Chapter 202 (202) Too hot to sleep

A pergola has been set up at the station, and people who don't care about their image have already started working shirtless.

The people who came with Shen Yun and the others had almost finished taking off their coats at this moment, and they were all hot and sweaty. Shen Yun, who seemed to be wearing normal clothes without a red face and a heartbeat, was particularly conspicuous in the crowd.

"Aren't you hot?" Yang Li, who had suddenly walked from spring to summer, had no strength now. A large group of people following Shen Yun fell down from exhaustion.

"It's not hot." Shen Yunyao nodded and looked into the distance. The sun was about to set, but the temperature had no tendency to drop.

Looking at the steaming ground, it is obvious that this place is so hot not because of the sun, but because of unknown reasons underground.

Shen Yun looked down with his spiritual consciousness and could only feel the huge underground palace and nothing else.

 Could it be that something in the underground palace is radiating heat? Shen Yun thought, looking at the enthusiastic people, he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to go over to see the situation.

"Shen Yun, let's all take a rest. Let's work together and let's not be so conspicuous." Yang Li grabbed Shen Yun's legs.

Teacher Xu Zhang and the others who have good physical strength have already gone to work. They are the only ones sitting here. They were dragged here by Shen Yun all the way. If Shen Yun leaves again, they will not start working if they are weak. became famous.

"No, you just rest here. They are with you anyway." Shen Yun stretched his legs and found that Yang Li was hugging her very tightly. He was afraid of hurting anyone if he used too much force.

To be honest, this is the first time Shen Yun has seen a girl with Yang Li's personality.

"They are all thin boys, and I am the only girl. It's so embarrassing." Yang Li glanced at the group of people behind her with disgust, and continued to talk to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun was speechless. He didn't even look at who got behind him first. Now he began to dislike them.

The two of them have only just met each other. Is it appropriate to complain about them in front of them? Didn’t you see that those people looked at you strangely?

 “You let go first, I’ll sit down and take a rest.”

Yang Li didn't dare to really stop Shen Yun. Seeing what Shen Yun said, she let go.

Shen Yun really kept his promise and sat down cross-legged.

There was a layer of faint aura floating around, and Shen Yun began to slowly run his skills. After everyone around him had rested, Shen Yun stood up.

At this time, the surrounding environment has slowly darkened, and the temperature of the camp has no tendency to drop. On the contrary, it is getting hotter and hotter as the sky gets darker.

Shen Yun looked at the people who were slowly returning to the camp. He walked toward the cemetery alone. This was a large group of tombs. Shen Yun walked at a normal speed for more than half an hour before he walked around.

The cemetery has just started to be excavated, and nothing can be seen yet. Shen Yun walked around for a long time and found nothing. It seems that he can only wait for the cemetery to be excavated before he can see what is different about this place.

"Chen Yun, we're back for dinner." Shen Yun, who was walking back, heard Yang Li's cry from a distance.

He responded and quickened his pace back.

 After dinner, the whole camp was too hot to sleep.

Xu Zhang and the others heard someone here mention it before they came here, and they were thinking about how hot it would be here. Now that they came here, they realized that it was so hot that they couldn't sleep and were still dry. No wonder I saw a lot of people here when I came over, and wondered why we needed foreign help. It turned out that the work was slow due to the hot weather, so these people thought to call more people over and work together to make the progress faster.

 Chen Yun saw how hot the person was, and quietly moved his fingers, thinking that getting some rainwater would help him cool down. However, there was some rainwater, but it evaporated before it even got close to the ground.

Shen Yun looked at the cemetery. Just when he used a spell to rain, a strange energy fluctuation appeared in the cemetery, preventing the rain from touching the ground.

Shen Yun looked directly at the place where the energy fluctuations appeared. Unexpectedly, he turned around and couldn't figure out the clues. This little spell revealed some clues.

It's a pity that it's dark this time. If I go to investigate now, I will definitely be stopped, and I can only wait until tomorrow.

"Shen Yun, come in and squint for a while. I feel that the temperature has dropped a little now. They have all gone to bed. Let's squint for a while, otherwise it will be troublesome if it gets hot again." Yang Li and Shen Yun live in the same room. Seeing that Shen Yun was still looking in the direction of the cemetery, he quickly came over to call her.

"Okay, I'll be right over." Shen Yun responded. Although the rain just did not fall to the ground, it still lowered the temperature of the entire environment. Therefore, except for the night watchers, everyone hurriedly entered the building. Went to sleep in the camp.

 The entire camp fell into silence, and Shen Yun also entered the room.

Yang Li had already fallen asleep. Shen Yun had not slept for a while and had developed a habit. Now she sat cross-legged on her bed and started practicing.

 Faced with unknown situations, it is obvious that practicing cultivation can make people feel more at ease.

 The noise gradually started up again in the middle of the night, Shen Yun made it rain all day, and then a gust of wind blew. On the first night here, everyone managed to get a sound sleep.

  Everyone basically got up early in the morning when the sky was bright. After all, we knew that when the sun came out, the weather would definitely be hotter. We could only take advantage of the fact that it couldn't be so hot this time, so we could seize the time and do more work.

Shen Yun also followed. They were new here, and they had to follow the arrangements for everything they did. They couldn't just say that they wanted to do whatever they wanted. This was a very big underground palace. If they did it this way or that, it would probably cause chaos.

Although Shen Yun wanted to go to the place where the abnormal movement was discovered last night, he was assigned to another place. Fortunately, this place was right next door to the energy fluctuation yesterday, and Yang Li was working in the place where the fluctuation occurred.

This is the outskirts of the underground palace, a not-so-important place. Let students like them come here to work without fear of anything going wrong.

Each person received a set of tools, and Shen Yun and Yang Li walked toward their destination together.

The only thing that makes the road between enemies narrow is that the boy who targeted Shen Yun in the car is on the other side of Shen Yun.

"How about, let's switch." Yang Li looked at the woman next to her, her eyes seemed to be cramped, and kept rolling her eyes towards Shen Yun, and suggested kindly.

"Okay." Shen Yun readily agreed. Just now she was still thinking of an excuse to change places with someone.

"I feel better if I change it. I can see the petty guy opposite me rolling my eyes. It makes me want to curse him. I don't know if your temper is as good as his. If this wasn't someone else's territory, I would definitely think of a boy like this. Give him a good beating." Yang Li complained to Shen Yun in a low voice while changing positions.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. If you do this for a long time, your eyes will get cramped." Shen Yun waved his hand and glanced over there. The boy who was rolling his eyes paused. Shen Yun clearly noticed that the other boy seemed to have become Squint.

  Laughing secretly, he walked directly towards where Yang Li was just now.

 (End of this chapter)

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