Chapter 186 Chapter 187 (186) There are dozens of people in our school. Am I proud?

  Enemies meet on a narrow road, this is Shen Yun's first reaction.

Then he quickened his pace. Every time he met them, he always lost a little time. Shen Yun's time now was very precious.

It's a pity that Shen Yun was so fast that Hu Yan next to him couldn't keep up, so he called out directly from behind. Ji Momo, who was already arrogant and was watching the sky go away, immediately noticed Shen Yun here.

He walked towards this side with light steps.

“Oh, who am I talking about? You still want to avoid me, maybe you don’t have the face to meet people.

 What are you doing here? I won't go back and live a poor life for a year. I can't bear it anymore. I want to come over and see if the Ji family can still accommodate you. "Ji Momo said provocatively.

"Momo, could this be the woman you mentioned before who took your place? She is indeed not as grand as our Momo." The woman following Ji Momo opened her eyes and told lies, with a flattering look on Ji Momo's face. With a smile.

"Who is this? Isn't he a lunatic? Why did he block our way when he came up? He also said that there are some things that are not available. He cannot be blind. It's so pitiful. His eyesight is not good at a young age. I can't tell the difference between beauty and ugliness. Let's leave quickly. People like this may not be narcissistic at home every day. They are probably addicted to fantasy and are seriously ill." Hu Yan took Shen Yun's arm and pulled him forward. Walk.

 “Stop, talk to you?

Just interrupting from the side, what kind of girl is so uneducated? "Ji Momo was unhappy when she heard Hu Yan say this. Isn't Shen Yun prettier? Apart from this face, she has nothing else worth showing off.

School? There are many people in Beijing who have been admitted to Beijing University. I am not an ignorant person when I first came to Beijing.

"No matter how uneducated we are, we are much more educated than those people who start sarcastic." Hu Yan rolled her eyes at Ji Momo.

"Ji Momo, you don't have any great skills except to make a sense of presence in front of me. If it's just these nonsense, I've heard it more than once, so don't waste everyone's time." Shen Yun pulled Hu Yan Just leave, I don’t want to argue with the other party here, didn’t you see the people watching the fun gathered around?

"What do you mean by looking for presence in front of you? It's obvious that you came to our house to look for presence. Besides my current status, I'm trying to find presence in front of you, the daughter of an old farmer in the countryside. I'm kidding." Ji Momo said disdainfully. .

"I don't know when your name Ji was engraved on this alley. Your family is so powerful, why don't you make all the houses nearby yours?" Shen Yun is not used to her. manner.

"You are just envious and jealous. Don't you know? There are two immortal cultivators in the Ji family. Low-level people like you can only read about it in the newspapers. I'm afraid they have never seen it. In the future, they can only read it from a distance. Look, we, Momo, are the little princess of the Ji family, and from now on we will be the little princess of the Xiuxian family," the girl next to her said in a show-off manner.

“Oh, the little princess of a family of immortal cultivators is a family with only two immortal cultivators. How scary!

She is not a cultivator herself, so she has nothing to be proud of. She behaves as if she is the only one who has cultivators. There are dozens of cultivators in our school. Am I proud?

 Two frogs in a well who have never seen the world. "Chen Yun sarcastically pulled Hu Yan away from the place. "Shen Yun, she said they have two immortal cultivators in their family. Will they come to cause trouble for us? We just made the popular people like Just like a puffer fish. "Hu Yan and Shen Yun walked for a while before asking a little worriedly.

"Is it rare to see immortal cultivators? There are dozens of them in our school. They are not so free. They don't have enough time to practice every day. They only come here after class. Do you think they have time to come and take care of Ji Momo? Is it a problem?" Shen Yun said soothingly.

"It's true. These immortal cultivators are very arrogant. They are as busy as dogs in school every day. They feel that they are not as relaxed as us." Hu Yan felt that what Shen Yun said was right.

"Yes, I don't say I know the people in the Ji family best, but I also know them about the same. If Ji Shen is wronged, under the pressure of his parents, someone may come to trouble me. Ji Momo, the daughter who came back from the future, is in a I don’t need to explain the status of a family that favors sons over daughters. "There are cultivators in the Ji family. Shen Yun knew in his previous life that he was given away in exchange for cultivation resources for the two men of the Shen family. If a cultivator has not changed much in this life, he should be the second son of an uncle's family, and his nominal eldest brother.

 They are both workaholics and value their own interests. It is impossible even to think about standing up for Ji Momo.

"I feel relieved when you say that, but this immortal cultivator is really a good thing, and it can make people brave. Let the people in my family find a way to test it, so that I can have a backer. By the way, Chen Yun, you are late and missed the school's unified test. Why don't you ask the teacher to take the test again? If you are an immortal cultivator, then Ji Momo will not dare to be arrogant in front of you. If she does this again next time , just beat her with big-eared melon seeds." Hu Yan said excitedly, already thinking about the future.

"I don't need to take the test. I know my own situation very well. People in your family can take the test. If there are immortal cultivators, they can seize the time to find a way to practice, so that they won't fall behind too far." Shen Yun suggested.

She knew about Hu Yan's family situation in her previous life. The two worked and went to school together and got along for a long time. Although Hu Yan didn't usually talk about her family, it could be said that in their place, the status and power of the Hu family was comparable to that of the Ji family. It's much higher in Beijing, and the Ji family's connections in all aspects are not comparable to that of the Ji family, but they are low-key and never show off much.

"Okay, then I will call my family when I get back. None of them are active on this matter. The girls at home are being bullied outside, and none of them care about it." Hu Yan thought about how many times she would have to deal with in the future. The sight of an immortal cultivator as a backer makes me extremely happy.

The two separated as soon as they returned to school. Shen Yun had to go back and make preparations. Since he had planned to cooperate with the other party to make peach blossom frost, he couldn't fool around with it. This was also a good thing. Shen Yun had to prepare well.

As soon as I opened the door when I got home, I saw a man in the corner groping around the corner carefully. With a bruised nose and swollen face, I could barely recognize him as Brother Xuan who was in the warehouse that day.

 Look at the fact that there are no stones in the yard today. The stupid fish that has been staring at it for a week has finally taken the bait. There is no white cloth in the defensive and trapping formations.

Shen Yun closed the door with a normal expression and glanced to the side inadvertently. Several of his accomplices were carefully hiding in the corner not far away. At this moment, one of them nodded and watched nervously.

Shen Yun acted as if he didn't see it and closed the door directly.

 (End of this chapter)

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