Chapter 19 Professional Talents

"Teacher, if we are not prepared, I suggest not to go down. I can't tell if there are venomous snakes inside. It would be a bad thing if there were any." Shen Yun didn't have anything to worry about himself. He was afraid that these teachers were eager to study. Can't wait to get down there.

"Yeah, if you don't find a professional, you can come here tomorrow, or we can wait." The teacher next to him suggested.

Xu Zhang checked the traces next to him and then looked at the sky, "Okay, I'll come over tomorrow." Although Xu Zhang was anxious, he was not a stickler for his own way. He had special skills, and they were not good at catching snakes. .

The group of people conducted surveys for a long time and then headed straight to Baiyun Village at dusk.

“This tomb is almost certainly a Zhou tomb. This is a great discovery. If it’s really what you said, I’ll apply for a reward later.” Xu Zhang said happily.

“Then thank you, Teacher Xu.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

“There’s nothing to thank you for, you deserve this.” Xu Zhang waved his hand.

 This Shen Yun knew that he had experienced such an operation in his previous life, so Shen Yun did not refuse.

When a group of people returned to the village, they were greeted by a large number of villagers.

 Zhanzhan was as big as the day he knew Shen Yun was a college student.

"This? Why do people in the village always look at us like this?" a senior next to Shen Yun asked in a low voice.

"Maybe there are too few new things in the village, and I have never seen so many people from outside." Shen Yun thought for a while and said.

“Is that so? Why do I look a little scared and curious when looking at these people?” said a more alert classmate next to him.

 Shen Yun didn't have so many feelings. This person was quite powerful. He could detect so many things from other people's eyes.

As for fear, I guess I am afraid that these people dare to dig graves. After all, many people are still very superstitious in the mountains.

Shen Yun did not explain this to them. They would understand it themselves after a long time.

I took a group of people back to my old house. My grandfather had already arranged the place to live. There were a few villagers who had some empty rooms that could be borrowed. Everyone could still live in the house because they were so crowded. I didn’t want to live in a villager’s house. They also brought a large tent that could be set up directly in the yard of the old house.

As for meals, I asked a few people in the village to help me cook, and everything was bought from the village.

Originally, grandpa wanted to do it without charging money, but the other party was unwilling.

"It's okay, grandpa, just take the money. It's not easy to collect some food in the village. We don't know when this matter will be over. We can afford to take care of it after one or two meals. It won't work after a long time." Shen Yun said comfortingly. .

"Is this okay? Will your teacher have any objections to you?" The old man was quite afraid of causing trouble for his granddaughter, as he would not have left the family with no help and left the impression that he was greedy for money.

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Shen Yun smiled when he heard the old man's concerns. They would only have concerns if they didn't charge. If they charge normally, they can stay more at ease here.

 Seeing that everything was settled, Shen Yun was ready to go home.

“Teacher, I will go back first and you should rest first.”

 Shen Yun said to several teachers.

"Okay, get up early tomorrow. Several of our teachers have discussed this. You also discovered this. Anyway, school hasn't started yet, so you can follow and study. This will also be good for your studies." Xu Zhang looked at Shen Yun and said.

Shen Yun was stunned. He was only a sophomore in college. Logically speaking, he would not be allowed to participate in such a job if he had no experience, so as not to do bad things with good intentions. He was also prepared in this way. He planned to hand over the matter and practice with peace of mind. How could he know that this Teacher Hui took the initiative and said that he would follow.

 Okay, just follow it, it’s not a bad thing. After all, I just got a treasure that emits spiritual energy, maybe I can encounter it again in the future. Shen Yun nodded in agreement.

 Go home directly.

 At night, Shen Yun practiced directly in the space all night, and did not stop practicing until he reached the second level of Qi training.

Thinking about my own groping in my previous life, it took me nearly half a year to reach the second level of Qi training. Now, including the space time, I have already reached the second level of Qi training in just half a month. Although it is due to previous experience, it is more There is more than one good technique, and Shen Yun feels even more grateful to the Shen family.

 When you have some space, first add a small cup of spiritual spring water to your own water tank, and then go to the old house and do it again.

 Go home to help take care of the children, have breakfast, and then go to the mountains with Teacher Xu and others.

Shen Yun found that there were a few more people early in the morning. Judging from the situation, they should be the professionals that Teacher Xu mentioned yesterday. Looking at their stance, they looked like they had been trained. The person who was taking the lead looked very good in appearance, and the teacher said he was a catcher. The snake man was a bit confused. Shen Yun couldn't help but look at him twice and then looked away.

There are really not many ugly people among cultivators. Shen Yun was used to seeing handsome boys and beautiful women in his previous life, and he would not stare at them carefully like the aunts and uncles in the village.

Although Shen Yun's eyes were cryptic, the person standing over there was no ordinary person. After Shen Yun withdrew his gaze, he looked over directly and cryptically.

 At one glance, his unfocused gaze turned serious, and he immediately looked away.

Shen Yun was a little confused. There was a different look just now, but why didn't his consciousness scan him?

 Secretly alert, he followed the crowd and continued walking forward.

This time after a night's rest, it took less time than yesterday.

"Chen Yun, tell Yan Han what's going on inside, so they can go down and explore the way for us." Shen Yun was helping to sort out the things he was going to take when he was called over by Xu Zhang.

 It turns out that this tall man with long legs and cold body is called Yanhan, and he lives up to his name.

 Shen Yun sighed for a second, and then said hello seriously.

"Hello, Comrade Yan, let me tell you in detail." Shen Yun was not afraid of the cold air brought about by Yan Han.

Standing next to Shen Yun, Yan Han's body couldn't help but tense up. This girl looked thin and small, but she put a lot of pressure on her.

  Could this girl have something to do with the energy that disappeared here? Yan Han wondered in his heart, but he listened to the girl's words with seriousness on his face.

"Okay, I get it, I can handle these snakes." After hearing this, Yan Han nodded.

 Shen Yun watched Yan Han discuss with his men for a few words, and a group of people went directly into the pit with their things.

His spiritual consciousness followed in and found that these people were really capable and could even find out what they were hiding. Sure enough, even if he was a cultivator, he could not underestimate certain people.

Especially the captain Yan Han, who made me feel very powerful.

Shen Yun carefully kept his spiritual power away. He was still too weak now, so he could do it without revealing that he was a special person. After all, he was a senior and a junior.

Exposing yourself before you have no strength will allow some forces to target you prematurely, just like the organization of the previous generation. Who knows when they existed.

 (End of this chapter)

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