Chapter 203 (203) What a good death

Even if Shen Yun doesn't use her spiritual power, her physical fitness is not comparable to that of these ordinary people.

 So when three people are compared, it can be clearly seen who is faster.

"Look at you, you're a grown man, but you have a bad mouth. You can't compare to Shen Yun at work, but you still have to talk to others about this. If your little girlfriend comes, are you sure they can bear it now? This environment. "Although Yang Li can't match Shen Yun's speed, it doesn't stop her from smiling at Jiang Ze, who accidentally saw him when he just rolled his eyes. Since he saw it, it's quite a big deal. She had fallen out with herself, and she would not be reconciled until this situation was restored.

"What does it have to do with you if someone is so quick? We are still classmates in the same class. Why are you favoring others? Could it be that she has given you some benefits?" **I feel uncomfortable now, and my eyelids are also blurry. I feel uncomfortable. I felt like I was really cramping just now.

"What do you call it? Tell me, who did I benefit from?" Shen Yun stabbed the shovel to the ground and looked at the woman next to him coldly.


"Ding ding ding..." Just as ** was about to say something, Shen Yun heard the big brother he put in his backpack making a loud noise.

After taking a look at **, Shen Yun walked over directly to answer the phone.


"Hey, this is Yan Han. Xue Yi is dead. We have also investigated the clues about the poisonous insects on his body. We will send someone to his hometown in the next two days."

Shen Yun didn't expect that Yan Han called to talk about this matter, so what could she say, "It's a good death. If a scum like this dies, it will save some food."

"Well, it's true. Fu Wuyan, the one who hurt your brother, couldn't stand it two days ago. Minister Qu is negotiating terms with Gangcheng. It is estimated that Fu Wuyan's death will bring some changes to this negotiation."

"It doesn't matter the variables. Anyway, my brother is already injured now, so it's enough to take his life to deal with the injury." When talking about Fu Wuyan, Shen Yun's tone became even colder, talking about a human life like talking about a little ant.

However, Yan Han on the other end of the phone had no reaction. He had long been used to life and death in the special department, not to mention that Fu Wuyan had killed so many people and even killed Shen Yun's younger brother. He thought that Shen Yun was treating Fu Wuyan because of this. I hate it even more.

"Okay, you just need to know these things. I heard that you went to the Western Province for archaeology. The locals found that the temperature there recently was very abnormal. If you have time, pay more attention."

Shen Yun estimated that this was the main purpose of the call. "Okay, I understand. I'm at the place where the temperature is abnormal as you mentioned. I'll keep an eye on it and contact you if anything happens."


Shen Yun hung up the phone and saw two people next to him looking at him. Thinking that he didn't say anything outrageous on the phone, Shen Yun looked at the person next to him calmly, "You just said If you want to talk about who I have benefited from, let’s go ahead and listen.”

Shen Yun's tone at this time had not returned to its usual calmness. As soon as the cold tone came out, he saw that the girl who was still a little stunned suddenly began to wipe sweat furiously, "No, I didn't say anything. I just said it wrong. , there is no such thing.”

 After saying that, he didn’t dare to look at Shen Yun anymore, lowered his head and started to work attentively.

Shen Yun looked at Yang Li on the side in confusion. Why did the person who looked unconvinced just now have a look of conviction and fear on his face this time? He had made a phone call just now, so he didn't hit a monster.

Unexpectedly, Yang Li's eyes also dodge, "Let's, let's work hard, finish it early, and leave this place early.

This place is not a place for humans, yes, it is not a place for humans. "

 After saying that, he also immersed himself in work. Shen Yun looked at the two people and licked the back of his teeth. It seemed that he had frightened the two of them just now by talking about dead people on the phone. This was not his intention, but if he could make both of them quiet, , this hot weather is a little better.

He just heard two pieces of news. Although Shen Yun's voice was cold, he was still in a good mood. After all, the person who put him in jail in his previous life died, and the person who ultimately caused his death will also die now. This is really great news. .

 With these two men dead, those who died in the hands of these two men would have more chances to save their lives.

Shen Yun was getting ready to work when he saw a glimmer of golden light floating down from the sky. It was not conspicuous in the sunlight. The people who were immersed in the work did not see it. Shen Yun only discovered it when the little jumper screamed eagerly. The golden light in the sun quickly drifted towards this side.

Thinking about the way Xiaobeng Tiao touched the golden light of his own merits last time, Shen Yun ignored the screams in his mind and watched directly as the golden light of merits entered his body.

“Sorry, little Bengqi, I was a step too late and didn’t get you out.” Shen Yun said without any guilt.

Then he quietly felt that due to the golden light of merit in his body, the early stage cultivation of the golden elixir, which had not yet been stable, became very stable, and his spiritual consciousness also rose a lot. Shen Yun felt happy in his heart.

But the best thing is not to do this. The golden light of merit will be of great benefit to your future cultivation, and the danger will be even less when you go through the thunder tribulation in the future.

Although Shen Yun stopped to rest now, the people around him didn't dare to say anything. After all, even if Shen Yun didn't do anything this time, he still did more than them.

When Shen Yun came to his senses, he took out the little phoenix that was jumping angrily in the space, and watched it jumping in the palm of his hand behind his back.

The chirping voice in my mind kept ringing, and the eyes it stared at me seemed to be angrily scolding me.

"Okay, okay, don't say it. I'll definitely ask you to come with me next time something good happens. Who makes you unwilling to be in the spirit beast bag? You can come out when you want to. In space, you can't do that. Now that you are free, do you want to be in space next time?" Shen Yun reasoned with Xiao Bengqi in his mind.

The little Bengqi on the other side was unconvinced and chirped. Although Shen Yun couldn't understand what he heard, he also knew that this was not a good thing.

 Shen Yun directly took out the spirit beast bag and let Xiao Bengqie choose.

 I saw the little Bengqi jumping away from there all of a sudden.

"Then you'd better go into the space and stay there for a long time before you come out later." Shen Yun said to himself. He wanted to put the little jumper into the space, but he didn't expect it to jump onto his shoulder.

“You’re not willing to go in yet, are you? It’s so hot outside and the spiritual energy is not as strong as inside the space. Why don’t you go in?”

 "No progress, no progress, hum." A childish voice sounded in his mind.

“Little Bengqi, you can speak now.” Shen Yun said excitedly.


Come on, I can speak intermittently, and I look smart but not very smart.

 (End of this chapter)

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