Chapter 161 (161) Being targeted

The strength of this ghost is stronger than what I have seen before. If I compare it, I can only say that it is even more powerful than the Mao Zheng I encountered before. The most difficult thing to deal with is that this kind of thing is still erratic. It is definitely not as good as Mao Zheng to deal with it. easy.

 In addition, this villa seems to be his home base, which makes it even more difficult to deal with.

Shen Yun glanced over there a few times, then turned his attention to the villa next to it. It seemed that there were a lot of things hidden inside, so he had no choice but to go in and find out. Maybe he could find the research institute's home this time. .

"How about it, if you tell me, I'll take you in and have a look." Fu Wuyan seduced from the side.

 “If you show your courtesy for nothing, you are either a traitor or a thief.” Shen Yun did not look like he was crying with gratitude as he imagined, but he still looked unpretentious.

"Don't think that you can make a career after entering this villa. It's not as easy as you think to get a foothold here. It's so shameless. Don't come and beg me in the future." Fu Wuyan saw that Shen Yun still had this attitude and finally couldn't bear it anymore. His face changed, and he lowered his voice and spoke to Shen Yun.

“I really thought you were a tortoise, you are so tolerant.” Shen Yun looked at him like this and chuckled.

This directly made Fu Wuyan angry, feeling that Shen Yun, a newly arrived country girl, was also looking down on him.

Stand up and sweep the flowerpots on the table under the table.

“Young Master Six, what’s wrong?” This voice attracted the attention of the bodyguard in black next to him, and a man came over and asked.

Fu Wuyan’s originally ugly face suddenly changed, “It’s okay, I accidentally slipped my hands, go ahead and get busy.”

"Okay, then you continue, I won't call anyone to disturb you. Master, please take the broken flowerpot away later." Seeing Fu Wuyan say this, the black-clothed security guard nodded and said, that natural look, it seems He didn't regard Fu Wuyan as his master.

Shen Yun noticed that although Fu Wuyan had a smile on his face, his fists covered under the sleeves of his suit were clenched tightly.

How humiliated he must have been before he would use all means to climb up. Sure enough, there must be something hateful about the poor people.

After Fu Wuyan watched the bodyguards in black leave, he took a few deep breaths, gave up the idea of ​​having a relationship with Shen Yun, and walked directly towards the villa with the broken flowerpot. Shen Yun did not use his spiritual consciousness easily again, that The ghosts are still around here. Shen Yun is not sure whether he can sense the divine consciousness even though he is in a spiritual body. However, the main purpose of coming here is not Fu Wuyan. The current Fu Wuyan city is not as deep as the back. Shen Yun thinks that he can deal with this person. Put it first and then later.

The same method of using ghosts is used. I don’t know if the Fu family has any connection with the Immortal God. But think about the ring I got from Jia Weihe, and then think about whether Fu Wuyan sent him to the research laboratory. The one in the research laboratory is the same There is a cross in the middle of the ring, and there are messy graphics engraved on it. It can be determined that the two are definitely connected. I don't know if the Fu family is the boss behind it, or if it is the result of the alliance between the Fu family and other forces.

  Anyway, Shen Yun wanted to explore something this time.

Looking at the ghosts who were gradually retreating and Fu Wuyan walking into the villa, Shen Yun also stood up.

  Walking around in small steps, the security guard next to him didn't stop him.

The study is located on the second floor, in the middle of the entire building, and the location is protected. The view from the study is very good, but there is a layer of paper on the glass, making it difficult to see what is going on inside.

The whole villa has four floors, and the floors are very high. It is not easy to walk up to get in, and it is even harder to walk down. There are not only thorns planted down there, but there are security guards patrolling next to them. They are not ordinary security guards like the one next to him. Shen Yun looked carefully. They are all security guards with some cultivation, the least are at the second level of Qi training, the highest are at the fifth level of Qi training.

Security guards use cultivators. Are cultivators so worthless in this place?

Shen Yun thought carefully.

 Since these security guards are so powerful, their boss is probably not a simple person either. Not only has strength, but also controls a large number of spiritual stones in his hands. When this spiritual energy does not revive, it has indeed captured the lifeblood of these cultivators.

On the first day, no one else came to talk to Shen Yun. In the evening, Shen Yun was assigned to the concierge position. A small warehouse was vacant there, and Shen Yun was placed directly in it.

“Boss, I don’t have time to see you today, please stay here honestly.” The security guard in black directly pushed Shen Yun into the small house. Although it was said to be a warehouse, there was a bed inside.

Shen Yun sat there honestly like a scared little girl. An unusually conspicuous black figure stood in the air next to him.

It was the ghost I saw in the morning. I didn’t see this thing all afternoon, so why did it stare at me again at night?

Shen Yun just pretended that he didn't know what this thing was here and what to do. When the sky gradually turned white, the thing left this place. After noticing that the cold feeling in the room had dissipated, Shen Yun opened his eyes. .

If I hadn't met the boss of the Fu family, I wouldn't have dared to act rashly, and I wouldn't have waited here all night.

"There is nothing unusual over there. I stared there all night and found nothing." Lao He returned to the study and reported to Boss Fu.

“Okay, as long as it’s nothing unusual, Fang Qin’s work is becoming more and more unreliable. Now is a tense time, so I brought people here directly. If it weren’t for the time when we need people, I...

 You go directly to deal with the person tonight. I don’t want to see irrelevant people here. "Boss Fu's voice sounded without any ripples.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside, and Mr. Fu frowned involuntarily.

“Boss, this is Xiao He. I just got a call from the Mainland Mine, saying something happened there.” The voice outside sounded along with the knock on the door.

Hearing what people outside said, Mr. Fu started walking directly outside.

"what's going on?"

"I just received a call from Lao San, saying that something happened to the mine over there. Except for those few mine tunnels, the spiritual stones in other places have been hollowed out. Now even if we dig out all the spiritual stones inside, More than 100 at most." Xiao He quickly explained the situation.

"How could this happen!" Boss Fu looked angry and slapped the solid wood guardrail of the corridor to pieces.

“Lao San said he was investigating and the people inside have been controlled.” Xiao He said quickly.

“Go and call everyone here.” Mr. Fu closed the study door and walked downstairs.

Xiao He responded and hurried down to find someone. Something big had happened. The mine of an estimated 100,000 spiritual stones had been emptied out. Now Xia Qin was about to finish playing.

At this time, Shen Yun was sitting in the room. After a while, he saw a car rushing towards the door and several people running in.

His consciousness couldn't help but explore into the villa.

 (End of this chapter)

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