Everyone nodded silently. After this incident, no one dared to relax about this matter.

 The family took Shen Jian home, and everyone close to him in the village came to see him.

 After all, in rural areas, if a child is like this, the ending is doomed. Some are regretful, some are pitiful. Anyway, it makes the mood of the family even worse. By the time it gets late at night, everyone will be gone.

"Shen Heng, tell us what the doctor said about your brother's condition." After everyone left, the second aunt couldn't help but start asking Shen Heng. Although the words were about Shen Heng, her eyes were fixed on Shen Heng. Hong and Shen Yun.

Similarly, no mother would be calm when seeing her child become like this. The second aunt has endured it until now and no longer wants to show anything in front of outsiders.

"The doctor said that the brain is injured and cannot be detected through examination. If you take good care of yourself, you may wake up, or you may stay like this for the rest of your life." Shen Heng felt that his mouth was very dry, and it was difficult to spit out every word.

 The whole family was silent after hearing this.

 Half chance, it’s easy to say, but it sounds like it’s overwhelming for everyone.

"Take good care of yourself. My grandson will not be like this all his life. This child Shen Jian has been strong since he was a child. He will definitely wake up." Shen Guoliang didn't know whether to comfort himself or everyone, his voice was loud and firm, in the dimness In the room, everyone was given a shot of cardiotonic.

"Don't worry, we will try our best to wake up Shen Jian." Shen Yun continued.

"Yes, Mom, Shen Jian will definitely not be like this, you have to believe him." Shen Heng also said.

"Okay, you all go back and have a rest." The second aunt waved her hands as if she had no strength to speak, turned around and looked at Shen Jian lying on the bed, ignoring everyone.

Except for the little one who couldn't hold on and fell asleep, everyone else in the family was here. Seeing the second aunt like this, everyone stood for a while and then slowly walked out. After all, people don't know when they will wake up. There are still things to do later.

"Go back and have a rest. Xiaofeng and I are inside. Mom and dad, you should go and have a rest too. It's okay. This is good news if there is no bad news. The child will lie down for a while. Don't look like this." Second Uncle Then he walked out and said.

"Okay, you go in and watch, and we all go back." Yang Xiaocao patted the second son's shoulder distressedly. The wife was so sad that she could cry twice, because the son still had to support the family.

Seeing the people go in, Shen Guoliang sent everyone else back to sleep, except Shen Yun.

"Yunyun, grandpa knows that this matter is embarrassing you, but he still wants to ask you if there is anything you can do." Shen Guoliang said with difficulty. The old couple looked at Shen Yun eagerly, as if they were trying to grasp a life-saving straw. .

"Grandpa, there is a method, but I can't give you an accurate answer as to when. There is a pill, but I need to reach a certain level of cultivation before I can refine it." Shen Yun did not hide it, but directly Explain the situation clearly to the two elders. I didn't say it outside just now. There is an uncertainty factor. I don't know when my cultivation will be improved.

"As long as there is a way, at least there is hope, otherwise what will the second child do?" Yang Xiaocao was relieved after hearing Chen Yun's words. The most fearful thing for people is that there is no hope. Now that we have this word, even if there is no specific time , at least there won’t be any hope.

"Good boy, I thank you on behalf of your second uncle and aunt Er."

 After both emotions calmed down, Shen Yun mentioned the matter of cultivation.

"You mean the spiritual energy has been revived now?" When Shen Guoliang heard Shen Yun mention this, he remembered what Shen Yun said last year. He had been wondering when this time would come, but he didn't expect it to be now. "Yes, I wanted to tell you when I came back last time, but I didn't know that Shen Hong's matter happened to be delayed. I originally expected that it would take several years for the spiritual energy to recover, but I didn't know that it was earlier than expected now." In my previous life, it was five years. Finally, Shen Yun didn't know if it was the butterfly effect. The time when the aura eyes appeared was different from that in his previous life.

“Originally, I wanted to let my children practice martial arts for a longer period of time. Now that they can practice, the spiritual roots we measured back then can also come in handy. Should we continue to practice physical training, or what should we do?”

"We already have the basics of physical training, so let's continue practicing. There is still a lot to finish. As for practicing spells, I'm ready. The third brother and the fourth brother have already started practicing. Let the others start practicing tomorrow. Bar.

Let’s get familiar with the exercises first. There is aura everywhere in the air now. Once you know the exercises, you can practice at any time. "Chen Yun suggested.

 “Okay, I’ll listen to you.” Shen Guoliang had no other opinions.

 After Shen Yun and the two elders talked about this matter, they didn't wait much longer and went directly back to the top.

 No matter what the reason was this night, no one fell asleep peacefully except for a few little ones who were sleeping soundly and sweetly who didn’t know what was going on.

When Chen Yun returned home, he directly entered the space and began to practice. Although he had seized the opportunity in the aura eye last time to go from the early stage of foundation building to the foundation building perfection, which could be described as a four-jump jump, these were small improvements in realms. , there is a big realm between foundation building and golden elixir. Some people can't break through foundation building for hundreds of years, and some people are very fast.

Although Shen Yun's heart has eased a little, he still doesn't feel like he will be promoted. He can only suppress his inner urgency and wait for the day when things will come true.

 After practicing for a while, Shen Yun went directly to the elixir shop.

 There are elixirs left by our ancestors and some common elixirs here.

Chen Yun has consumed some of the elixirs, but Shen Yun has not finished reading the rows of elixirs. It's not that she doesn't want to read them. Some elixirs have requirements for the strength of her spiritual consciousness. If she cannot reach this spiritual strength, Even if you memorize the pill recipe, you still can't refine it. Just like the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill, it can only be refined with the divine consciousness of the God Transformation stage.

However, Shen Yun's current spiritual consciousness has reached the early stage of Nascent Soul. According to my own estimation, my spiritual consciousness should be able to reach the divine transformation stage when I am in the Nascent Soul stage.

 At that time, you can try to refine the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill.

 The best way to exercise your spiritual consciousness is to refine elixirs, refine weapons, and draw talismans.

Shen Yun thought that the Shen family would start practicing soon, so he went out to pick a batch of medicinal materials and practice some commonly used elixirs.

 After the dozen bottles beside him were filled, Shen Yun rubbed his slightly swollen forehead.

 Put away the elixirs and go directly back to the Shen Yang tree in the room to start meditating.

Sure enough, when the spiritual energy was exhausted and the consciousness was almost overdrawn, the effect of cultivation was even better. When Shen Yun opened her eyes again, she was back to the refreshed self.

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