Chapter 198 (198) This girl likes to engage in superstition

"No, that's not what I meant." Shen Yun was stunned for a moment. Although he was a little poorer, he was not so greedy. "What I meant was that you got too little. After all, the initial investment and the subsequent factory management were all. If I need you, I will give you a recipe. I feel sorry for sharing so much."

"You can't say that. Your prescription is the core thing. Without your prescription, this matter wouldn't be possible. Don't belittle yourself." Aunt Hu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this question. As long as you don't dislike giving too little, that's fine.

"In this case, I don't understand business management myself. All these things need to be done by you. Let's discuss the division." Although Shen Yun was holding the prescription, the other party was so sincere when he came up. If he took it for granted, That would be a bit much.

“In this way, let’s divide it thirty-seven, and I’ll take an extra portion, and I’ll save this portion and donate it to some burn patients who really can’t afford medical treatment. What do you think?”

“Then I will take out two portions and add them to the top.” Shen Yun also said.

"Okay, let's do it like this. I'll change the contract first. Let's formally sign the contract, and we will have a friendly cooperative relationship from now on." Aunt Hu was very happy, and she took out a pen and paper from her bag and started to change the content of the contract. , he changed it after a while and handed it to Shen Yun.

“Look, if there are no problems, then we have signed the contract and are ready to start.”

Shen Yun looked at it carefully and found that there was no problem. He signed his name directly. Aunt Hu also took the contract and signed her name. The cultivator signing the contract is not like an ordinary contract. The contract was completed in an instant. , actually formed a rule, and both of them were stunned for a moment.

Hu Yan looked at the two stunned people and waved her hand between them, "What's wrong with you two?"

“It’s okay, the contract we signed is very solid, I’m happy.” Although Aunt Hu is not a cultivator, she suddenly had a feeling that if she violated the terms of the contract, she might be in trouble.

It just so happened that she was cooperating with Shen Yun sincerely, so she was very happy to see such a scene. Looking at Shen Yun's expression just now, she probably felt the same as herself just now.

"Then are you happy to cooperate? This is a recipe. This is a core material. It is made with special techniques and special materials. I have noted the proportions on the recipe. You can add it according to the proportion. Of course If it's a skin care product, I suggest you add a little less, so the effect won't be too scary." Shen Yun took his backpack directly, which contained about ten kilograms of refined spiritual spring water and psychic grass. Mix liquids.

Aunt Hu looked at what Shen Yun brought out and was stunned for a moment, then she understood. After all, with such a good recipe, it was understandable that the other party would hide the core content.

"Okay, I'll take that thing back. I'll check the production progress and quantity later, and then I'll order the quantity with you." Aunt Hu didn't say anything.

After the two people finished talking, they wiped out the breakfast on the table, and then separated here. Aunt Hu took the things Shen Yun gave her and got into a car outside. Shen Yun and Hu Yan walked towards the school gate. .

"I thought you were stupid enough to hand over everything. Yes, you know how to hide something." Hu Yan looked at Aunt Hu walking away and whispered to Shen Yun.

“It’s not that I’m hiding this, but that I’m the only one who can do this at the moment, and I really don’t see anyone else who can do it.” Shen Yun was also helpless, but it seemed a little unexplainable. "Okay, I don't blame you. There are several business people in my family. I can tell you the truth that what you did is right. Don't look at it. That's my aunt. You are talking about business. Don't pay attention to me." Hu Yan was very open-minded and did not stand by her just because Shen Yun was working with her aunt. Instead, she was very protective of Shen Yun who had experienced this kind of thing for the first time.

 “Okay, that’s really a lesson.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

"Who are we to be good sisters? If anything like this happens in the future, call me and I will check it for you. I don't understand. There are many people in my family who understand this." Hu Yan said in a comprehensive manner. Shen Yun I could only smile and agree.

 The two of them separated at the school gate, and Shen Yun walked towards home.

Shen Yun was thinking about this cooperation, and planned to go back and refine a little more of the mixture of psychic grass and spiritual spring water, so that he would not have to refine it piecemeal in the future, which would be quite troublesome if he was busy and had no time.

"Hey, Shen Yun, are you Shen Yun?" A person walked towards him and called him Shen Yun.

 She looked up and saw that it wasn’t Teacher Xu Zhang.

"Teacher Xu, I am Shen Yun. You are not on a business trip?" Shen Yun greeted. Teachers like Xu Zhang are either doing archeology or on the way to archeology. It is really rare to see him outside the school. , I even often couldn’t see him when I took his class before.

"Hey, this is not about going on a business trip. Go back and pack some things. I heard from your counselor that you also applied for graduation this year. I read the paper you wrote some time ago and it was very good. By the way, this business trip is to bring your graduation with you. "We are in the same class, if not you?" Xu Zhang asked enthusiastically, thinking about that time in Xicun, if it weren't for Shen Yun and the others, their lives would have been difficult to save, and they would have been there for a long time. Shen Yun also gave them talismans in the past. Although I thought this girl liked to engage in superstition before, but now I think about it, the talisman Shen Yun gave me at that time should have some special function, otherwise I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it. few.

At the time I thought it was an illusion, but when I think about the issue of aura that I am talking about now, it may not be an illusion.

"I really want to go, but because I applied to graduate early, I have a lot of classes to attend every day. It's okay if I take a day or two off, but it won't make sense if it takes a long time." Shen Yun wanted to go and attend classes all day. Even as a golden elixir cultivator, I have a headache. This time I don’t mind wasting my time when I go out for internship.

"I have read your paper. I have understood all the knowledge in the book and even expanded it. It doesn't matter whether you go to class or not. You might as well practice it. After graduation, you can work better in the archaeological team. "Xu Zhang is not a stickler for rules. Hearing what Shen Yun said, he immediately gave some advice, "Well, I'll write you a note when you get back, and you can write an application yourself and hand it over directly to your counselor at the end of the semester. Just come back and take the exam, what do you think?"

“Really? Thank you, Teacher Xu.” Shen Yun said happily.

In this way, Shen Yun got on the bus to Western Province in the afternoon.

 (End of this chapter)

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