Chapter 162 Chapter 163 (162) Kill the chicken to scare the monkey

In the grand living room, a low-pressure middle-aged man sat, with a circle of people standing next to him. They looked at the people who continued to walk in at the door. It was obvious that not everyone attending the meeting had arrived yet.

Shen Yun's consciousness hid in a higher field of view and began to observe the strength of the group of people below.

Leaving aside the strength of his men, if the middle-aged man sitting there guessed correctly, he should be Boss Fu.

 He is majestic and has extraordinary momentum. A closer look revealed that the person's strength was also very strong. When Chen Yun took a closer look, he couldn't see through the strength. However, with his restrained look, his cultivation level was similar to his own even though he was not above him.

Shen Yun, who was sitting in the concierge, took a deep breath. This was something she had not expected.

She didn't know if the other party had noticed her consciousness, so she was careful not to move it.

Thinking about the fact that the Fu family could discover such a large spiritual stone mine on the mainland, it cannot be said that the family has not discovered it elsewhere before. With such high strength, he should have thought of it.

Thinking again about the people he met in the research institute who used the spiritual energy of living people to supplement the upper management of the research institute, and what happened with Jia Weihe earlier. If the Fu family is the founder of the research institute and is still connected with the God of Immortality, then he It is normal for his cultivation level to be so high.

Chen Yun's consciousness noticed the four people standing on the right. These four people looked a bit similar to Boss Fu. They should be related by blood. The three standing on the left were closely in the posture of guarding. They were also stronger than The right side is much stronger.

There are many people with good cultivation standing next to them, both high and low.

Shen Yun saw the unpopular Fu Wuyan in the corner.

If the whole room were to be dispatched, Shen Yun really couldn't guarantee that he would be able to escape unscathed without using the space.

His consciousness did not move anymore, and he concentrated on what was going on in calling so many people over for the meeting.

 Seeing that no one was passing by the door anymore, Shen Yun knew that the meeting inside was about to begin.

"Xiao He, please tell me again what happened on the third brother's phone call." Boss Fu said in a calm voice, as if a storm was about to come.

 Everyone around him listened to Xiao He's words with serious faces.

Shen Yun was also surprised when he heard what Xiao He said.

I didn’t expect that the third child would discover something was wrong in the mine so quickly. Brother Liang obviously didn’t notice it after being down there for so long.

Could it be that someone else dug the mine? It's not right. When I left, I used magic to restore the scattered stones on the ground. Ordinary people who mine underground will not find any spiritual stones for a while. You will find that the entire underground spiritual stone has been evacuated by yourself.

"That's not right. I went over to test it before I came here. There are still a lot of spiritual stone reserves in the ground. How can I say it's gone if it's gone?" Fang Qin suddenly became anxious when she heard what Xiao He said, and the sweat on her face couldn't help but It just flowed down. It is impossible for tens of thousands of spirit stones to disappear instantly. It will definitely take time. That is, before I came over, someone had already started to steal the spirit stones, but I didn't notice it at all.

 It’s over! It's over.

"This is what I want to ask you too. I left this matter to you and asked you to station there. Not only did you lose your things, but you also brought your people back to the port city. You clearly know that the mainland is now The situation is complicated, and you ran back to Hong Kong City. Couldn't this matter have been discussed between you and the thief?" Fu Wuyan looked at Fang Qin and said angrily.

"Boss, you believe me. I have been with you for so many years, and I will definitely not betray you. After so many years, you gave me my life. If it weren't for you, I would have died a long time ago. Boss, please let me go. , I will go over to investigate, I will definitely investigate this matter clearly, and find these tens of thousands of spirit stones for you." Fang Qin knelt down in front of Boss Fu in a panic. She had been thinking about it for so long when she came back this time. Nothing happened. I was planning to go back directly tonight, then I knew this was what happened.

"Lao San, Lao San must have framed me. He has long refused to accept my control. He has always looked down on me as a woman who is higher in cultivation than him. He has also been proposing to dig out spiritual stones from the spiritual mines and use them there first. , when his own strength improves, so that he can get rid of your control, boss. I was afraid that he would hide the batch of spiritual stones just returned from the road, so I decided to take the initiative to take this trip.

Boss, he can't do this alone. He must have betrayed you and cooperated with people from the mainland. Boss, we need to send people over quickly to seize the mine, otherwise these spiritual stones will be a pity. "Fang Qin just wants to save his own life. As for the third child, I can only say who prevents him from being in front of the boss now.

“The third child is rebellious?” Fu asked with a frown.

"Yeah, if you don't believe it, ask the other brothers. The third brother said that he would give some benefits to the brothers and improve everyone's cultivation. Even if he didn't mean to betray, he was not well-intentioned. He clearly knew that these spiritual stones were owned by the boss. "But I still want to secretly embezzle spirit stones while you don't know the specific output, boss. This is not to increase my strength and betray you, but what else do I want to do?" Fang Qin said quickly.

“Do you think that’s the case?” Mr. Fu turned to ask a few people kneeling on the ground next to him, all of whom had returned this time.

Several people did not dare to raise their heads under the pressure of Boss Fu. Their sweat was like running water, and the unknown liquid discharged from their bodies flowed to the ground. Everyone who saw it was disgusted.

"Boss, the third child did say this, but he was rejected by Sister Qin. It's useless for us to ask for spiritual stones. We will definitely not agree to what he did." Several of them are ordinary people, but they are more skilled than others. Many of them have no cultivation qualifications, so the spirit stones in their hands are not yet useful.

The spirit stone there is a gamble on one's own life. Of course they will not be stupid enough to ask for such a life-threatening thing.

"So, the call from the third child was just to lie to me. He was just trying to make me give up the Lingshi mine and swallow the tens of thousands of yuan." Boss Fu said with a gloomy look on his face.

"It must be, boss. I'll take a few people over to bring the third child back. You, the boss of the Lingshi Mine, have also gone over to see it. It's impossible to finish digging up the Lingshi in a few days. It's impossible. It's impossible." Fang Qin said quickly when she saw that Boss Fu believed her words.

"No matter what, leaving your post without permission is the only way." Boss Fu said and flicked his hand, and an ice pick penetrated Fang Qin's head.

The man fell down quietly.

 When Boss Fu made a move, everyone around him immediately became so angry that they didn't even dare to speak out.

Shen Yun outside also saw his cultivation clearly, and he had reached the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment, just like himself. No wonder he couldn't see his cultivation.

 (End of this chapter)

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