl came here to look for a job. We measured it and it showed 5 points. Although the condition is not very good, she looks really good. If you send her to the head office like this, you are very capable, boss.”

 “Where are you going to send me?” Shen Yun looked slightly worried.

"Don't be afraid, we are going to send you to a wealthy place. From now on, you will be able to live well and drink spicy food, and you will no longer have to live the life of working as you do now." The man who brought Shen Yun over said in a good voice.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense with her? Why don't you hurry up and get back to work? The boss is pressing her hard. Hurry up and find someone to come over and finish the work here. This way we will all be better off." The woman sat up straight with a cold face. Looking at the way these men can't walk when they see beautiful girls, it turns out that men are all virtuous.

“Boss, when you send the person back, can you have a few nice words with the boss? When things here are over, we also want to develop a great cause with the boss.” Several people said flatteringly.

The woman looked at several people up and down, with unconcealed disgust in her eyes, "Let's talk about this later. Besides, the boss has never seen such a beauty. It's hard to say whether this person can close his eyes." You bring the person over to work first, and I’ll contact the boss first, and then send the person over if necessary.”

The few people were talking to themselves and did not pay attention to Shen Yun on the side. In their eyes, Shen Yun was just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. When they arrived at this place, they didn't think Shen Yun, a girl, could do anything.

"Okay, boss, we will take the person away, and you will have to work hard for the rest. Don't worry, we will go back and look for the person in a while." Several people seemed to have not seen the woman's disgust and still said with smiles on their faces. .

Shen Yun did not resist and walked out directly with a few people.

"Who is she? If she doesn't have some strength, who would want to see her face?" Several people complained in a low voice after they went downstairs.

"Okay, stop talking. Aren't you working under someone else's hand now? Besides, this woman is very powerful. Be careful if she hears it. If she puts on your little shoes later, it will be more of a loss than the gain." The person next to him hurriedly said persuaded.

“Is this female boss of yours very powerful? She looks similar to me in stature?” Shen Yun asked casually.

 “What’s so great? There’s someone behind it.” The man who just complained said angrily.

"Okay, be careful what you say. Don't open your mouth and make nonsense if you don't know. You think people are just like you, so you have a bad mouth." The man holding the spiritual device heard what he said and quickly stopped.

Several people stopped talking when they heard what this man said.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. I'll live a good life for you in the future. Knowing too much will do you no good." After stopping the man, the man turned to look at Shen Yun and warned.

“Then I have to know where I want to work in the future, right?”

"You are working here now. If you are a lucky person, who knows, I will send you to work there." The man pointed to a place and said to Shen Yun.

That's not the place we came from, but rather like the port city on the other side.

Shen Yun wrote down the place. It seemed that the boss here might not be from the mainland.

“Brother, let’s take people to work quickly, otherwise the boss will rush us again.” The person next to me said at the side.

The few people didn't hesitate and took Shen Yun directly to a hidden place next to the hillside. Shen Yun looked around and saw a door on the ground over there, which looked like the cover of a cellar.

 A man went over and opened the door.

There was a stone slab inside. The man reached out and knocked on the door.

 Shen Yun's consciousness has passed through the stone door and extended directly in. The hillside blocked off his spiritual consciousness, but this door could not. Shen Yun did not notice this direction just now and missed it. Now his spiritual consciousness directly penetrated in and saw the underground passages extending in all directions.

 Looking at the height, people walking inside can only bend down.

 Spiritual consciousness can only be extended in the corridor.

 After knocking on the door, I heard the creaking of the stone slabs starting to move.

Then a strong man with a pale face appeared at the door, "What's going on?" The strong man's tone was very bad.

“Brother Liang, I’ll give you someone.” The man quickly took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it over.

 Brother Liang inside took the cigarette and looked at Shen Yun.

 Suddenly, my eyes were filled with disgust.

"Why is it a woman again? Every day she is either a woman, an old man or a child, or just killing chickens for nothing. Can you find someone who can do the work?" Brother Liang's tone was full of dissatisfaction.

The man glanced at the pale strong man in front of him and said with a smile, "Brother Liang, there is nothing we can do about this. The boss has strict requirements, and we try our best to choose the stronger ones among those who meet the conditions.

Look at this person, he is very good. Could you please send him to work with the people the boss likes? "

“Okay, be careful next time and find someone who can do it.

Come with me, people.

 Close the door when you leave. "Brother Liang said and walked inside.

"Follow me quickly. I've found a good place for you. Go in and wait for news. We don't have idle people here." The man said, pushing Shen Yun in and immediately closing the stone slab.

 Shen Yun turned around and walked forward with Brother Liang in front of him.

The farther in, the narrower it became. Shen Yun didn't know how he had been involved with the cave in his life. Not long after he came up from the southwest, a new one came.

“Follow this road and keep going forward. When you see people, you will arrive at the place. This is a tool.

Our work has requirements. If we can’t dig out ten stones a day, we can’t even think about eating.

Don't even think about escaping. I am not a vegetarian. When the time comes, I will die down here quietly, and no one will know. "Brother Liang finished explaining his work situation and then made a vicious threat.

Shen Yun looked at the gun in his hand, then at his triangular eyes full of malice, then took a rake from the ground and walked down.

 It looked like this was a mine. Through his spiritual observation, Shen Yun roughly understood what kind of mine it was.

I didn’t expect that there is a spirit stone mine in this place. You can’t feel it from the outside. Once inside, your spiritual sense can not only see the spirit stones inside the stones, but also feel that the spiritual energy is much stronger than outside.

No wonder the people here are all with spiritual roots. If ordinary people come here to mine, the muscles in their bodies will be burst within a few days.

 (End of this chapter)

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