Chapter 160 (160) Confrontation

 The space inside the villa is larger than it looks from the outside.

Fu Wuyan sent the person to the edge of the stairs and watched the person go up the stairs with a smile on his face, but he had no intention of going upstairs.

 Shen Yun's consciousness passed directly over the crowd and headed upstairs.

Everything was going smoothly at first, but when he arrived at the door of a room on the second floor, he encountered interference, which was like a means of attack. Shen Yun felt the consciousness in his mind waver, and quickly withdrew his consciousness outside.

The protection here is very tight. The spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate through the spiritual stone mine. It can only be said that the veins formed by the spiritual stones have created a unique aura, which blocks the prying eyes of the spiritual consciousness.

 But the outside of the room looks like a very ordinary building, and the villa is already inside. Why can’t I enter only this room?

Shen Yun stopped his consciousness not far from the door.

 Looking at Sister Qin coming over there with a few of her men.

 Then a few people walked to the door that blocked Shen Yun's consciousness.

Sister Qin stepped forward and knocked on the door carefully.

 “Come in.” A majestic male voice sounded in the room.

Shen Yun saw that the door was opened. Through the open door, he could see mysterious patterns carved on the wall. Shen Yun was just about to take advantage of this moment to directly probe his spiritual consciousness in, when he saw the patterns on the wall instantly distorted. .

Shen Yun directly withdrew his consciousness amid the lightning and flint.

“Boss, what’s going on?” Several people looked at the movement on the wall and asked in surprise, and immediately took a protective posture.

The middle-aged man looked around, saw the pattern on the wall move, and immediately stopped again, "The person has left here, but he can find my study room, which means that this person is not far away, Lao He, You go check it out.”

"Yes." A man with no sense of presence quietly stood up from the corner of the study.

Everyone's eyes were dazzled, and the man disappeared into the study.

“Boss, would you like me to ask someone to search the area?” Sister Qin asked with concern.

"No, this person should be stronger than you. If Lao He can't deal with it, you would have killed him in the past." The middle-aged man frowned and explained to a few people, then turned directly and entered the cubicle next to the study. , it took a while before he came out to talk about the spirit stone.

As soon as Shen Yun withdrew his consciousness, he felt someone walking towards him.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a man with a 28-year-old hair and shiny hair walking towards him. Who could it be if it wasn't Fu Wuyan who had just entered the room?

“Little girl, are you the one brought here by Sister Qin?” Fu Wuyan asked gently.

"If your eyes are useless, you can consider donating your corneas." Shen Yun stared at the black shadow that suddenly appeared outside the villa not far away and said unkindly.

Fu Wuyan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when Shen Yun said this. It took him a long time to realize that he was scolding himself, and he couldn't help but feel angry. However, he looked at the bodyguards in black standing next to him and endured it.

"The little girl is sharp-tongued, but this is not the mainland. You have to be careful what you say here, otherwise no one will spoil you." Fu Wuyan rolled up his sleeves and sat aside, still pretending to be kind and consoling. Chen Yun glanced at him and saw the stern look in his eyes. He clearly had the urge to kill himself, but he could still speak with a smile. In his previous life, he had been angry with him so many times and was sent to research. It seems that this person really doesn’t want to pretend anymore.

"I have seen many girls like you who came to Hong Kong City to make a fortune. This must be the first time I have seen such a big villa." Seeing that Shen Yun stopped responding to him, Fu Wuyan sat aside and continued.

Shen Yun looked at the dark figure that was almost here, glanced at it, and then turned to look at Fu Wuyan who was sitting next to him.

Wearing a suit and tie, he looks a bit like a rich man. Is he showing off his family wealth in front of himself?

Feeling the dark shadow approaching from behind, Shen Yun felt that his concentration was really good now. In front of him sat the enemy who had killed him in his previous life, and behind him was a ghost approaching him with full of yin energy. He actually It's not easy to sit here motionless and keep the expression on your face just right.

"The port city is so big. No matter how big the houses are, how big can they be? You may have never heard of the imperial palaces and courtyard houses in the mainland. That's what they call big. The frog in the well shouldn't laugh at the birds in the sky." Shen Yun came here to cause trouble this time. Now he has even touched the Fu family's lair. This trip is worth it. If he kills this person again, he will overfulfill the task, so let Shen Yun face it. It's impossible for the enemy in front of him to still have a good face.

 The anger in Fu Wuyan’s eyes was almost uncontrollable.

I guess what I said touched his sore spot.

 “Why don’t you agree with this?” Shen Yun asked back.

Fu Wuyan, who was opposite, turned his eyes around and suppressed his anger again, "I have been abroad and have seen the magnificent scenery and architecture abroad, but I have never heard of anything from the mainland.

But I’ve heard of being poor. This is the first time I’ve seen a girl like you dressed in such a tacky style in my villa. "

Shen Yun was not angry when he heard what he said. It is a fact that he is poor. The current situation is indeed poor, but the country is working hard to develop, and the economy in the future will definitely be able to keep up. As for the clothes I was wearing, I bought them on the street near Beijing University. At that time, the boss said they were the latest fashionable clothes in the south, so the clothes were not from her, but from the south, from the Hong Kong city who provided learning templates for the south.

Fu Wuyan over there saw that she was not angry when she said that the mainland poor were mocking her for being stupid, and she suddenly felt that her conversation was in vain.

"No, isn't this girl from the mainland here to curry favor with her elder brother? Why are she talking to me with such an attitude this time?" Fu Wuyan sensed something was wrong in his heart and looked at Shen Yun with an inquiring gaze.

Shen Yun here felt that the ghost just now was still checking something not far away, and his eyes did not meet him directly.

 Just as if admiring the garden of the villa, he slowly shifted his gaze.

Fu Wuyan next to him saw that although Shen Yun was dressed in earthy clothes, his temperament was a bit cold, his skin was delicate and white, and if he looked closely, he was a bit alluring, with a bookish air, which was different from the women he had found outside for his eldest brother in the past. .

 Suddenly I feel that my previous vision has become superficial. To please my elder brother, I should find him different types instead of looking for the charming beauties I like.

"How did Fang Qin find you?" Fu Wuyan thought of a way to please his elder brother, suppressed his previous unhappiness, and asked with a smile.

 “Want to know?

I want to know, go and ask her..." Shen Yun was not interested in giving him an answer. She was looking at the black figure carefully this time.

 (End of this chapter)

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