Chapter 163 Chapter 164 (163) Why the only way to relieve worries is to get rich suddenly

“Brother, what should I do now? The only one I can contact over there is the third child. Otherwise, my brother will take you for a trip. These are tens of thousands of spiritual stones, which is not a small amount.

I promise that I will do my best to recover our family’s losses. "The person standing next to me said thoughtfully.

"Second brother, we all know what kind of person you are. You are very busy every day. Why do you become so active when encountering such a thing? You must be trying to monopolize your elder brother's things." Fu stood next to him. The third child said with a sneer.

"Fu Lao San, please be careful what you say. We are all from the same mother. If you miss your brother so much, you are vicious and sowing discord." Fu Lao Er scolded sternly.

"Second brother, third brother, don't argue. We are all a family. It is obligatory for the eldest brother to ask anyone to go through this matter. Anyway, several brothers have the ability, so it is good for you to go." The youngest person standing next to him is a He persuaded like a peacemaker.

Boss Fu turned to look at his younger brothers who had their own plans, and sneered. Before he died, these people wanted to come over and divide his family property. Sure enough, he was too busy to care about them during this period. They regarded him as his own. They began to recuperate, and Fang Qin, who was lying underground, couldn't teach them a lesson. It seemed that his ambitions were indeed inflated.

"Logically speaking, I have to let my brothers go over this matter before I can rest assured. However, you guys all have big families and I don't dare bother you to make this trip. You are all here today and I haven't talked to you yet. It's nothing." Go to the old man and be filial. Brother is still young and has no need for you." Boss Fu looked like he was taking it in good faith.

"Brother, my younger brother doesn't have a career, so he just follows his eldest brother. What do you think about this matter, let me go with that brother? My younger brother has never been out of the port city in so many years, and he has never done anything big. I just want to go out and experience things. Of course, only a general like Uncle Xiang is suitable for going there. It was much easier for Uncle He to go there." Listening to what Boss Fu said, Fu Wuyan, who was standing behind the crowd, finally squeezed in. He went in and said.

Boss Fu is afraid of the other brothers, but he has no fear of Fu Wuyan. After all, he has been here all day long and is not even as good as his own housekeeper. He can only do odd jobs. What is his ability?

Hearing Fu Wuyan's words, he looked over intently, but still weighed it in his mind. He didn't feel bad if he let such an insignificant person pass, even if it hurt him, and he was sure that he couldn't escape from his grasp.

Boss Fu looked at the room full of confidants, and then at the brothers who were an eyesore next to him. He unexpectedly felt that Fu Wuyan's proposal was not bad.

"Okay, I'll ask Lao He to go with you, and I'll allocate 10 more brothers to you. You can take them with you. If the situation is as Lao San said, then try your best to investigate, and don't alert the snake.

If the third child really rebels, deal with it directly, and then you take over the spirit stone mine and dig out the spirit stones and bring them back as soon as possible. Don’t worry, if these things are done, I will not treat you badly when you come back. I hope you will not let me down. of trust. "Boss Fu said with a pair of tiger eyes staring at Fu Wuyan closely.

“Brother, don’t worry, I will definitely report the situation at any time, and I will follow your orders when the time comes.” Fu Wuyan quickly expressed his sincerity.

Shen Yun heard this situation outside and gave up his decision to deal with Fu Wuyan at this time. Anyway, he could not find him if he went to the mainland.

If calculated according to calculations, Shen Hong and the others would have escaped from Lao San by now. Even if they went to check again, they would at most suspect that there was something wrong with a few of them, but they would definitely not be able to find out where the spirit stone was.

Once a person is stranded on the mainland, people from the special department may be smart enough to arrest him before he can go back.

 The most important thing is to explore this place first while there are few people in Fu's house.

"Brother, without further ado, I'll set off now and bring the spirit stone back as soon as possible. This way, the strength of our Fu family can be further improved." Fu Wuyan didn't expect to get this task so easily. I thought in my heart that I must handle it well and let my elder brother look at me differently in the future.

 Then in the future, if you open up the Fu family’s cultivation techniques to yourself, you will be able to embark on the road to immortality.

Fu Wuyan waved his hand, and 10 people suddenly came out next to him. Shen Yun noticed that two-thirds of the people in the fifth level of Qi training in the room had come out, and the rest were those with relatively low cultivation levels.

Boss Fu also spent a lot of money on this spiritual stone mine. It seems that he is not so calm. This spiritual mine is still very important to the Fu family. "Lao He." Boss Fu shouted again towards the study room on the second floor.

Then Shen Yun noticed the ghost appeared, and before he had time to think about it, Shen Yun directly withdrew his consciousness.

It turns out that the dark figure hiding in the study on the second floor is this Lao He. If he leaves, the chance of him getting in will be even greater.

Shen Yun thought that he would definitely doubt himself after recalling it, so he might as well hide it first and come back later.

 Thinking about it, he stood up and walked out.

"What are you doing? You're not allowed to walk around." The black-clothed security guard at the concierge saw Shen Yun's actions and immediately scolded him.

"I want to go to the toilet. I'm not used to the one inside. Can I go to the woods over there to solve the problem?" Shen Yun looked very anxious.

“As expected, he is a bumpkin from a small place. Hurry up and stay away.” The security guard in black heard what Shen Yun said. He didn't suspect anything, after all, he was like this when he first entered the city. Now when he saw Shen Yun's anxious look, he immediately said with disgust on his face.

Shen Yun didn't expect that he walked out so smoothly and walked quickly into the woods. When he was no longer visible outside, he ducked into the space.

Feeling the increasingly rich spiritual energy in the space, Shen Yun took a deep breath. Sure enough, he found wealth in danger. He was right to dig up the entire spiritual stone mine. This empty space was like taking a Shiquan Dabu Pill. The spiritual plants throughout the space are becoming more and more vibrant.

 The vegetables, fruits and grains grown naturally are becoming more and more juicy and plump with each crop.

Shen Yun saw the mountains of spiritual stones over there and couldn't help but walk over.

 The only way to relieve worries is to get rich suddenly.

 The things I was worried about outside just now feel like they are nothing now.

 Watching the little jumping turtle happily rolling on the spiritual stone bird's nest, Shen Yun found it adorable.

After walking around and feeling that the whole space was prosperous, Shen Yun also took the Qingfeng Sword and began to practice. During this period, his cultivation level has grown very quickly, but his sword skills have improved since he did not have a lot of time to practice. not much.

 Chaos Sword Technique has only been practiced to the fourth level.

The further you go, the harder it gets. If you want to make progress, you can only spend a lot of time practicing. As for the opportunity of enlightenment, it is rare. Shen Yun has thought about it, but only once.

 (End of this chapter)

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