Chapter 185 Chapter 186 (185) Her aunt’s station was demolished immediately

Shen Yun glanced at Hu Yan and said, "Tell me, if you can help me, I will definitely help. After all, Hu Yan and we are friends."

“Auntie, why didn’t you tell me in advance?” Hu Yan really didn’t know about this.

"You can't make the decision on this matter, and it's useless to talk to you. I just want to ask Student Shen face to face, and you can just listen." Aunt Hu said with a smile.

"Auntie, you are going too far. If you do this, I will take Shen Yun away. We have agreed to have a meal. What do you have to do? Aren't you making things difficult for Shen Yun?" Hu Yan was angry. He stood up directly.

"Oh, Hu Yan, don't worry, let's discuss it with Classmate Shen. It's a good thing, not a bad thing. Don't worry, you don't know who your aunt is. She will definitely not force anyone to do anything." Uncle Hu hurriedly said He stood up and pulled Hu Yan.

"Okay, Hu Yan, let's hear what he said first. Don't be so excited." Shen Yun sat firmly without moving. Hu Yan's expression didn't look like he was acting. It seemed that he really didn't know before.

"Yes, you girl, your classmate hasn't said anything yet, and you are already anxious. Auntie, I am not a bad person, but your classmate is still a benefactor. What can I do?" Aunt Hu said with an angry expression.

Hu Yan glanced at her aunt stubbornly and stopped eating. She directly pulled up a chair and sat next to Shen Yun to express her attitude.

Aunt Hu looked at Hu Yan and didn't say anything to her. She turned directly to Shen Yun and said, "That's it, Classmate Shen. You must also know that our family has been suffering from superficial burns for a long time. We can say run away." I have been to many hospitals and have used not only regular drugs but also many folk remedies.

 During this period, we actually encountered many people who suffered burns, some more serious than us, leaving scars on their bodies and faces. If we don’t continue to spend a lot of money on treatment, the scars will last a lifetime.

 It's okay if it's not visible on the body, but on the face and neck, it can be said that this person's future life will be affected.

Our family Qianqian is lucky. Only when we meet you can the scars on our faces disappear. However, many people’s scars cannot be eliminated.

 I just want to help them. "Aunt Hu smiled bitterly when she said this, "How can I help? This still depends on you, classmate Shen. I don't know if you, Taohuashuang, have too much, I will be your middleman in the middle. "

Shen Yun did not expect that this was what they were talking about, and thought that the other party wanted to buy his own recipe for peach blossom frost.

If they had talked about prescriptions from the beginning, I would have been a little hesitant, but after saying this, Shen Yun began to consider the possibility.

"To tell you the truth, Taohuashuang, I don't have much of this. I have told Hu Yan before that the things I make are for my family. If you want to use them to save people, you can only use them to save people." If I treat a few people and make this thing by myself, it will probably take a long time before everyone can get this medicine." Shen Yun also told the truth.

"Look, I've told you all. You still don't believe it. If there were too many, I would have bought them and put them on my face. Do you think I don't envy Shen Yun's skin?" Hu Yan heard Shen Yun say this and immediately Feeling excited.

The couple's plans were shattered by Shen Yun's words. Thinking about how pitiful their daughter was when she was burned, and thinking about the people they met, the couple couldn't bear to give up, but there was nothing they could do.

  Shen Yun looked at the entangled look of the two people and said directly, "I don't know what you think about Taohuashuang's recipe."

"We don't dare to think about the prescription. I heard that such a good thing is an ancient prescription. You have to keep it well." This peach blossom frost is a rare thing in their eyes, and the prescription is even more precious.

“I don’t know what you two do for a living, can you tell me a little bit more about it?” Shen Yun directly changed the topic.

 “Do some small business.” Aunt Hu said quickly.

“I wonder if you are interested in doing some big business and making peach blossom cream together?” Shen Yun made a bombshell, which confused Aunt Hu and his wife. "Shen Yun, you are stupid. You are using this Taohuashuang recipe to cooperate with a big factory. Why are you looking for a small factory like my aunt?" Hu Yan said excitedly next to her. Her aunt's station was demolished immediately.

"If you die, I will destroy your aunt. Our factory is small, but we make conscientious things, but we have never cut corners." Aunt Hu was almost mad at her niece.

"What I'm saying is, with your small factory, when can we use peach blossom cream?" Hu Yan said unconvinced.

"She is telling the truth. Student Shen Yun, you should go to a big factory for this matter. Our small workshop is indeed very weak." Aunt Hu thought about so many people getting burned every year and gave Shen Yun direct advice. Although she I really can't bear it.

“Okay, I don’t expect to make a fortune from this. I just want to save more people as you said. You are very suitable to do this.

 In this way, we cooperate, I will come up with the recipe for Taohuashuang, and you will come up with the rest. "Chen Yun said in consultation.

“Really, you are still willing to make this thing for us, that would be great.

 Don't worry, I, Hu Qin, will definitely honor what I said and deliver the peach blossom frost to those who need it at the most appropriate price.

 Are you happy that you can get better with many people this way? "Aunt Hu looked so happy that she stood up without delay.

 “I’m happy, I hope my brother and sister are all well.” He said with a slight smile.

Shen Yun thought about directly writing down the medicinal materials that Taohuashuang would use.

 “I’ll give you a list of medicinal materials, and then you can calculate how much it will cost and what the initial cost will be.” Shen Yun directly handed the list to Aunt Hu.

“Don’t worry, I’ll pay for the cost.” Aunt Hu promised directly.

 Because I agreed to this matter, the atmosphere in the private room became much better.

 Shen Yun and Aunt Hu made an appointment for the time and place of their next meeting, and the meal was considered over.

"Shen Yun, I'm sorry, I didn't know they would say this before I came here." Hu Yan apologized.

"It's okay. This matter was ultimately decided by me, not because of you. I also want to help more people and earn some money in the process." Shen Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, now that you have made the decision, I will keep an eye on my aunt and the others to work hard." Hu Yan also made a decision.

 Looking at Hu Yan's appearance, he probably doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

 Hands off the shopkeeper, I am happy to be it.

The two of them walked all the way outside. As soon as they reached the alley where Ji's house was, they saw Ji Momo, dressed in colorful clothes, walking towards them.

 (End of this chapter)

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