As soon as I went out in the morning, I was greeted by the concerned looks of the other four people at home.

"Yun, mom didn't even talk to you yesterday. Your brother and the others were bullied. Are you okay? If you have any grievances, tell mom. If you were hurt over there, we are all family members. Don't hide it. "Hold on." Yang Cancan directly put Shen Xiaodi in his arms into Shen Limin's arms, and then pulled Shen Yun towards the room.

"Don't worry, I'm really fine, and I haven't suffered any grievances. Look at how bad I am." Shen Yun turned around to show Yang Cancan.

Yang Cancan looked at the increasingly graceful daughter in front of him, and recalled that when he heard Shen Huaan coming over to say that something had happened to the child at home, his heart almost jumped out of his chest with fear.

Later, I heard that the person who had the accident was Shen Jian. Although he was sad, he still breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't go out to do any dangerous things in the future. Your dad and I don't expect you to have any great abilities. As long as you are healthy and safe, this That's it." Yang Cancan explained seriously.

"Our family will definitely be healthy and safe. Don't worry. I will definitely be careful in the future and not let myself fall into such a dangerous situation." Shen Yun stopped Yang Cancan's shoulders and assured her.

While he was saying good things to Yang Cancan in the room, Shen Limin had already made breakfast and was waiting outside. The two of them hurried over to eat without any hesitation. After dinner, they had to go to the old house. Today, one of them had to practice. Big day.

As soon as he finished eating, Shen Yun followed a few people and walked downstairs.

Everyone in the old house had already eaten, but the second aunt said she had no appetite and kept watching by Shen Jian's bed.

 Although I tried to persuade him, it didn’t work.

"Grandpa, why don't you call the family over and hold a family meeting directly with the second aunt." Shen Yun asked Shen Guoliang directly. Although he didn't test his spiritual roots on his daughter-in-law at the beginning, he thought about the physical training later. Those who wanted to practice also followed behind. Everyone in the family could do a few gestures except for those who couldn't walk.

Now that we have entered the era of spiritual recovery, as a member of this family, if there is something we are hiding, it will cause unrest in the family.

“Okay, go and call everyone at home, except the ignorant children.” Shen Guoliang understood what Shen Yun meant and directly waved his hand to signal everyone to call.

"Dad, what are you doing? Call everyone over to deal with Shen Jian's affairs. Shen Jian is doing well, as if he is asleep. I will take care of him in the future." Erbo Shen is a little confused. This is good. Yes, what are you doing by calling everyone over for a meeting?

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. This may be a good thing for Shen Jian to wake up." Shen Guoliang didn't care about Uncle Shen's not-so-good attitude.

However, this room is still too small, and everyone’s family meetings have been moved to the door.

Shen Yun first used the spirit test stone to test the spiritual root status of several people who had not been tested last time. Unfortunately, the first sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law did not have spiritual roots.

Two aunts, the eldest aunt has the four spiritual roots, but the second aunt does not.

Yang Cancan is a five-spirited person.

Everyone didn't know what this was going to do at first, so they obediently stretched out their hands and did as Shen Yun said. Then they saw that some people had different lights on the stones in front of them when they touched them, and some people didn't. Everyone else has tested it, but they don’t know what it’s for.

"Two people have spiritual roots, and the others don't." Shen Yun took the test and said directly to Shen Guoliang. No one else knew what it meant, but Shen Hong and Shen Heng, who had already started practicing, I understand.

“What is this test for?” the cousin asked curiously. Why did it light up when his mother put her hand on it, but his wife didn’t respond after putting her hand on it for a long time.

"This is a spiritual test stone. It is to test whether you have spiritual roots. You all took the test last year, but I didn't show you the results at that time. Now let's test it for the family. The two cousins-in-law have no spiritual roots." Root, my eldest aunt has it, my mother has it.

 Those who have spiritual roots can not only practice physical training to improve their physical fitness, but they can also practice it now and become practitioners in the future. "Chen Yun tried his best to speak to everyone in simple and easy-to-understand language,

"What is a cultivator? Is the salary high? Do you mean that your cousin-in-law and others can't do this job?" Shen Chen still didn't understand what Shen Yun said.

“Third brother, fourth brother, why don’t you show them what a cultivator is.” Shen Yun started to greet people directly.

The two people did not bother, one made a small fire ball, and the other made a water ball. Under the control of the two people, the two met in the air, water and fire were in conflict, and suddenly exploded, shocking everyone around them.

“Third brother and fourth brother, we want to learn this, it’s so cool.” Shen Yue and Shen Xing, who were sitting over there, jumped up first, wishing they could just come over and hang on Shen Heng and the others.

“A cultivator is also called an immortal cultivator.” Shen Yun looked at a group of stunned people sitting next to him and continued.

Now everyone completely understood.

“Can your uncle practice cultivation?” the eldest aunt asked first.


"No! Then I won't get involved in this matter. Your uncle and I have been like this all our lives. From now on, I will do the logistics work for you behind you and won't bother myself." After the eldest aunt finished speaking, she went directly to the uncle. Walk outside.

 Don’t even care about your own children.

Shen Chen originally wanted to seek help from his parents, but he saw his parents walking away, leaving them where they were.

"Let's discuss it with my wife first." Shen Chen said first. After all, this situation is a bit difficult because one person has spiritual roots and the other does not.

Those who have a daughter-in-law took her daughter-in-law out to discuss things.

The man without a wife just sat here without moving, looking at Shen Yun eagerly.

“Are you sure you want to start practicing?” Shen Yun asked.

 The people below were like chickens pecking at rice, fearing that their reaction would be slow.

"Okay, first let Shen Heng and Shen Hong teach you how to introduce Qi into your body, and then come to me to learn the exercises. Let's agree first that after you start practicing, you are not allowed to fight or kill anyone in your own family, let alone go out to pick fights. Please keep a low profile on everything. There are many powerful people in the world.

 When practicing cultivation, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and take every step well, so that you can become a powerful person in the future. "After Chen Yun finished explaining the cultivation matters, he did not forget to give them a few words.

Looking at Shen Hong and Shen Heng pulling the children away in a swarm, the second aunt was left here who had been thinking deeply. "If you practice this, will Shen Jian be saved?" the second aunt murmured. .

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