Chapter 180 Chapter 181 (180) I am no longer a poor person.

Shen Yun here walked out of the office with his book in his arms. The campus was quiet just now, but now it was as if some kind of switch had been turned on, and the whole school became lively.

Shen Yun just looked at his class schedule. He couldn't catch up with the classes this morning, but starting from the afternoon, his schedule was full every day, and he tried to take all the credits this semester.

Shen Yun held the book in his arms. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he did not stay in the school for long, and walked directly out of the school with the book in his arms.

"The one holding so many books just now is Shen Yun from the Department of Archeology, who missed half a month of classes. I heard that her family has no money and can't go to school. Why is she here again?" It happened that we had taken a big class together. The girl was more impressed by Shen Yun and said curiously.

Even though she just said something out of curiosity, the people next to her took this matter to heart and walked directly outside the school when school was over at noon.

Shen Yun here has already returned to his dormitory. No one has lived here for more than a month, and it is covered with a thin layer of dust.

 Shen Yun used the dust removal technique, and the whole room became clean again.

He packed up the pile of books in his arms and put them on the desk. He thought about Yan Han's words and asked him to go to his office when he came to Beijing. It would be better to choose a day. As he happened to have time at noon, Shen Yun decided to go. One trip.

Within a few minutes, Shen Yun arrived at the special department. As before, it was very quiet here and the furnishings were still the same as before, but the previously conspicuous warehouse was no longer so conspicuous.

 Walking inside, you can still see many team members discussing cultivation matters. Although the voices are very low, Shen Yun's hearing ability is not what it used to be.

  Turning around, he saw a few people in the Qi training stage discussing over there.

The special department has moved really fast. It has only been a short time, and there are so many new faces here. Those who can cultivate above the second level of Qi training so quickly have good talents.

Shen Yun took one look and walked directly towards the cold office.

It is said that half of the office there is filled with my own stuff, and I don’t know what it is that can take up so much space.

 When we got to the place, Yanhan happened to be in the office as well.

"Captain Yan, I'm here to get my things. Didn't you say there are a lot of them?" Shen Yun knocked on the door and said. There were not the things he mentioned in the office, but they were still neatly placed.

"You were not injured when you went to Hong Kong City. How is your family? Do you need me to introduce you to a doctor?" Yan Han answered the question in a non-verbal manner, obviously knowing everything about himself.

"It's okay. I'm fine. With my brother's condition, it's useless to see an ordinary doctor. He can only take care of himself slowly. When his cultivation level is high, there should be a way to deal with this situation." Shen Yun glanced at Yan Han. , Good guy, when we met there, Yan Han was only at the fifth level of Qi training. We haven't seen him for a few days now, and he is already at the ninth level of Qi training. This speed is faster than the speed of taking drugs.

"Anyway, if you need anything, just ask." Hearing Shen Yun say no, Yan Han said it anyway.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely trouble you if necessary.

I have been absent from class for a long time, so I came here just to pick up some things. Time is tight this semester, so I guess I have less time to complete tasks. "Chen Yun explained his purpose of coming.

“Well, you should be busy with your own affairs first. The department has sufficient manpower and nothing special has happened.

Your things are on the museum shelf here. Take a look. Anything that doesn’t fit is in the warehouse. I’ll take you there to pick it up later. "

Shen Yun turned around and saw the items on the neat museum shelves. They were all medals, certificates, commendations, job offers, etc. Shen Yun just looked through them, then piled them up and put them away. "Although these can only be sent to you privately for the time being, your achievements will be remembered by the people above. When the time comes, these will be known to the public." Yan Han explained.

"I haven't done anything earth-shattering. Let's wait and see when I do something big." Shen Yun said with a smile. She also had her own selfish motives for doing these tasks. Not only did she have a lot of spiritual plants in the space, she also had her own fighting skills. and strength have improved a lot, and I have also taken advantage of the information channels of the special department.

“These things may seem trivial to you, but they are not so to us.

Alright, take these things of yours. The remaining things are in the warehouse. Let’s go and get them. "

Shen Yun didn't take a closer look. He directly put a thick pile of things into the backpack he brought as a cover-up, and followed Yan Han outside.

 The warehouse will no longer look like a warehouse, but more like a place where items are stored.

Unlike the last time I came here, where things were randomly placed, there is a manager inside now, and everything is carefully classified and placed.

“Take something stored in box No. 1.” Yanhan said directly to the administrator.

“Hey, captain, the owner of box No. 1 is finally back?” the administrator asked curiously.

“I’m back, isn’t this it? Quickly take someone to pick up the things, and then find someone to deliver them to your home.” Yan Han pointed to Shen Yun next to him, which was a simple introduction.

Shen Yun looked at the other party's bright eyes, smiled and nodded to him.

 “Hey, then come with me quickly.”

The other party took a key and walked directly inside.

Box No. 1 looks really small from the outside. If placed in a cold office, it can indeed occupy half of the space.

"These are your rewards and spiritual stone subsidies for the past few months. You don't know how greedy these things are if they are placed here. Take them back quickly and put them away." When the administrator opened the box, his eyes lit up, and he also I'm greedy, but as an administrator, I can still resist this temptation.

Shen Yun looked at the thousands of low-grade spiritual stones in front of him without any change in his eyes. After all, he already had tens of thousands of medium-grade spiritual stones in his space, and he was no longer the poor Shen Yun that he was at the beginning.

"Please help me collect it for such a long time. Just send it directly to my dormitory." Shen Yun took a look and knew what these things were.

"Okay, I'll send it to you, but this thing is a rare thing now. You should either use it quickly when you get back, or keep it well." The administrator reminded.

"Okay, I understand." Shen Yun nodded, sent it to his dormitory, and put it away directly, not afraid of others coveting it.

"Okay, I'll arrange someone right away." The administrator locked the box in front of Shen Yun, handed the key to Shen Yun, and then led the person outside.

"Hey, why did you guys come in again? You said that it belongs to someone else and cannot be borrowed. What's wrong with you?" Shen Yun and the others took a step slower and heard the administrator's scolding coming from outside.

 (End of this chapter)

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