Chapter 153 (153) An unlucky family

Shen Yun bent forward and walked forward. The dark mine tunnel did not affect her at all.

This mine tunnel was dug manually. It was full of pits and the stones next to it were also very hard. Shen Yun tried it with a rake and it felt a little jarring in his hands.

 Put away the rake and continue walking down.

  Not far away, my spiritual sense felt that there was someone below.

Shen Yun quickened his pace, and after a while, he saw a person lying low, and there were two drowsy people next to him. They seemed to be in bad condition.

When he arrived at the place, Shen Yun could clearly see the faces of several people.

"Third brother, how are you?" Shen Yun didn't expect to meet the two Shen brothers as soon as he arrived here. Both of them seemed to be in poor condition. Shen Hong was still fine, but Shen Heng was unconscious now.

 “You and so.” Shen Hong’s voice was a little unbelievable.

"Your family is really good. It's really unlucky that the brothers and sisters of this family are gathered here." The man lying on the ground next to him heard what the two people said and said with a smile.

Neither Shen Hong nor Shen Yun had time to pay attention to the man next to them. Shen Yun walked directly in front of Shen Heng, who was lying there and didn't know who was going on.

"Why are you here? Who asked you to come? Aren't you studying in Beijing?" Shen Heng said anxiously.

"I happened to be going home. I found out that my fourth brother was missing, so I came here with Shen Jian." Shen Yun answered while checking Shen Heng's status.

  Shen Heng was in a very bad condition. He had lost blood and suffered multiple fractures on his body, and he had fallen into a coma.

"How can my family let you come over? You are a girl, what can you do?" Shen Hong, who had never liked to talk, was also anxious this time.

 I wanted to stand up, but my legs failed me and I sat down directly.

"You hurry up and leave. Your fourth brother and I are injured and can't run away. You hurry up and leave. Don't be here. These are not good people." Shen Hong couldn't stand up so he quickly urged Shen Yun.

"Don't try too hard. I've run away several times. This is the end. I can't run away even as a grown man. Look at your sister. Is she a match for the strong man with a gun outside?" When the man heard several people talking, he also propped himself up and half-lyed.

"Yes, I can't leave. Whatever I do, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have called back." Shen Hong said, looking at his brother lying on the ground, and then at Shen Yun, tears flowed down unconsciously. , a sense of powerlessness filled his whole body. At this moment, he felt that he was a sinner. He failed to save his brother and even got his sister into the trap.

"Third brother, don't blame yourself. I came here on my own initiative. Now that I'm here, I'm sure. If you want to go out, just be quiet first. I'll check on Fourth Brother first." Shen Yun looked at Zhonghong, who was in self-blame over there, said quickly.

 Then he carefully reconnected Shen Heng's broken hand and leg bones.

 Use your spiritual consciousness to carefully feel that there is no misalignment, and then carefully put it aside.

Looking at the soaked clothes on his belly, Shen Yun opened it and saw a small hole in his belly.

I felt it carefully and found that it was not caused by bullets or sharp objects, but rather like water injuries. There were faint traces of magic left on it. It should have been caused by a cultivator who knew water magic.

Shen Yun thought about the woman outside, and then thought about what the man said to Brother Liang when he came in. It was the woman's person who was locked up here.

Shen Yun turned around and took a look. Several boys, including the fourth brother lying here, all had excellent faces. Putting aside their spiritual roots, these few faces could make many women crazy.

This conjecture flashed through my mind.

 Shen Yun continued to treat Shen Heng's wounds, carefully covering the wounds with spiritual energy.

 Use spiritual energy to slowly repair the damage inside.

 After a while, the bleeding from the wound stopped. Shen Yun looked at the wound that had begun to grow granulation and carefully covered it with clothes.

 The two people next to him didn't see Shen Yun's movements and thought Shen Yun was checking Shen Heng's wounds.

"How is Shen Heng? Is the wound still bleeding? You can't see it here, but I touched it when I came in. There should be no bleeding, right? There is still a pulse in his hand, so he should be fine, right?" Shen Hong said tightly. He held Shen Heng's arm tightly, keeping his fingers on his pulse.

This time, it doesn't matter whether Shen Yun has medical skills or not. Shen Yun is the only one on their side who can move, and they can only rely on Shen Yun to check at the moment.

 “There’s no bleeding anymore. Let me look at his broken bones first.” Shen Yun examined him carefully.

Three ribs on his body were broken, but luckily they were not misplaced. As long as he used some spiritual energy, the bones would slowly grow together. If they were misplaced, there was really nothing Shen Yun could do.

Shen Yun carefully controlled the input of spiritual energy and waited until his ribs were completely healed before retracting his hand.

"Did you bring tools when you came down? I'll fix Brother Four's legs." Shen Yun looked at the rake beside him. It only had a handle. Even if he split it open, it wouldn't be enough.

"Yes, look, there are shovels, rakes, and hoes here." Shen Hong said quickly.

 Shen Yun directly took the shovel and took off the handle.

 Aim the shovel at the wooden stick and cut it into four halves.

Shen Hong next to her looked nervously through the blurred light and shadow, "Be careful, don't get hurt."

"Don't worry." Shen Yun used a split wooden stick to carefully fasten the cloth strips to Shen Heng's left calf, right thigh, and then left arm.

This woman is really cruel. Does she want to destroy the person directly or kill her directly? But looking at the way she is left here, she probably has a high chance of killing her directly.

 After fixing Shen Heng, Shen Yun turned slightly to block the probing gaze of the man behind him, and carefully opened Shen Heng's mouth.

Put your fingers on it and drip spiritual spring water directly into it.

Shen Hong was very close now and saw Shen Yun's movements, "Yunyun..." Halfway through his words, he swallowed the rest of his words and looked at the person behind Shen Yun warily.

“Brother, I can feel your unkind gaze here. I didn’t do anything. If you come here again, why are you afraid of me?

I dare not do anything. I am the only one in my family. I am still young and have not enjoyed life yet. "The man over there was very keen and directly felt Shen Hong's unkind gaze, and said with a wry smile.

He just glanced at his sister a few times. He couldn't see clearly in the dark, so he protected her. That was really unfair.

"Third brother, please leave him alone. Let me see your injury." Shen Yun didn't care what the people behind him saw. As he said, if he did something, Shen Yun really didn't mind doing something.

"I'm fine, my leg is broken, I can't die." Shen Hong said quickly without letting Shen Yun check.

Shen Yun remained silent and looked directly at the obviously abnormal leg.

 “How did this get hurt?” Shen Yun said while taking advantage of it.

Shen Hong gritted his teeth and endured the pain, "I was beaten because I couldn't get along with their boss outside."

 (End of this chapter)

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