Chapter 188 Chapter 189 (188) Thank her for having some space so that she would not be so embarrassed at this moment.

The house over there was not far from here. Shen Yun walked slowly over and arrived at the place in about ten minutes.

From the outside, it looks like a very standard courtyard house. Of course, it is not a large one with several people entering and several people entering, but it is a large courtyard with a main room and wing rooms inside, and a concierge at the gate.

The key issue now is that he was given the key to the house without giving her. At this moment, she looked at the door in front of her, wondering whether it was better to climb over the wall to get in, or to just cut the lock and replace it with a new one.

"What do you do? You're poking around here, I've been watching you for a long time." Shen Yun was about to make a decision when he was stopped by a strong voice next to him.

Shen Yun had just noticed that someone was looking at him furtively, but there was no malice. He didn't expect that someone would come over and accuse him.

"I am the owner of this house. It's just that when they gave me the house, they didn't give me the key. Don't get me wrong." Shen Yun saw that the person in front of her was an old man, and he had good intentions, so she was not angry.

"You are either stupid or someone is smart. You don't give the key to the house when you sell it. Do you have any evidence to prove that this house is yours?" The old man complained without any mercy, which made Shen Yun want to call and ask Yan Han. Are you stupid? You rewarded yourself with a house, why didn't you give yourself the key and lock the door so tightly?

 Is this reward just a certificate?

Shen Yun took out the real estate certificate directly from his pocket and thanked her for having space so that she would not be so embarrassed at this moment.

"Look, I'm not in the wrong place." Shen Yun showed the real estate certificate to the other party.

The uncle pushed up the glasses on his face and came over to take a closer look. "That's right, it's right here. It turns out you are Shen Yun. Wait, I have the key. I've been waiting for you to come and get the house."

The uncle said it very calmly. After reading it, he directly handed the real estate certificate to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun was stunned for a moment, and he blamed himself. People didn't recognize him, so he couldn't blame others.

After a while, the old man came over with a bunch of keys. It seemed that he was not only in charge of the keys of this square, but also the keys of other houses.

“Uncle, what are you doing...”

"Oh, this property belongs to our family. I only have one son in my family, and we can't live in so many people. Why don't we sell some of them? It just so happens that this house is closest to our home. I saw that the other party didn't change the locks when it was sold. , I took the initiative to change the lock. Here, these three keys belong to this house. Let's go in and have a look. It looks average from the outside, but it's pretty good inside. "After the old man knew that Shen Yun was the homeowner, his whole body changed. His attitude changed drastically, he became very kind and kind.

 “Thank you.” Shen Yun said looking at the key in his hand.

"Why are you so polite? I still have a lot of houses here. If you know someone who needs it, you can bring them to me. But let me explain first, my house is not cheap and I don't bargain." The old man said happily, He must have thought that Shen Yun, who could afford to buy this house, was a rich man.

 In fact, this house was given as a reward. Shen Yun couldn't even afford a toilet, let alone this house, with the money he had.

 She is really the worst reborn person.

Chen Yun reflected on himself, thanked the old man, and walked directly towards the door. He was not a businessman, and it was foreseeable that he would not make a fortune, but there were so many spiritual stones in his space. It was really embarrassing. Poor and rich.

Opening the door, what you see is a yard that has entered spring. To be honest, this yard has been tidied up to suit Shen Yun's thoughts. The small garden and a tall ginkgo tree give the yard an extra green shade. The house is preserved. It's very good. As long as the interior decoration of the room is slightly improved, you can move in. There are about ten houses in this place, which is enough for a family to live in. Shen Yun turned around and was very satisfied with the size. As expected, the reward given by the country was very considerate.

After planning the room, it is really not possible to live in it for the time being. Although it is well preserved, there are no places for bathing and toileting. This needs to be renovated in the future, which still requires a lot of money. Shen Yun is now more I'm short of money, so I can only live with such a big house for a while.

Shen Yun locked the door as usual and prepared to go back.

“Little girl, when do you plan to move into this house? We will be neighbors by then.” The old man was sitting at the door, watching Shen Yun come out, and greeted her again.

"It can't be done for the time being. Although it is well preserved and I like it very much, many places need to be renovated and we still need to find people." Shen Yun said with a smile. This old man lives next door to this house and is still the original one. There's no harm in building a good relationship with the homeowner.

“That’s true. If you need someone to decorate or design something, I know people. Of course, if you know someone yourself, then forget it.”

"Thank you. If I need anything at that time, I will come directly to you." Shen Yun said with a smile.

 The old man smiled happily when he saw Shen Yun accepting his kindness.

Shen Yun said a few words to him and left the place.

Looking at the alley leading to other places, Shen Yun turned a corner.

There has been no news about Xue Yi, who asked the special department to look after him years ago, and he doesn't know what the situation is. Is it because the special department has forgotten about this matter because his spiritual energy has recovered during this period. Shen Yun plans to go there and take a look at it himself. I still haven't figured out whether the zombies in the West Village were created by Xue Yi himself or if there was someone behind him.

This is a time bomb. It looks like nothing big, but who knows what day it will explode. That Xue Yi is a man who pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger. He can even plot to kill his own father-in-law. Who knows what else he can do? Things.

Shen Yun arrived by chance. As soon as he arrived, he saw that the door of Xue Yi's house was covered with white stickers.

Xue Yi himself stood at the door with red eyes to receive the visitors.

 Is this a death in the family?

 Chen Yun looked at the white sails in the garden, and his first thought was who Xue Yi had killed again. The way he acted was really like the last time he killed Lao Hei.

"The young man is pitiful. He has no father and mother. He finally got a wife. He only had a few good years left. His wife passed away again, leaving him no son and a half. How pitiful. Look at this young man. He's still a very affectionate person." Before Shen Yun could ask, the people next to him saw that Shen Yun was looking in that direction and automatically explained.

 “How did his wife die?” Shen Yun asked curiously.

"What else could it be? It's not a child. The little girl is pregnant and there is no one to take care of her. The young man went to work, and she died at home alone with a massive haemorrhage. One dead and two dead. It's so tragic." As he said this, the other party wiped his head. A handful of tears.

 (End of this chapter)

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