Chapter 207 (207) I used to underestimate it.

"Hello, I am the policeman in charge of this matter. I think someone has already told you about the matter." The person who came had a serious face, and at first glance he looked like his uncle.

"I understand everything. Let's find another place to talk." Shen Yun nodded and looked at his wife behind him who didn't dare to look at him and suggested.

It's better to leave quickly, otherwise it would be a sin to really scare people there.

 “Okay, let’s go to the next room.”

 The room next door was used for meetings in the past, and Shen Yun certainly had no problem with it.

"This is also my mistake. I didn't avoid these two people when I called, which caused a misunderstanding and caused trouble for you." Shen Yun directly took out his ID and showed it to the other party while explaining what happened at that time.

"You should pay more attention to this matter next time. We have already verified the matter here. We just came over to confirm it with you." The other party picked up Shen Yun's ID and looked at it in a business-like manner. It was indeed genuine.

 Thinking about what Shen Yun just said, this is really unavoidable. This girl is so young. I heard that she has not graduated from college yet. It is inevitable to make these mistakes, is she a newbie?

“I will definitely pay attention next time.” Shen Yun nodded obediently.

"Okay, Team Yan, we have already verified that this matter was not caused by you. Don't be mentally burdened and work hard in the future. This incident also scared the young man and the little girl. After all, there are no children who have graduated yet. , You are all classmates, don't hold grudges." The matter was settled, and the policeman in front of him no longer looked serious and said to Shen Yun with a gentle smile.

"Don't worry, I won't take this little thing to heart." Shen Yun nodded and replied. If he even bore this small grudge, something big would probably happen.

"Okay, now that the matter is done, I won't stay here any longer. You should have just woken up. Go and have a rest. It's so hot here, so don't let it get too hot." Speaking of going back, he said Everyone felt more relaxed. They must have been tortured by the high temperature these past few days.

 “Okay, then I won’t send you off.”

After the two people finished speaking, the policeman walked out. Shen Yun watched him walk towards the policeman's room, and heard a comforting voice after a while.

Shen Yun didn't care about these things and walked directly to his room.

It was a bit inconvenient for the two of them to live together. He could only lie down and practice. Ignoring Yang Li's hesitant expression, Shen Yun just lay down on the bed and closed his eyes.

I had planned to practice, but I didn't expect that I actually fell asleep while lying down. When I woke up, my surroundings were already in darkness. When I noticed the breathing sound of the bed next to me, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief. It was no longer the ghost king's ghost here.

Chen Yun rubbed her forehead, which felt more comfortable after waking up. She hadn't slept for a long time, and she didn't even dare to close her eyes in the ghost world. Who would have thought that she would fall asleep when she came out in this place. It seems that the damage to her soul has had a negative impact on her. The impact is still huge.

With a wave of his hand, Shen Yun cast a blindfold on himself. Shen Yun directly entered the space and sat on the Shen Yang Tree to start practicing.

I usually practice on this, and there is no special feeling. But today, when I practice on this, I feel that my consciousness and soul are as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

 The Shen Yang Tree is indeed a holy product for cultivating consciousness and soul. I used to underestimate it.

 Shen Yun came out of the space at dawn. After practicing for most of the night, the throbbing pain in his consciousness was much better.

When he got up in the morning, Shen Yun felt refreshed again. Seeing that the neighbor hadn't gotten up yet, Shen Yun didn't bother him. As soon as he went out, he saw a few people who had stayed here come out, all with smiles on their faces. It's like something good happened.

“Classmate, what’s wrong? Something good happened.” Shen Yun grabbed a person and asked. "Hey, student Shen Yun, you're awake." The person was a little surprised to see Shen Yun. "Teacher and the others are also awake. Our project will probably continue in a few days." The person thought of Shen Yun's question and continued to answer. .

"That's a good thing." Shen Yun felt relieved upon hearing this.

“Yes, I’ll go and talk to the other students first.” After saying this, the man hurried away.

"We are all awake. It is worth it that I fought desperately with the Ghost King in the ghost world." Shen Yun was very satisfied with the result.

As a result, someone informed me to go to the hospital that afternoon, saying that the teacher wanted to see me, but he was still very weak, so he had to trouble Shen Yun to go there.

What else could Shen Yun do? Anyway, she had been practicing this for the past two days, and Xu Ling and the others were all here, so she was not afraid of anything happening. She happily rode her bicycle and set off with the others.

 “What is the teacher looking for me for?” Shen Yun asked the senior who came to pick him up.

"I don't know. The teacher didn't say anything. He just got so excited when he talked about you. His expression was exactly the same as when he was afraid of heights." The seniors didn't know. Yesterday, the teacher was talking about Shen Yun as soon as he woke up. At that time, they were also I didn't dare to tell the teacher that Shen Yun was also in a coma. I called today and found out that Shen Yun was awake. The teacher asked him to come and pick up the person. Firstly, the teacher wanted to see the person, and also to bring the person to the hospital for examination.

"Are they afraid of heights? Teacher Xu Zhang and the others are afraid of heights?" Shen Yun thought about his action of throwing the soul into the ghost. The soul should be fine.

“Kind of, I’ve only seen Teacher Xu Zhang like this.” The senior thought for a moment, but it seemed like no one else had.

Shen Yun was silent for a moment, all because he wanted to save people, even if he was afraid of heights.

 “This little chick on your body is quite cute.” The senior looked at Shen Yun and became silent, and changed the subject at the right time.

“Hey, this is my life-saving chicken, of course it’s cute.” Shen Yun looked at the little crocodile standing firmly on his shoulders and fluttering in the wind, and said proudly, of course the phoenix he raised is beautiful.

"Oh." The senior really didn't know how a fluffy little chicken could save people. He wanted to say a few more words, but found that after so many years of studying, he still had no words to praise a little chicken.

 The two of them rushed to the hospital quickly.

The unconscious people on the archaeological team were all living together. When Shen Yun arrived outside Xu Zhang's ward, he found that everyone he had seen in Guixiao was crowded here. The small ward was packed to the brim. .

As soon as he knocked on the door, a group of people inside looked over and found that it was Shen Yun. Their eyes suddenly became hot. For a moment, Shen Yun was either entering or not.

"Teachers, you are at a party, so you go ahead and say it, I will wait outside." Shen Yun decided to come out.

"No, no, no, I'm waiting for you, Xiao Fang. Please go and have a rest. Let's talk to Shen Yun about something." Xu Zhang quickly stopped Shen Yun who was about to leave.

He glanced at the senior next to Shen Yun and sent him away directly.

 (End of this chapter)

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