Chapter 199 (199) Frightened halfway

There were three teachers in the car who were the main force this time. They were seconded from Western Province to help. The rest were all students who were about to graduate and had gained experience through internships in the past.

A dozen young men and women were in high spirits when they first set off. They were worried about the three teachers in front of them, but they were all excitedly discussing the trip behind them.

Apart from being a little familiar with a few teachers, Shen Yun really didn't know anyone else. However, the people who could go on internships with the teachers were not nameless people. They were all influential figures in the university, and their grades were among the top. Therefore, although Shen Yun was not bad looking, everyone looked at Shen Yun curiously and did not pay too much attention to Shen Yun.

  Shen Yun was also happy to have some leisure time, so he directly found a seat at the back, silently began to work on his mental methods, and began to practice.

As soon as Shen Yun came to his senses, he heard the people in front of him saying that he was too aloof. What do you mean by ignoring others and pretending to be asleep?

Shen Yun opened his eyes and looked at the childish-looking college students in front of him who had just left the society. He patted the chair in front of him and said, "Hello, I heard you say that I pretend to be asleep. You also want to learn this skill?" "

A few people were stunned immediately, and their faces turned red with embarrassment. It was probably the first time they met Shen Yun like this, and they exposed it directly to their face.

"Don't worry, we just talked casually, sorry." When several people saw Shen Yun like this, they felt magnanimous and apologized directly to Shen Yun.

"It's okay. Don't talk behind people's backs next time. Things are different now than before. There are people with bad tempers, and you will be in trouble." Shen Yun had seen cultivators with bad tempers in his previous life. At that time, he was It was Ji Momo who slapped her, and she was deeply impressed.

"Yes, yes, yes." Although Shen Yun looked young, the tone of his words still did not appear to be a joke.

After this incident, several people got to know each other and started chatting briefly. Only then did they realize that Shen Yun was also a student of their Beijing University, the same student who graduated early with them. They had heard about it from their teacher before. However, this is the first time I have seen it. Although they are all the proud ones, I still admire Shen Yun when he graduates at such a young age.

They never imagined that these things were learned by Shen Yun in his previous life, and that he would benefit from them in this life.

A few people were happily chatting about professional knowledge when suddenly the car suddenly stopped and Shen Yun grabbed the two people in the front seat.

"What happened?"

One voice after another rang in the carriage. Shen Yun watched the two people in front of him sit firmly and walked all the way to the front. He directly helped the person who fell to the ground up, and then went to the teachers in front.

Three teachers suffered from motion sickness due to their age. This time they were hit harder when sitting in the front than in the back. Some had injuries to their heads and hands, and some had injuries to their arms.

Shen Yun helped the person up and took his backpack over. In it was the medical bag he had just taken out from space. It was issued by the special department when he went on a mission last year.

"Take care of the teacher's wound and let me check the situation." Shen Yun looked at the girls next to him and handed the medical bag to them directly.

 It only takes a few tens of seconds to complete these things.

Shen Yun looked directly ahead and found nothing, "What happened to the driver?"

Shen Yun looked at the driver with a panicked expression, as if he had been frightened. "Suddenly something ran under the car just now. It must have crushed it." The driver looked at Shen Yun next to him, stood up in panic and wanted to get out of the car to take a look.

Shen Yun was a little confused. Did he hit someone? Otherwise, an experienced driver wouldn't be so panicked.

I followed the driver and walked downstairs. As soon as I got downstairs, I saw that the car had indeed crushed something.

“I was scared to death. I thought I hit someone, but it turned out to be a monkey. It’s okay. A few people came down quickly to help.” The driver looked at the scene below and breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Yun frowned as he looked at it. This monkey was no ordinary monkey. It had some aura on it. According to the records on the tree, such a monkey was considered a spiritual beast. How could it be pinned down by a car?

Shen Yun turned around and saw that the little monkey had been crushed to its feet, but the wounds on its body were not just wounds caused by the car.

The consciousness was released in an instant, and the movement in the forest not far away was immediately visible.

“Everyone get back in the car.” Shen Yun looked at the people getting off the car and shouted immediately.

Everyone who was getting out of the car was immediately stunned.

Then without Chen Yun's reminder, he heard a rustling sound moving quickly towards this side.

Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and saw a group of monkeys climbing quickly over the treetops, as if something was chasing behind them.

“Hurry up and get in the car, why are you still standing there?” Shen Yun couldn’t help scolding them when he saw two people standing there looking at the excitement.

"These are just a few monkeys. There shouldn't be any danger. Didn't there be a little monkey underneath? Did these monkeys come to save him?" Everyone looked at Shen Yun's attitude and was very unhappy. They were originally worried about Shen Yun's account. Some students had some objections when they got a place for a classmate. They heard Shen Yun talking loudly and became even more unhappy.

"It's not these monkeys that are dangerous, it's the bees chasing them. If you want to believe it, just get in the car and close the door. If you don't believe it, feel free." Shen Yun had no time to care about them now. Looking at the group of monkeys passing by quickly, Chen Yun said With a gentle cast, the little monkey whose foot was pinned immediately ran out from under the car. Regardless of his foot injury, he cupped his hands towards Shen Yun and quickly ran towards the woods on the other side.

"We didn't see anything, but your eyes are better than others. What a bee, I think you're bluffing." Some people believed what Shen Yun said, while others didn't. The man who just spoke stood there. Outside, he held his arms and continued to deal with Shen Yun.

Shen Yun didn't care about him and directly got himself a spiritual energy mask. The bus next to him also got one. The group of bees in the back that seemed to have had their honey stolen looked like they were red-eyed. A group of bees buzzed towards them quickly. Come over here.

 Each one is as long as half a finger. You can imagine what it would be like to take a bite of these things.

The people who stayed under the car couldn't see Shen Yun's aura shield. They saw Shen Yun still standing leisurely. They didn't take Shen Yun's warning to heart. Instead, they stayed under the car as if they were watching a good show. .

When a group of buzzing black clouds moved quickly towards this side, these few people wanted to get on the bus, but they were squeezed underneath.

 (End of this chapter)

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