The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 201: (201) When something goes wrong, there must be a monster

Chapter 201 (201) When something goes wrong, there must be a monster

“As long as everything is fine, wait until you get to the hospital to check with the hospital to make sure. After all, there are still a few things in the medical bag.” Shen Yun said, looking at several teachers.

Several people nodded. The people in the car were all in a mess. If Shen Yun hadn't reacted quickly, they would have been lying on the ground for a long time. In addition, the situation outside just now was clearly visible to several people. If Shen Yun hadn't reminded them in time, it would be hard to say what they would be like now.

 So although the students behind him had some objections, the teachers didn't care about the time Shen Yun wasted down there.

The car continued to move forward. Shen Yun looked at the woods on both sides and fell into deep thought. After seeing that the spiritual energy was revived, there were more spiritual beasts in the woods. It seemed that his decision to go out for training was on the agenda.

 After the fright just now, we set off again. The car was a lot quieter. The driver didn't know if he was frightened by what happened just now, so this time the speed also slowed down a lot.

The next journey was smooth, and we arrived at the diversion place smoothly. The person who took care of us was already waiting here.

“It’s difficult to get out of the car if you go inside, so I can only trouble everyone to walk through.” The person who came was a somewhat haggard young man. He stopped the car directly and said apologetically to the driver.

 Everyone got out of the car at the driver's greeting.

"Teacher Xu, why are you injured?" The visitor saw the people getting off the car and found that both teachers and students had minor injuries on their bodies, so he asked with concern.

"There was something wrong on the road. I was injured accidentally. It's okay." Xu Zhang said nonchalantly, then turned to other issues, "How far is it from the destination?"

"It's about four or five kilometers. The road here is not easy to walk. I can only ask everyone to walk there together. Teacher Xu, your injuries are okay. Otherwise, you can rest outside for a day and wait until tomorrow. "The young man looked at everyone's embarrassment and reminded him kindly.

"It's okay, it's okay. The small injury here is nothing. It doesn't matter. It won't hurt anymore. How are you all doing? If there is anyone who can't hold on, just look outside if you feel uncomfortable." After Xu Zhang finished speaking, he turned around and asked again What's going on with the people around you?

When everyone heard this, they all said there was no problem. After all, Xu Zhang was the one who was hurt the most. He was able to persevere, and the others were not squeamish either.

Since everyone said that nothing happened, the young man opposite said nothing more and helped them take down their luggage. The group of people walked directly inside.

The sluggish atmosphere in the car will be much better now. Everyone seems to be more energetic.

Shen Yun was still walking at the back. She felt a little uncomfortable as soon as she arrived at this boundary. The further she walked inside, the more uncomfortable Shen Yun felt.

 As a cultivator who is in excellent health, what is wrong in his heart is definitely not because of his heart problem, but maybe because of what will happen next.

Shen Yun suppressed the worries in his heart and continued to walk forward. It was useless to worry about things that had not happened yet. It was better to follow and see what would happen.

“Hey, Shen Yun, why are you at the back again?” The girl who was sitting in front of her in the car gradually fell behind due to physical reasons, and she saw Shen Yun walking leisurely behind.

"If you don't want to be chased in front, wouldn't it be good to walk behind?" Shen Yun was afraid that he was walking too fast in front and it would be bad if he tired the group behind him.

"You are so funny." The girl laughed at Shen Yun's words, "By the way, do you know why ** is targeting you?"

"I don't know, maybe she's just jealous of my beauty." Shen Yun felt unhappy, but it didn't stop her from speaking.

"Haha, you are so funny. Let's be friends. My name is Yang Li. Let me tell you, originally it seemed that his partner could also come together, but in the end his partner was not on the list. Now that he sees you, he thinks You have taken the quota of his partner. So for a man who is in love, don't care about what he says," Yang Li said playfully.

“I don’t care, there are so many things coming next, how can I have time to care about an irrelevant person.” Shen Yun said, blinking.

 She felt like she was going to have a big war next, but a young man who didn’t have time and a love brain would have so much to live for.

Yang Li thought it was right to hear what Shen Yun said. She heard that this place was a big tomb. Even if they were just some students who came here to study, they probably wouldn't have any free time to care about so many things.

The two of them walked and talked without feeling tired. Although Shen Yun was getting more and more impatient, he still hid it well from outsiders.

“I feel hot after walking for a while.” Yang Li said as she took off her coat.

However, Shen Yun could clearly feel that it was not that he was getting hot while walking, but that the temperature was getting higher and higher as he walked towards the destination. This was obviously different from the knowledge he had learned in books before. In April and May, although the location of Western Province was relatively The temperature is not so high in the south of Beijing. Moreover, it was not obvious before, but it becomes more obvious as you go here. I have never heard of volcanic hot springs in this place.

Shen Yun suppressed the worry in his heart and looked forward with his consciousness. He only saw cracks in the dry land, but did not see anything special.

 Looks like he hasn’t arrived yet.

Shen Yun continued to walk forward. Seeing that the people next to him could no longer walk, he kindly pulled a rope to tie them into a string and pulled them forward.

Anyway, the group of people at the back were walking happily, while the teacher in front was walking with the people panting.

“I’ve come to Western Province often, and I’ve never seen the weather that year like this.” Xu Zhang couldn’t help but talk to the young man next to him.

"I don't know what's going on this year. The weather has been dry since the beginning of spring and the temperature has been very high. Especially here where we work, I feel that the temperature is even higher than in the city. In addition, there is a bit of a drought this year. Teachers, you should be mentally prepared." The young man said Wiping the sweat, he took off his jacket.

 It was still a little cold when I went out to pick up people. Now we are almost at the station, so I can only wear short sleeves.

Everyone looked at the clothes of the young man in front and felt the temperature. They suddenly felt that the jacket in the backpack was a bit redundant.

Shen Yun doesn't have this worry. She is basically not afraid of the cold and heat now.

What she is worried about now is the cause of this sudden rise in temperature. It would be understandable if the entire area had a general rise, but it is getting more and more abnormal as we go forward. There must be something wrong if something goes wrong.

Shen Yun finally thought about going out with the teacher to simply do some archaeological work to relax, but he didn't expect something to happen again.

 But as he continued to walk forward, Shen Yun felt that the situation he least wanted to see had probably happened, and there must be something wrong here.

 (End of this chapter)

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