Chapter 206 (206) Almost died

Shen Yun looked in Shen Yun's direction, an old acquaintance, Xu Ling.

 “How many days have I been in coma?” Shen Yun asked with a frown.

“It’s been five days, are you feeling okay?” Xu Ling knelt down and asked.

"It's okay." It's just that the soul is a little damaged. Fortunately, there is a nourishing tree in my space. It can be repaired slowly in the future.

"What on earth did you encounter, and what is the origin of this little guy on your head? It's so fierce. We tried to get you into the room, but it came over and pecked us. It was so fast that we couldn't escape. No one can get close to you. If you get close, it will peck you. Look at my arms and face, they are almost disfigured.

By the way, this little thing can also spit fire. Look, it can’t be extinguished. "Xu Ling looked at the little chicken on Chen Yun's head this time and didn't dare to get close. She was really afraid that it would spit out fire, and she would be like the dear friend lying over there thousands of years ago, with not even ashes left. .

“I met a very powerful ghost.” Shen Yun said, looking at the extinguishing coffin over there.

The little jumping phoenix fire is indeed very powerful. There is not even a scrap left in the coffin, and the coffin is still intact.

"Shen Yun, please don't scare me. It's broad daylight and I'm not afraid of ghosts." When Xu Ling heard this, she pretended to be calm and said.

"Don't be afraid, he has probably been burned this time." Shen Yun comforted him and directly took off the little jumper on his head.

"Thanks to you this time, otherwise we would have sent it. You are so awesome. You also know how not to let others touch me." Shen Yun held the little Beng Tie's head with his hand and grabbed the little Beng Tie hard. A burst of praise made Xiao Bengqiao's eyes narrow.

Satisfied, Chen Yun put the little jumper back on his shoulder, "Don't worry, it won't hurt you anymore." Chen Yun glanced at Xu Ling, and there were indeed many small cuts on her face. She planned to give it to her when she got back. She has a little peach blossom frost.

Getting up and walking towards the coffin, nothing was left inside. It was empty. Shen Yun felt it. The breath of the ghost king inside had completely disappeared, and only some yin energy was floating in the air.

Thinking about the location here, Shen Yun waved his hand and the yin energy disappeared into the air.

“Xiao Bengqi, the ghost king was killed by the two of us, right?” Shen Yun asked Xiao Bengqi in his mind.

“Of course.” Little Bouncer is rare enough to be able to speak again. Listening to its voice, you can tell how high its tail is raised at this moment.

"Don't worry, this problem has been solved. How are my teachers and their situation doing?" Shen Yun asked Xu Ling next to him.

"They are all ordinary people. They have been in a coma for 5 days and have been sent to the hospital a long time ago. We came here because someone called the police that someone was in trouble. The situation is a bit special. We came over to take a look, but we didn't know that you were here." Xu. Ling really didn't expect to see Shen Yun in a coma when she came over. They all panicked at that time. After all, a powerful person like Shen Yun fell into a coma, so they didn't know if they could save Shen Yun.

But things were indeed not as scary as they thought. After they came over, they found nothing but drought and high temperatures, except that they could not wake Shen Yun up.

"If there is no mistake, they should have woken up before me. Let's seal this place first and see what happens next. If we are sure that there is no danger, let them go." To be on the safe side, Shen Yun still suggested that It's closed here for a while. "Okay, we will arrange things here. You can go directly to the camp. You still have a lawsuit to settle. Your classmate sued you for murder." Xu Ling said while holding back a smile.

“There was no grudge in the past, but no grudge in the recent days. These people are the only ones who like to do such things, and they are still children.” Shen Yun was helpless, and after thinking about it, he knew who had sued him.

"There is no way. Although we have explained it to you, you still need to deal with this matter yourself. Also, don't talk in an old-fashioned way. Those people are older than you." Xu Ling talked to a few people next to her. Colleagues were handling things while talking to Shen Yun.

"Okay, you guys just get busy first. I'll go back and take a rest for a while." Chen Yun's spiritual energy and consciousness were greatly consumed in Guixiao. If he didn't go back and practice hard, he would be in trouble if anything happened later. I am used to it when my spiritual energy is abundant, but suddenly my spiritual energy is empty. I am really not used to it.

Shen Yun walked towards the camp with Xiao Bengqiao. The entire cemetery had been emptied. No one was working now, and there were only a few people in the camp. The local people had gone back to rest. It was too hot here. , only some people who came from Beijing and City to support continue to stay here.

As soon as Shen Yun entered the room, he saw Yang Li fanning herself and reading a book.

"Hey, Shen Yun, are you okay when you wake up? We wanted to see you over there, but someone stopped us and refused to send you to the hospital. The teacher and the others have all gone to the hospital. Are you okay?" Yang Li jumped down He looked at Shen Yun up and down on the bed, and felt relieved after seeing that Shen Yun was intact.

"It's okay, but I heard someone accused me of murder, so I still have to answer it."

As soon as Shen Yun said this, Yang Li felt embarrassed, "This matter really wasn't me, it was that guy who saw the police coming and talked nonsense. Then I was called for questioning, so I can only tell the truth. "

When she said this this time, she felt as if she had betrayed a good friend and was caught in the act, which was always embarrassing. But thinking about it, if Shen Yun had really done something illegal, he wouldn't have done it. If you make a mistake, you can help your friend find his way back from the lost path, so as to avoid making more mistakes in the future.

"It's okay, I don't blame you. Can you tell me where to find the police now?" Shen Yun's consciousness was injured at the moment and he no longer wanted to use his consciousness to find the location of the police.

"In the ** room, he insisted that you would hurt him if you woke up. Everyone was so frightened that they kept pulling a policeman to prevent him from leaving. You should be able to see me when you go over now. Would you like me to accompany you?" Yang Li Said carefully.

 “No need.” Shen Yun turned around and walked to the side.

  Knocking on the door of **'s room, I saw an impatient middle-aged man with sweat all over his face, dragging an oil bottle behind him.

"You two, I'm back." Shen Yun's voice sounded, and he could clearly feel his footsteps paused.

"Shen Yun, you can't blame me for this. It was indeed you who said it yourself on the phone." ** was quite bold when he complained, but when he saw Shen Yun, he didn't look like such a person anymore.

"You're a grown man, and I'm dealing with a girl. Can you have some courage? Okay, everyone is here. I'm going to ask about the situation. Now you don't have to worry." The middle-aged man opened his **** happily and pulled at her. His hand came towards Chen Yun.

 (End of this chapter)

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