Chapter 179 Chapter 180 (179) The beginning of the lucky man’s hard life

"Don't worry, this situation should get better after a while. You also know some of the situations written in the newspapers. Now that there is aura, it must be that these animals are more sensitive to this thing." Shen Yun said soothingly.

“I hope that’s the case, otherwise we will really die from overwork.

But do you think this spiritual energy is really so miraculous? Immortals used this to practice in the past. Now that spiritual energy has appeared, have immortals also appeared? Have you heard of anything happening in Beijing and the south? Huang Bin asked softly.

"What's going on? I've never seen an immortal, but I've seen a cultivator." Shen Yun glanced at him and said. Huang Bin knew more in town than at home. He understood these things without having to explain them. what does this mean.

"Times are really different now!" Huang Bin couldn't help but sigh after hearing what Shen Yun said.

"The times are different. It depends on whether you can be the lucky one of the times. Come on, stretch out your hand and I will test it for you." Shen Yun took the spirit test stone directly from his pocket.

 Huang Bin looked at the unattractive stone in front of him and stretched out his hand directly. The little sister wanted to play a game with him, so how could he not cooperate?

 "Be still and concentrate." Shen Yun said in a low voice.

 Huang Bin suddenly became serious. After all, his sister is older and is not easy to fool.

 Then he saw the gray stone in front of him, exuding two colors of emerald green and khaki.

“Is this a lamp?” Huang Bin had never seen a lamp of this style before.

"This is not a lamp, it is the beginning of your hard-working life. Go to Baiyun Village tonight and tell Grandpa and the others these two colors. They want to see you." Shen Yun put away the spirit-detecting stone directly.

"Hey, tell me what is going on. My curiosity has been piqued now." Huang Bin became more energetic. He used to feel that this cousin was a bit mysterious. Now that this happened, he was curious before. It's as if there is a line connecting the things.

"Went to Baiyun Village. If grandpa is willing to tell you, you will know everything. If he is not willing, you can continue to be curious. I don't have time to explain to you today. I am going to the capital city, so I just stopped by. Look at you, I'm leaving." After saying this, Shen Yun walked towards the city without looking back.

Huang Bin was left behind scratching his head anxiously.

 Unfortunately, Shen Yun in front was very fast and he couldn't catch up even if he wanted to.

I could only watch Shen Yun walk away.

The bus and train arrived in Beijing all the way. It was winter when we left, and it was already early spring.

People were coming and going on the road, and they were increasingly dressed in bright colors. There were also some people in strange clothes and with strange behaviors on the road. Shen Yun looked at them with curiosity.

It's a pity that the people next to him seemed not surprised by these people's actions, and even looked a little envious. This was really something Shen Yun had never seen in his previous life. Did something happen?

Shen Yun arrived at school with a lot of doubts. It has been more than a month since school started. Shen Yun estimated that he was the last one to come to school. After passing through the campus, which was quieter than before, Shen Yun went straight to the teacher's office. Standing at the door, I saw the teacher inside busy.

"Teacher, I'm here to cancel the leave." Shen Yun knocked on the door to attract the attention of the people inside. Seeing the teacher looking over, Shen Yun said directly.

"Hey, you're finally here. I heard that something happened at your home. Are you okay?" The teacher saw Shen Yun breathing a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that this student would no longer be able to come to school due to family reasons. This was not the case before. He has seen this happen before, including female students who dropped out of school due to financial reasons.

He was also worried that Shen Yun wouldn't be able to come over this semester. Thinking about this girl saying that she wanted to complete the course this semester, could it be that she couldn't persist this semester?

"I'm fine at home. I just put in a little effort and wasted some time. Teacher, can I still apply for early graduation this semester?" Shen Yun is still more concerned about this issue and wants to live a new life. Although he does not plan to engage in archeology again, this graduation She still wanted to get the certificate.

"Okay, I've already submitted the information to you. There are a lot of things going on in school this semester. It's only been half a month since class officially began. You usually look through your classmates' notes. You have to pass the final exam and then graduate thesis. I have to prepare it and graduate with the graduates this semester." Although Shen Yun didn't come over, the teacher had already taken care of the matter. He knew that the girl's thesis was ready. If she didn't come this semester, If it is completed, it will take another semester, which should be a big burden on Shen Yun's family finances.

 “Thank you, teacher.” Shen Yun was very grateful to the teacher.

"You're welcome, this is your book. Take it back and take a good look at it. You have more books than others." The teacher directly picked up a few books from under the table, and it seemed that he had given Shen Yun all the books for several semesters. coming. "There are many books here that have been used by other students. They are free of charge. Just take them back and have a look. Even if you have to graduate early, you can't lose the reputation of being the first in our class." The teacher said with a smile.

 Shen Yun really didn't expect that the other party had even prepared a book for him.

 “Teacher, I’m really sorry to trouble you.” Shen Yun bent down and thanked you.

"Okay, okay, go back and read quickly. You study hard and don't let other people lead you to change your mind. After all, your goals are different from others." The teacher was worried and explained again.

Shen Yun nodded to express his understanding, and then suddenly saw a book of talismans on the teacher's desk opposite. Isn't this Zhang's unsold work? Shen Yun thought for a moment, and then suddenly thought of the peace talisman in his own space.

“Teacher, I got this peace talisman from our hometown and give it to you.” Shen Yun put the talisman directly on the table.

The teacher looked at Shen Yun's talisman and the talisman book on the teacher's desk opposite. He was worried that this girl would be misled by others. Now it seems that there is no need to bring it. She is also a superstitious person.

"Okay, okay, I've accepted the things. You can take the books back, and you won't be able to get them for a few points..." Before the teacher could finish her words, she saw Shen Yun walking out with a handful of books higher than her head.

“How did you pick up this skinny little girl?” The teacher next to her opened her mouth in shock.

“Maybe life trains people, I used to be a delicate little girl.” The teacher sighed and directly put the exquisite peace charm folded on the table into his pocket.

 (End of this chapter)

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