Chapter 187 Chapter 188 (187) I really didn’t expect that the gentle and gentle girl who usually looks like me would act so cruelly.

The people in the courtyard suddenly became nervous when their spiritual consciousness saw them, but the people in the courtyard still knew nothing about the outside world and were dealing with unknown difficulties in the formation.

Shen Yun ignored him and walked directly into the room.

The most important thing in Peach Blossom Frost is the spiritual spring water. In addition to the psychic grass that lives everywhere in the space, there is only one kind of neutralizing spiritual plant. Generally, adding this spiritual plant when making alchemy will make the medicinal properties blend better.

This started to increase after the spiritual energy in the space slowly started to rise. This grass does not need to be taken care of, and it grows very fast. In addition, with its strong vitality, Shen Yun will have to clean it up after a while, so as not to The place where he grows food is occupied by these spiritual plants. Shen Yun has not seen it outside so far. This kind of spiritual plant has strong vitality. Shen Yun does not dare to transplant it outside at will, lest it cause flooding and affect other people. The living space of Lingzhi.

 Now Shen Yun needs to refine it with spiritual spring water and psychic grass.

A small bowl of spiritual spring water and 10 psychic grass can be used to refine about one kilogram. These can be used to make peach blossom frost, which can make about two thousand kilograms. Of course, if you want the effect to be less obvious, you can dilute it again. Shen Yun usually refines this ratio.

  Refined a full 10 kilograms.

This should be able to be used for a long time. Store these things and put them away. When Aunt Hu is ready, you can hand them over to them together with Fang Zi. I hope that this move will not be in vain by then. Helping more people also accumulates merit for yourself.

After Shen Yun finished doing this, he remembered the people still in the yard and walked out directly. The people outside were already exhausted by now. They were all dirty, with a lot of blood on their clothes, and their eyes were full of blood. It showed fear, and it looked like he was quite frightened inside.

After pouring a cup of tea, Chen Yun sat down in the courtyard and admired the anxious looks of the people outside. Seeing them discussing about leaving, Chen Yun decisively picked up the phone and called Yan Han. Since these people were still his His subordinates asked him to come over and take charge.

Not long after Shen Yun hung up the phone, he heard a fight coming from outside. The three people outside were taken down in one round of effort. He didn't know who gave them this three-legged effort. Be brave enough to come and explore your own yard.

Hearing the knocking on the courtyard door, Shen Yun Shiran walked over and opened the door.

"Come in, follow me, don't wander around, otherwise I won't care what happens." Shen Yun warned before entering the door.

 Yanhan, including several people he brought over, were all veteran players and had seen Shen Yun's ability, so he didn't feel that Shen Yun was joking.

As soon as they followed Shen Yun into the door, they felt that the spiritual energy here was stronger than outside. They couldn't help but take a deep breath. It would be great if they could practice here. Their strength would definitely improve very quickly. Boss Shen didn't know. How to do it? Can you teach them?

 They could only feel the strong spiritual energy in the small courtyard, but could not see other things.

In the usual small courtyard, they didn't feel anything dangerous. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Shen Yun might have scared them just now.

"Did someone else enter your yard?" Yan Leng asked with a stern face. He was probably **** off by these people. Such stupid things didn't look like something his men could do. .

"Then, take a look, it's right there." Shen Yun waved his hand and changed the spiritual energy concentration of the entire formation. Immediately, others saw a beggar-like person wandering around the corner, holding something in his hand. Waving like a psycho. "What's going on with him?" someone next to him asked in surprise.

"I have set up defensive and trapping formations in the yard. If he can't find the exit, or I don't let him out, he will be trapped inside to death." Shen Yun said calmly.

When several people heard what she said, they immediately retracted their feet if they wanted to take a few steps forward to see the person's condition. They stood still as they did when they came in.

Looking at Shen Yun honestly with consistent eyes, I really didn't expect that the gentle and gentle girl would act so cruelly.

But think about it, this person deserves it. What does he want to do when he breaks into the place where other girls live? There are only a few girls in their special department. Is it easy? You bastard. A few people took one look at Shen Yun's quiet and beautiful appearance, and suddenly their eyes changed. Aiming at the people trapped in the formation.

"Keep him locked up for a while and let him learn a lesson. Don't worry about this matter. I will deal with it later." Yan Han said on the side.

"That day when they tried to steal my network, you said you would deal with it. But a few days later, this person came directly to where I live to cause trouble for me. Do you think I should still trust you?" Shen Yun looked straight at Yanhan.

Yan Han pursed his lips tightly, and his frown did not change when Shen Yun said this, "This is the last time, no one will do such a thing again in the future."

Shen Yun looked at him for half a minute and said, "Okay, just watch this person. I'm going to do my own business. If you think you have enough time, just move the stone behind the gate and take him away." Go out, remember, walk straight over." After Shen Yun finished explaining, he turned and walked directly into the room. However, if there are any changes in the special department later, it is not his responsibility. However, the new world has arrived, so It's time for some changes. Otherwise, it will always be the same as before. What else will we do?

Shen Yun was sorting out her graduation thesis inside. She had already written it last semester, and now the graduating class has begun to submit their thesis. Since Shen Yun applied to graduate this year, she also had to submit it with them.

 After sorting it out, Shen Yun plans to hand it in directly on Monday.

As for when the people outside left, Shen Yun only knew that the person who came in was carried out by several people.

Looking at the closed courtyard door, Shen Yun waved his hand, and the inside became the same again, and the stone that had just been removed returned to its original position.

I hope this incident can teach these people some lessons. If we don't formulate rules and strictly manage them, some people in special departments will become lawless after directly experiencing the changes brought about by strength. They can still save their lives when they encounter me. If you meet a desperado like Boss Fu, there are really many who are not enough to die.

Shen Yun calmly put away his papers, and then walked directly outside. This small courtyard was still too small. He wanted to arrange some other formations but there was no room to use them. He might as well take advantage of today's rest to see the rewards. The house for myself.

 Shen Yun walked towards the goal with a clear purpose.

 (End of this chapter)

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