Chapter 20 Special Energy

Yesterday, I reached the second level of Qi training, and my spiritual consciousness has also improved a little. Following these people, I can barely reach the ground.

 Watching them find all the snakes, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief. He was indeed a professional and he was very reliable in handling things.

 Feeling that his head was a little swollen, Shen Yun withdrew his consciousness and continued to go to the side to help. He should be able to go down in a while.

“Boss, all the snakes have been dealt with.” A man said carrying a box and Han Han.

“Okay, Guoqiang, how are you doing there?” Yan Han turned around and asked a man next to him who was playing with a strange disk.

“Boss, the energy has basically disappeared, but there are still some weak fluctuations here.” The young man pointed at the cauldron beside him.

He looked carefully at it just now. There was nothing special about this tripod, it was just that it had been placed for a longer time, but there was something about the disc in his hand that made it react.

Yan Han heard what Wan Guoqiang said and walked over with a flashlight. There was nothing special about it, but the smell inside was a bit unpleasant.

I looked carefully and found that the bottom of the cauldron seemed a little wet.

 Yan Han carefully wiped it with a cloth.

“Boss, the pointer is drifting towards you.” Wan Guoqiang said quickly from the side.

"It seems that the water inside is the source of special energy. Xiaoyu, bring us the box where we put our things." As soon as Yan Han finished speaking, a young man next to him carefully took out a jade box from his backpack.

 The two of them put the cloth into the box and sealed it.

 “Brother Guoqiang, let’s see if there’s any reaction?” Zhang Xiaoyu greeted Wan Guoqiang who was standing next to him.

“The energy reaction has disappeared. It seems that the little water in the cauldron is the source of energy, but what kind of water is it? It’s so magical.” Wan Guoqiang said in confusion.

"We will study this when we get back. Now everyone is checking it carefully. If there is no problem, let's go out." Yan Han looked at the people next to him and said.

He himself also carefully checked the cave, and did not encounter anything special. Someone must have taken the things inside in advance, otherwise the slightest fluctuation would not have been left.

But what is this thing that was taken away, and what is this energy that suddenly appeared all over the country in the past month?

Yan Han had many questions in his mind, which made him frown.

Their department has been researching for more than a month and will develop an instrument and container that will make it easier to detect special energy. As for what these special energies are used for, or how they appear, they still have no idea.

 I found out that there is energy appearing here because one appeared not far from here a few days ago. They had just taken the one over there, and when they wanted to come over here, the energy reaction here disappeared.

 Presumably the person who takes away the energy may know what use this thing has.

Yanhan made a decision in his heart. Seeing that there was nothing more to gain, he led the others and headed up.

Although Shen Yun felt that these people came out a little slowly, she had already used her spiritual consciousness too much today, and she was not taking any risks. Anyway, she had already taken the things she needed down there, and there was no need to risk exposing herself now. Look what they're grinding about down there.

"Teacher Xu, the underground is now safe. I will ask people to go back first. In case there is any danger later, I will stay here for now. I will leave when your excavation work is almost done." The severe cold is coming up. Yes, talk to Xu Zhang directly.

Xu Zhang didn’t expect that the person introduced by his old friend was so reliable and willing to stay and help. He immediately expressed his welcome.

Yan Han’s teammates also had a tacit understanding. They didn’t ask Yan Han what he was doing behind the scenes, and just walked down the mountain with their belongings. Shen Yun saw the group of professional snake catchers leaving immediately, but the severe cold that made her feel so powerful stayed.

"He won't find anything." Shen Yun was startled. Looking carefully, he saw that there was no spiritual energy fluctuation on the person opposite him. He must have been overthinking it.

 Shen Yun suppressed the deep thoughts in his heart and became more and more careful.

Obediently followed the teacher and the others and took the equipment down the pit, without acting out of character at all.

At the end of the day, Shen Yun was slightly relieved when he discovered that Yanhan was here to help as he said.

 I continued to keep in touch at night when I got back, and consolidated my cultivation at the second level of Qi training. It took me three nights to break through the third level of Qi training, and also consolidated my cultivation.

In the past few days, the contents of the cave have been transported outside one after another. This tomb does not need to be excavated. It was originally built in the middle of the mountain. The teachers went down to identify the age.

 The contents inside were carefully preserved and prepared to be transported back and studied slowly.

  The hole opened by Shen Yun was diagonally upward. Fortunately it hadn't rained these days, otherwise it would have been filled up.

However, after a long time, it might not be possible. The teachers were afraid that the things inside would be damaged, so they decided to transport the things out first.

This requires a large number of people to help. Now the villagers know that this place is used to dig for treasures.

 One or two people came over to watch.

"Chen Yun, it's okay for all the villagers to be here to watch. You have to be careful with everything in here. Any bumps or bumps will cause big losses. I won't be able to stay here for a while. Do you think you can talk to your grandpa about bringing down the villagers?" Call them all back, I will definitely go back and thank him when I'm done." Xu Zhang looked at the curious crowd of villagers outside and got angry.

There are only a few dozen of them, so they can't see it. Some villagers are curious and like to touch it with their hands. If they bump into it, they will be very distressed.

"Teacher, don't worry, I'm going to find my grandpa right now." Shen Yun was just helping to carry things up from below, and then he realized that the outside was almost full.

Shen Yun quickly walked towards Baiyun Village. It was better to let his grandfather persuade the people in his village to go back first, so as not to delay things.

 When I found Shen Guoliang, he was working in the fields below.

 Shen Yun quickly told him the situation.

"Hey, I'm just telling you why there are so few people working today. Old man, go and call all the people over. Just go and see what they know. I don't know that you can't cause chaos to the country at the critical moment. You don't have any consciousness at all. " Before Shen Guoliang said anything, Yang Xiaocao became angry.

"Okay, old lady, you go back first, and my granddaughter and I will go take a look." Shen Guoliang immediately handed the **** in his hand to his eldest son and walked forward angrily.

Shen Yun was afraid that the old man wouldn't be able to walk, but he knew that the old man was full of energy and didn't walk slowly. He didn't even take a breath when he reached the place.

"Everyone is full. You have so much money that you have nowhere to spend it, right? You are here to enjoy your leisure time, and you don't even need the geographical crops, right?" Shen Guoliang looked at the old people standing in a circle over there. Man, just roared.

 (End of this chapter)

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