Chapter 181 Chapter 182 (181) Proving that his son is his own son

"Shall we just borrow it? You don't know how useful this net is for catching things." Then Shen Yun heard a woman's coquettish voice.

"You also said that last time, you didn't tell me when you took me out. As a result, I was fined with spiritual stones. If you come here this time, you really think you won't be fined." The administrator was annoyed. Speaking of.

“Didn’t we supply you with spiritual stones last time? Besides, we are going to do something big this time. When the matter is completed, we will definitely be able to atone for our sins.” Several people continued to discuss with the administrator.

As Shen Yun turned around, he saw two men and two women talking to the administrator.

"Hey, you see, we are not allowed to go in. Now that other people are not allowed in, you should treat them differently. Are you looking at their beautiful parents?" Several people over there saw Shen Yun at the first sight, and they felt kind My eyes suddenly brightened, and I found an excuse to attack the administrator.

"What are you talking nonsense about? She went in because she had something stored in the warehouse and wanted to take it away." The administrator was very troubled by the unreasonable behavior of the few people in front of him. These were all members with relatively good talents who were brought in after the spiritual energy was revived. However, This kind of temperament is really hard to describe in words.

"Why don't we know that there are still things stored in the warehouse? Aren't they all reserved for borrowing, or some reward items? Why, it can't be that you, the administrator, are acting for personal gain." One of the men looked at the administrator, Then he looked at Shen Yun meaningfully.

Shen Yun looked at his eyes and reached out to slap him in that direction.

Evil, disgusting, with some indescribable meaning. I thought I couldn't see it, or thought I didn't dare to do anything to him.

Everyone saw Shen Yun fanning his hands in the air, and a red mark appeared on the face of the man opposite him.

“Captain Yan, have everyone in the team been admitted now?” Shen Yun asked Yan Han behind him.

“There’s been a lot going on lately, I’m planning to set up a new team, and I haven’t taken care of the personnel selection yet.” Yan Han also walked out from behind at this time.

They don’t know Shen Yun, but they have met the leader of Yanhan department.

Just now I was still talking nonsense, but now I have stopped talking.

“Captain.” Several people said hello and didn’t dare to say anything else.

They look down on an administrator whose cultivation level is lower than theirs, but for Yan Han, a person whose cultivation level is higher than theirs, they really don’t dare to make a mistake. It’s because they themselves are cultivators, so they know how big the gap will be between the lower classes.

"What do these people want to come here to get? Listen to what you said. It's the same as last time. Let me hear it." Yan Han ignored these people and asked the administrator directly.

 As an administrator, Yanhan definitely trusts him more.

"Last time, Li Ming stored a network here. Who knew that this network had a telescopic function? I didn't pay attention last time, so they took the network out. I didn't know about it until later. At that time, I I also reported it and received the punishment I deserved. But this time they wanted to go in without me noticing. When I blocked the door, they said they wanted to borrow it. I already told them that I wouldn’t borrow it.” The administrator was also vomiting. He was tricked by these people last time and almost lost his position. This time he came here again and said that he was not here specifically to trick him. He didn't believe it.

"Captain, we just want the task to be completed smoothly. Since there are useful tools in the department, why can't we use them? After all, we are all colleagues. I believe that even if Senior Li Ming knows that we are using them to complete the task, he will not blame us. Yes." A girl said delicately.

Looking this way with resentful eyes. As expected, this was not for him. Shen Yun stood directly to the side and sensed it with his spiritual consciousness. As expected, his net was placed in a box for safekeeping.

With a flash of consciousness and a move of his hand, Shen Yun made the net that was placed in the box just come out and fly into Shen Yun's palm.

"I'm sorry, is this what you are talking about?" Shen Yun shook the thing in his hand to show everyone.

"Look, it said it can't be loaned out. It wasn't someone else who got it. I don't know what kind of magic this person just used. He even slapped Brother Xuan. Captain, you have to investigate it carefully. , does this person have anything to do with the administrator?" the woman who just spoke continued.

A few people saw that Shen Yun and Yan Han did not appear at the same time, and thought that the two people did not come in at the same time, so they would complain very smoothly.

He seemed to be sure that Shen Yun had something to do with the administrator, and he looked like he was watching the show.

"This thing is not something I borrowed, but something that belongs to me. Last time I was in the south, I **** an old man with this thing. This old man must have been brought back by Li Ming."

 He has no cultivation, so he keeps things in the warehouse. "Chen Yun looked at the way several people were enjoying the show and explained kindly.

"You said it's yours, it's yours. Now that Senior Li Ming is not here, how can you prove that this thing is yours?" The man named Brother Xuan looked at Shen Yun unconvinced.

They didn't know, but Yan Han knew that he had taken down the net himself. After all, Shen Yun tied the net. Although Li Ming, as an ordinary person, was powerful, it was still a bit difficult to take down the net. But he didn't expect that Li Ming would It was safe to store it directly in the warehouse, but when something like this happened later, he didn't know what to say.

Shen Yun was almost out of his mind with the net in his hand, but the other party asked him to prove that this thing was his own, just like proving that his son was his son. Could he let it call him daddy? ?

Shen Yun directly used the simplest and crudest method to tie up the four people on the spot.

"How do you think this thing is mine?" Shen Yun asked, looking at the four people tied together with painful expressions.

"You are just bullying others because you are better than us because of your cultivation." The other party was still unconvinced, but through Shen Yun's control of the net, he guessed that Shen Yun's cultivation was higher than them.

"If you say it's bullying, then I'll bully you today. Administrator, you can contact Li Ming. Isn't there a contact tool now? Just make a call. I don't have to make another trip. This website I took it away this time so as not to leave it here if someone continues to plot it." After Chen Yun finished speaking, he put away the net without caring about the four people over there. The four people who had just been **** stood up immediately. Unstable and fell.

“By the way, don’t forget to send my box, it’s right next door to Captain Yan’s house.” Shen Yun walked out of the door and greeted again.

"Okay, you can go back and do your own work, I'm here." Yan Han waved his hand and motioned for Shen Yun to go first, as he was about to start handling departmental matters.

 It’s really been a mess lately with so many things going on.

 (End of this chapter)

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