Chapter 204 (204) Got tricked

Now that it has to be outside, Shen Yun can only think of a way.

"This way, you go into the space first and come out at night, so that I can explain to people. Otherwise, if you suddenly appear while digging a tomb, people will think you came from the ancient tomb, and you will become an antique. This is ridiculous." Shen Yun discussed with him with a smile.

After talking for a long time, Xiao Bengqi reluctantly nodded. Shen Yun sent Xiao Bengqi into the space before starting to work.

This ancient tomb is very old and covered with a thick layer of soil. Shen Yun worked for a long time before he saw the prototype. As for the two people next to him, they worked even slower.

Although the other people nearby had started working a few days ago, the progress varied. However, by the afternoon, the location of the main tomb had been dug out.

A group of people crowded into the main tomb room to learn more, but Shen Yun stayed there alone and guarded his position.

 The main tomb can be viewed at any time, but if you are not sure about your location.

There may be big problems later.

Chen Yun listened to the exclamations over there and continued her work calmly. She was about to dig out the things below. Nowadays, no thousand-year-old tombs or burial objects can attract Chen Yun's attention. She just wants to dig out the things underneath. Let’s deal with the following thing that causes drought and high temperature first.

“Hey, teacher, what’s wrong with you?” Shen Yun was busy when he suddenly heard a shout from behind him.

The voice was messy and a little panicked. Shen Yun couldn't go on anymore. He straightened up and saw that the people over there had formed a circle.

My spiritual consciousness went directly over and saw that the teachers inside were lying on the ground. They were all teachers working in the main tomb.

Shen Yun put down the shovel and quickly rushed over there.

 “What’s wrong?” Shen Yun walked directly through the human wall and entered inside.

 There were five teachers inside, as well as six younger students and staff lying irregularly on the ground.

But they all surrounded the coffins in the main tomb and poured them aside.

"I don't know. We were all watching. Suddenly the teacher and the others fell down. What should we do? They couldn't wake up." The people next to them were all anxious. When they heard Shen Yun ask, he said quickly.

"Hurry up and call the team doctor to see what's going on. Come and lift the teachers up. It's too hot underground. If the teachers have heatstroke, it would be even worse if they lie here." Shen Yun looked at the people lying down. His face didn't look like he had heatstroke, but since he was inexperienced, he had better get rid of the person first.

So as not to regret it if something happens again.

The people nearby heard what Shen Yun said and immediately reacted. Several male classmates came and carried him towards the camp.

Another person ran towards the back to notify the team doctor.

The weather has been too hot these two days, so I was worried that something might happen, so I specially found a doctor. This will come in handy.

After everyone had left, Shen Yun turned around and looked at the coffin facing the tomb. The coffin had just been opened a crack, but before it could be fully opened, all the people working here fainted.

Shen Yun walked around and found nothing. Could it be that there was poisonous gas in the coffin.

Shen Yun thought about the people who had fallen just now, and their faces didn't look like they were poisoned.

Looking inside along the opened seam, Shen Yun felt that her consciousness was directly attracted. She didn't expect that the things inside were so powerful. When she was dizzy, she directly released the little jumper and sat cross-legged. In place.

Then Shen Yun's eyes fell into darkness, and his whole person went directly to a place full of gloomy energy.

Where is this place? Shen Yun looked around. He was in the cemetery just now. Why did he turn around and change places? Could there be an illusion in this place? Where's the little Bengqi?

 Shen Yun called several times in his mind, but did not hear a response.

 Looking at the yin energy rolling around, this is not like a fantasy, but a bit like the legendary underworld.

However, a cultivator has already jumped out of reincarnation. When he dies, unless he takes over his body, his soul and spirit will be destroyed. If he wants to reincarnate in the underworld, he must pass through the thunder tribulation during the tribulation period.

Thinking of this, Shen Yun walked forward cautiously. It was not the underworld or an illusion. There was only one possibility. This was the domain of a certain ghost king.

If your guess is correct, then the souls of the teacher and the others should also be sucked in.

 If you can't get out within seven days, you can only stay as nutrients for this field.

Chen Yun sighed helplessly. This is really unlucky. The high temperature issue has not been resolved yet. Now the Ghost King has appeared again. Once the spiritual energy is revived, everything comes out to join in the fun. No wonder the ancient books say that cultivation is a process of constant struggle. , isn’t this a fight with people, a fight with heaven, and a fight with various spiritual beasts and ghosts?

Can't you let your son be lucky for a while? For example, it would be good to get another spiritual stone mine or some artifacts like the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map.

The thoughts in his heart disappeared as soon as he didn't know what he would encounter next. Shen Yun didn't dare to be careless. The ghost king's lowest cultivation level was equivalent to the golden elixir stage of a cultivator. Shen Yun didn't know how powerful this was. It's awesome, but considering that the other party directly took his soul in, his cultivation level is definitely not inferior to his own.

 If you want to save people and escape unscathed, it will probably be a bit difficult.

 Continuing to walk forward, it is not an unchanging wasteland. Gradually, some ruins can be seen.

Shen Yun felt that he had not gone far inside when he saw a dark palace suddenly appeared in front of him.

If you want to go out, you have to go in this time. Besides, after walking for so long, I haven’t seen the teacher and the others yet, and I don’t know where they were taken.

 When you open the door, you can hear some chirping sounds, paired with some roars and weird laughter, which makes it even more terrifying.

Shen Yun had no time to pay attention to the laughter, and paid full attention to the situation around him. The situation here was more complicated. The ghost king might appear at any time, and Shen Yun had to stay alert.

This place feels like the place I lived in before, with many rooms.

In order to find out where Teacher Xu and the others were, Shen Yun could only push the door open for a moment.

"Is it fun here?" An obvious female voice sounded on the back of Shen Yun's neck. Shen Yun resisted the urge to scream, turned around and put the exorcism charm prepared in his hand directly on it.

Then a sharp scream sounded. Shen Yun blocked his hearing and took a few steps back. He saw a woman wearing Han Dynasty clothes disappearing directly under the influence of the exorcism charm.

 It was just a little kid who came out to scare people. Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is a bit scary, it is quite easy to deal with.

However, this cry seemed to turn on some kind of switch. Then things kept coming to look for Shen Yun. At first, Shen Yun's scalp was numb, but then he gradually became calmer. An exorcism charm, no matter how powerful it is. Just add a thunder talisman.

 For a time, the entire Ghost King's realm was filled with the burning smell of burning Yin Qi.

 (End of this chapter)

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